
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 34 minutes ago

Can't wait for a hallucinating AI to report me for assault because I hugged someone in public.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 42 minutes ago* (last edited 42 minutes ago) (1 children)

Biden's ousting proves that the party donors control the party. They changed candidates because the donors didn't want him, and as soon as they changed the Party was showered with money.

Now certainly voter enthusiasm was part of that, but only to a certain extent. Donors aren't going to pull funding because Democrats join a bipartisan Muslim ban.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

But by that logic there's no reason to ask millions of unqualified people to pick an expert and professional legislator.

You're creating an arbitrary professional difference between creation of legislation and interpretation of legislation, but that's ideological. When it comes down to it, by your logic, legislators should be chosen by an unbiased selection committee. That's where your antidemocratic logic leads.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

There's a difference between swapping out Biden for an identical younger candidate and actually appealing to Muslims on this issue.

I think they'd rather help Republicans kill them.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 4 hours ago

Giving a shit about public health.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago (5 children)

But you're also saying that Democrats will have to appeal to them if they withhold their votes. I don't think they do. Democrats could just write them off like they already do other groups.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (7 children)

Okay now you're contradicting yourself. It sounds like Democrats don't have to start appealing to Muslims. They'll just crank out propaganda and join Republicans in eradicating them. And what are they going to do? Vote Republican?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

The problem with elected judges is undemocratic elections. Democracy fixes the problem.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 hours ago (9 children)

I'm talking about liberals more broadly, not politicians. The angry mass of liberals might decide to get revenge, even if it isn't in the Democratic Party's interests.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 hours ago

Well, it successfully overthrew several governments and collapsed several countries. It accomplished something.

The problem, of course, is that there wasn't an organized revolutionary movement behind it. Spontaneous uprisings almost never work out for the better, we can't just overthrow the government and then expect things to naturally work themselves out.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (4 children)

The problematic politics of elected judges in the US come from its fucked electoral system. US elections, for most of its history, were undemocratic at their core... and they still aren't very democratic tbh

But the worst judges, today, are appointed.

Your conception of politics being only partisan is very narrow; partisanship in liberal democracy is mostly just kayfabe.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (3 children)

I'm really glad liberals are done respecting journalism. Now they get to be the ones seething at the lying fake news media.


Fascism is an insufficient term, as it denies the intimacy between liberal and far right forces. In this week’s newsletter, we present ten theses to understand this ‘intimate embrace’ and the rise of this far right of a special type.

Also, Guerilla History pod companion episode to go with the article.

What really struck me was Thesis Five: the far right of a special type provides a partial answer to the loneliness epidemic that comes with advanced capitalist alienation. It doesn't build real community or friendships or relationships, it's more like everyone being in the same fandom. They wear signifier merchandise and signal to each other with specialized language and all consume the same significant cultural products, but they don't actually build real community.

Instead they build ephemeral pseudo-anonymous online communities and temporary community through mass mobilization (rallies, marches, etc). They often don't know each other by their real names, or anything about each other's families, or their tastes outside of what they use to signal how antiwoke they are to each other.

But this is the closest thing millions of people have to community, even while the epidemic of loneliness continues untreated.

Building community is a radical act.


Carmelized onions and garlic, cubed potatoes, bell peppers, and egg substitute; topped with hot-sauce, with a cup of white chai on the side.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just a simple chili made with four tomatoes, one onion, half a bell pepper, a three chipotles in abado sauce, a clove of garlic, a couple tbsp of chili powder, a tbsp of oil, and then topped with nooch and air fried kidney beans.

I think I'll spring for mango or pineapple next time.


And here they are ready for action

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Okay so I knew we had a holiday on Easter weekend at my job and I assumed we'd have Good Friday off, since that's what literally every other job I've had has done and since it's a semi-holiday.

Nope, we got Monday off. April fools! 😂

So now I just burned two attendance points because I was a no-call-no-show and lost out on holiday pay.

Death to America.


Did you know soy sauce Top Ramen is vegan? Maruchan isn't so don't get em confused!

The greens are raw sweet peas and green onion.


SUSAN ABULHAWA: I want to say that the reality on the ground is infinitely worse than the worst videos and photos that we’re seeing in the West. There is a — you know, beyond people being buried alive en masse in their homes, their bodies being shredded to pieces, these kinds of videos and images that people are seeing — beyond that, there is this daily massive degradation of life. It is a total denigration of a whole society, that was once high-functioning and proud and has basically been reduced to the most primal of ambitions, you know, being able to get enough water for the day or flour to bake bread. And this is even in Rafah.

And the people in Rafah will tell you that they feel privileged because they’re not starving to death, while their families in the north, the ones that they can reach, because Israel has basically cut off 99% of communication — what remains are basically communications by people who have, you know, set up some ingenious ways to keep internet in the north. But most people in the north have no idea what’s happening. As a matter of fact, at one point — I’m sure you all know Bisan Owda, who is on Facebook. She explained to me she often goes up to the border between Khan Younis and the middle area in the north where you can’t go beyond, and she explained to me that an aid truck, that sort of pushed its way through but was eventually fired on, had — people came up and ran up, thinking that the war was over and people were returning to the north. So, most people in the north are in total darkness and hunger and really have no way of communicating, no way of figuring out where to get food.

And, you know, what we’re hearing on the ground is surreal. It’s dystopic. What I witnessed personally in Rafah and in some of the middle areas is incomprehensible. And I will call it a holocaust — and I don’t use that word lightly. But it is absolutely that.

I recommend listening to the whole thing, but this is the most harrowing part for me. The death toll is likely a massive undercount and, if the Zionists have their way, we will never be allowed to know the truth.

Veggie BLTs (lemmy.ml)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been slowly adding more and more veggies through experimentation, but now I'm at the point where I either need to use bigger tortillas or just be more picky about which veggies I want 😅 this is the configuration I'm using right now, though in the summer I like to use avacado instead of sauce.

I heat the tortillas in a pan with a light coat of walnut oil and black pepper and assemble my fixins in the pan itself.

Sauce is also homemade! I save all the vinegar from pickled jalapenos and then mix that with equal parts coconut oil in a heated pan, then combine it with whatever seasoning I'm feeling like during that batch (rn I'm using nooche, though sometimes I go for an onion sauce or mustard). It's not super precise so there's no recipe, I've just got a feel from experimentation.

Also the fake-on bits are actually a cheap local veriety I've found. Basically just smoke and salt flavored crunchy soy chips.

Once I'm done, I pack up my chopped veggies to do this again in a couple days. I usually make four at a time every two days, and these are my pre-shift and mid-shift work meals. Served with a thicc pea protein chocolate drink.


And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.


Kidney beans and rice with taco seasoning, caramelized onion and garlic, and I found out I can get dried habaneros near me! Definitely growing those this year, I forgot how good they are (haven't had any since before the pandemic 🥲 )

Also that Perrona sauce is... okay. It's really sweat, throws off everything. Also not nearly as spicy as I was hoping! It's a cool color, you can't really tell but it's actually green, but it just didn't hurt me the way I like 😌


Pintos and white rice seasoned with cumin, cayenne, garlic, nooch, salt, msg, walnut oil, and then served with taco fixins on hard shells 💪



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