
joined 11 months ago
[–] skinnerbox 6 points 11 months ago

My bad! I'm not super deep in any software community, just an excited app user who wanted to check with you all to make sure it was as good as it seemed before I fully committed to the app and pitched in the optional $9.99.

To be honest I still can't confidently explain what the app does aside from the broad strokes in the title (outside of a little HTML I'm just a disabled author watching shows to pass the time) which is why I linked the video that explained it to me, so I'll run any questions I have for you guys through my coding friend in the future.

Thanks to everyone who looked past it to give their opinions, and sorry for the potential clickbait scare, haha!

[–] skinnerbox 39 points 11 months ago (29 children)

Louis Rossman just released Grayjay! His video about it is here

[–] skinnerbox 1 points 11 months ago



Does anyone have a list of long-term effects that may arise from periods of severe dehydration in childhood, particularly how this might affect overall health in adulthood?

[–] skinnerbox 1 points 11 months ago

Hey, I'm a couple days late, and I hope you're feeling better today.

Just wanted to assure you (as someone with similar feelings who has been evaluated many times by EMTs, nurses, therapists, etc) that even in the worst case scenario where your loved ones call EMTs, as long as you let the evaluator know that you have no plan to harm yourself or others, you can get help without worrying that you're going to be taken anywhere you don't want to go. Even if you do have a plan, if you haven't taken real life steps towards it or even just don't intend to act it out, you can still go home. The 5150 is an absolute last resort. If help can meet you at home and to your comfort level, it will.

Also, I just remembered that it's October now, which is winter where I am. Have you been in the sunshine much? If these dark feelings came on as the days got shorter and the cold moved in, I'd really recommend looking into seasonal affective disorder (with the fitting acronym of SAD). Treatment is really gentle, mostly light exposure, maybe some antidepressants and talk therapy. If you want a good start without making any phone calls, you can try playing a handheld console on the porch or watching TV on your phone out there, just to get some sunshine on your skin and see if it helps. Sitting in front of a sunny window is great too.

I hope none of that came across as presumptive or dismissive.

In short, it's a good instinct you have to want the support of your friends and family, and things are gonna be okay. I'm rooting for you.

[–] skinnerbox 2 points 11 months ago

Apparently computers are way better at deciphering this kind of text than we are because of all the training we gave them on those captchas that were just words from poorly scanned documents (they didn't know the answers to both the prompts they gave us, only one, so if we correctly typed the word that they already knew they could assume we typed the second one correctly too). All that time I was just trying to get into my Foopets account, I had no idea.