
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 26 points 10 months ago (2 children)

"It's not whooping cough. Sure, you have all the symptoms of whooping cough and live in an area with an active whooping cough outbreak, doesn't matter, I don't think it's whooping cough."

multiple visits later in a single week as symptoms worsen

"Fine, here's a prescription for amoxicillin, you hypochondriac, but I don't think it will do anything for you."

whooping cough clears up completely

I do trust medical science but that experience was easily the worst of my adult life. Whooping cough is no joke, folks.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The weirdest thing about watching old sitcoms that one last saw as a kid is seeing all these characters we used to regard as "old people" looking so young.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

I shave the parts of my chest within 10cm of my nipples, so that suction toys stay on properly.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I feel that way every time I start vscode. A fast, high quality, open-source, cross-platform IDE - on Electron of all things - made by Microsoft? It's so weird.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Also, Star Trek as entertainment is canon within the Star Trek universe, confirmed in the "Enterprise" TV finale.


So I just started a new job that has a lot of positives. Less stress, better wages, and some other tangibles and intangibles that put a smile on my face.

But it involves keeping up to date on sales tax rates in several American states which I've never done before.

One of those states is Missouri.

God damn it Missouri, why can you people not figure out a single goddamn statewide sales tax rate like sane people? What is this motherfucking fuckness?! I have to keep track of one hundred and sixty goddamn sales tax jurisdictions that are often separated within municipal boundaries? Fuck.


Her name (depending on translation interpretation) might well literally mean "cannabis woman".

[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Like they honestly feared nuclear annihilation, and had good reason to

This point cannot be overstated. Russia has been an invasion target by European powers for a millenium. And the USSR suddenly found themselves in a new antagonistic relationship with a country that (a) was the global power in terms of industrial capacity and science R&D, (b) had just integrated a whole lot of nazi scientists into their military-industrial complex via Operation Paperclip, and (c) had actually used nuclear weapons in combat. They'd have been insane not to try to develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

Frankly I don't blame any country for trying to develop nuclear-armed ICBMs nowadays. It's literally the only thing that's been proven to make the US government think twice about invasion plans.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Lexx re-watch continues! Now on S2E9. There's a woman imprisoned in something that looks like an oversized egg from "Alien", with just her head poking out the top. Her face and hair are slathered in viscous white fluids. Lexx's writers were freaks, but my kind of freaks.


I decided to have a new and not boring hat. And do to it my way - 5 strands to match the colours and ratio of bi-flag colours, with the 6 rainbow pride colours as beads. I applied some clear heat shrink tubing that I normally use for wire management in electronics projects, rather than end up with giant knots.

The next version with have a tighter braid, and colours to match the progress pride flag. My apologies for the oversight on this first version, trans and enby and ace friends! I love you all!


Rather than making dozens of posts which can fill up the "local" news tab and makes the "local" option effectively unusable for those who don't otherwise subscribe to /c/games, I'd like to make a request that they make a single megathread-style post with the multiple links in that post.


What would you recommend for an Android-based TV streaming box? I'm looking for a few features:

  • HDMI out (but I think it's a fair bet that they all do).

  • Isn't locked in to some oddball proprietary app store, but is standard Android that allows for easy sideloading of APK app files.

  • Can use a large-capacity external USB drive for storage, say several TB.

  • Has the CPU power to decode a bunch of older video formats in addition to the hardware-decoded modern ones.

  • Is a current model that's likely to get updates for a few years or so.

  • Is priced somewhere near or below $100CAD.

  • Has reliable wifi and bluetooth.


This question has just come up among some friends. We're divided on the who and why. I think Brad topped, but I'm open to alternative theories.

  • What is the Goa'uld-Tau'ri conflict?
  • How much do you care about the conflict?
  • Who started the conflict?
  • What are the causes of the conflict?
  • What is the role of allies in Tau'ri defense?
  • What is the perspective of the Asgard and Nox on the conflict?
  • What is the perspective of the System Lords on the conflict?
  • What do Jaffa think about the war?
  • What is the current status of the conflict?
  • What is the most likely way the conflict will end?
  • Which of the leaders involved in the conflict is the most evil?
  • What is the best in-depth review you've seen about the conflict explaining all of this?
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