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  1. Absolutely no fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, or shape-shaming.
  2. Be positive about people’s bodies but don’t be fetishistic.
  3. Don’t shame or disparage people for their fitness level.
  4. Do not offer unsolicited criticism.
  5. If you post a selfie, make special care that identifying marks are removed.
  6. No doomposting about your body.


A fascist worked out today, did you?

“I’m an ardent believer in equality, and being in the Communist Party is a way to spread this form of socialism and freedom for all the people”-Jeff Monson

“Every worker sportsman must be a soldier of the revolution”-Spartakiad


Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide:

Databases for lifts/muscles:


Becoming A Supple Leopard

Yoga poses for athletes

The R*ddit Wiki:


TDEE Calculator:

Please be aware that this calculator will ask if you're male or female

TDEE calculator

Other cool shit:

How to make your own foam roller

Athletes guide to foam rolling

Beginner Triathlete

Couch to 5k

Enter the kettlebell

WIP Schedule

Friday: Weekly check-in. Discuss what went right and wrong in terms of goals from last week

Saturday: Declaration of goals+community focus. What tangible, numerical goals are you going for? Don't know? We have ideas!

Sunday: Gals and enby pals take center stage

Monday: Meme Monday

Tuesday: Toot Your Horn Tuesday. Brag about what you've done, how good your progress is, who's making googly eyes at you, etc.

Wednesday: Wing Chun Wednesday. All about martial arts

Thursday: Nutrition. What's been bothering you about nutrition? Maybe we get some comrades from c/food to see if we can't get you where you're trying to go.

If you don't see the megathread just make the megathread. AMAB and our posts are just like your posts.

founded 3 years ago

When I was about 10 me and my friend wanted to make some money during the summer. We were still too young to drag a lawn mower around the neighborhood by ourselves and we couldn't think of any other marketable skills we had so we decided to create a lemonade stand. The thing is we didn't have lemons so we figured one of our parents would have lemonade mix powder. We looked through his pantry and found a container that looked like lemonade and had pictures of lemons all over it so we took a measuring cup and dumped a scoop of it in a pitcher. We setup business in his front yard and sold probably 5 glasses to adults that were walking by.

I was thinking about it recently and how we used his dad's "special lemonade" and just realized it was a pre-workout container and instead of using a table spoon's worth per 250ML we were using an entire cup. Even though we used a pitcher that must have been at least double the recommended amount.

We never really drank much of it because it tasted a bit off but I can only imagine the surprise people had when they suddenly felt a rush of energy.

Kind of unrelated to fitness but I thought it was a bit of a funny story of me being a dumb kid and wanted to share it. I only recently started using it the last couple years.

I can delete this if it doesn't fit the theme of the community.


I try to do these exercises daily but sometimes I get lazy and deviate a bit from my usual. It's typically the squats because my knees make a kind of cracking sound; that's also why I've been total neglecting cardio. In general I am trying to build up overall strength with the 15lbs and 40lbs weights and chin up bar I have.

Here's my average stats for this month:

Lateral Raises (15 lbs) 50 - 100 reps

Curls (15 lbs) 100 - 300 reps

Curls (40 lbs) 100 - 350 reps

Squats (if I do them) 100 reps

Goblin Squats (if I do them) (15 lbs) 100 reps

Push Ups 100 reps

Sit Ups 100 - 250 reps

Chin Ups 50 reps

I think I may be doing too many reps at this point and need to acquire heavier weights.

Is breaking up things like my curls to three times a day (100/100/100) significantly less beneficial?

Are there some exercises I should add on top of this? Any suggestions for low impact knee exercises would be great.

Are these alright stats so far? I've only really been going hard after someone close to me got hate crimed around when COVID first started taking off.

I know there are some guides out there for beginners I could likely look at but I feel like I am in a bit of a weird grey zone and with a tiny home gym I am not too sure how to proceed.


Hey Swoletariat


I’m looking into incorporating dynamic stretching as a warmup before lifting my weights. Currently my warmup is honestly horrid as it consists of only my main compound lift. I’m currently doing a StrongLifts 5x5 3 week split as I only have acess to a barbell and weightplates, but I’m looking into switching to PPL once I get some adjustable dumbells.

Anyways I’ve noticed that as my lifts get heavier my performance degrades and a big culprit of that I believe is the inadequate warmup. I want to get a warmup routine going and I know in the past dynamic stretching has worked for me.

So I come to you for some help; does anyone have any recommendations or plan for a dynamic stretching routine I can adopt into my warmup session pre-lifting?


So I've been trying to work on my abs without going to the gym (because no time). I've been getting sick of planks and I hate crunches with a passion, so I followed some reddit-logo advice and got an ab wheel.

The moment I saw some videos on how to use it, I'm like, "I'm gonna faceplant so hard when I try this". So when it arrived, I tested it and sure enough, faceplant. Obviously, my abs aren't strong enough to keep me up, so more strength and practice in that area would definitely help. But is there anything I can do in the meantime to get there? Some kind of half-rep or something to help me build up my core? Or should I just go back to planks and reverse crunches?


haven't done much but a lot of dancing, and basic body weight exercises. Im still scared of the gym. also my new ultimate safe food is cauliflower, I eat it everyday, i do pan fry it but hey its better than french fries or most of my other safe foods. fiber is great yall. i want to loose weight for my wedding/ elopement.I feel hot, maybe just need to lose another 15 and ill be HOT HOT. only sad thing is im not loosing weight in my boobs so far, so im just sittin at a 45 bust (uhg) with a 35 waist (yay snatched waist) which is just a pain. any transfems want some boob?


Due to WFH shenanigans, I've been working out from home for almost 6 months now using a treadmill and a pair of adjustable dumbells. And while I'm making some modest but non-negligible gains on my chest and have lost considerable fat on the waist, I've also been losing fat on my glutes at an alarming rate. This is no joke, my ass is looking flat and unsexy. I've been using this dumbbell program, and it works out well enough for upper body, but I just don't feel it in my glutes, the squats simply don't go heavy enough and I can't really fit a squat rack in my small apartment. Does anyone have an alternative exercise that trains glutes? Do resistance bands work? What do you recommend for butt

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Weigh currently around 250, 5'7 in height Lowest I ever got two years ago was 235

I keep yoyoing on weight my whole life I fall off the workout wagon and spiral

I've been working out consistently for a month swimming, hiking or running and doing weights, I feel healthier I'm much more active, and feel less winded

But I may have an undiagnosed eating disorder, i can stress eat on anxious levels, before I could drop weight easier but I'm worried my weight is catching up to me because it's not shedding like it used too.

I'm very self conscious about my weight, and I want to be healthy in the event of anything in the future. My eating is starting to cost me and I'm starting to realize this is detrimental to my overall well-being.

Any recommendations?

I swim laps for at least 45min to hr Or run 3 miles Or hike 2-5 miles depending on time before sunset

Edit: i also added burpees recently when I don't have time to do everything in the gym, because I do work and go to school as well.

Plus I always do some weights at the gym with a warmup full body workout.

My eating is destroying my progress. I also do not get good sleep, I'm trying to work on that.


Not bad, would do again. Thoughts and tips would be appreciated.


Unfortunately I'm not on HRT and won't be for the foreseeable future. But as I'm working on shaping up my butt and legs, i want my waist to get thinner. I'm pretty tall and trim, but I'm worried that without HRT any efforts on my core are just going to square me off and not help me build the hourglass figure I want. Any input is appreciated!!


I gained around 15 pounds since the last time i was actually active regularly, so i decided to do a 5k training program I found. I used to play recreational team sports before Covid, have been sedentary for a while, so I decided to download an app and do their 5k training plan.

The problem is that the plan is for people who can already run, but want to tune themselves for doing a 5k quickly. My body is not used to running, and now i probably need to take a week or more break. Parts of my knee/leg which have never been sore before in my life are now sore.

My advice for myself if I could go back in time 3 weeks: Just because you were active before at some point in your life, doesn't mean your body can do the same stuff still. DON'T INCREASE YOUR MILEAGE BY MORE THAN 10% A WEEK, AND WARM UP AND STRETCH PROPERLY.

Yes (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Behold the results of my locomotive power

Most i've rowed, at the highest resistance

How did i do it? I row a lot


I busted my back last week on a dodgy squat lift. walking sucks, bending sucks, everything sucks. I've booked an appointment with my physio for next week, but do y'all have any advice on dealing with the flare-up in the mean time?


I'm so tired right now I kept looking for c/exercise instead of c/fitness.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How's it been going? Anybody seeing some results? I've been telling y'all to row for months now, at least a few of you should be getting absolutely shredded by now! I'm about to go row even though I'm sober and it absolutely sucks, so y'all better get to work!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So proud of you! lets-fucking-go


Anyone know any stores that will cheaply print hydro dip film? I'm surprised I didn't see any AliExpress stores like there are for custom flags, posters, etc. maybe Vinyl Wrap and a heat gun is another option if it wont be durable enough? I'm on the top floor of an apartment, so I don't drop my weights.

bonus designs:


A nutrition and fitness guide [prolewiki]


hi comrades kirby-wave

a while back I made a comment promising to share a customized workout routine catered towards forming a more traditionally feminine body shape - this is that, only a couple weeks late! I'm going to divide it up into two sections - the routine itself, and some notes I've made on transfemme fitness in general.

the routine

I have designed this as an upper/lower/upper/lower. Most fitness routines put more than 50% time into upper but we're not most fitness routines. The idea is M/Tu/Th/F, or whatever 4 days on 3 days off you have in a week. Only rule is no 2 same days in a row and no 3 any continuous days in a row. Skip upper days before you skip lower days. All exercises are 3 sets unless specified otherwise. I'm not going to go into things like form, choosing your weight, etc. here because these things are covered well by existing fitness guides and I'm not more qualified than they are. To warm up, before each exercise, do the exercise for one set at the specified number of reps with half to two thirds the weight you intend to lift for the main sets. Don't skip your warm-up. meow-knife-trans

The exercises:

Lower A

Lower A| Exercise | Reps | Notes | |



| | Back Squat^1^ | 10 | activate your glutes on the way up and at the top | | Romanian Deadlift | 8 | also activate your glutes at the top | | Leg Extension (Single Leg) | 10 | | | Hip Abductor^1^ | 15 | hold open for a second or two, return to closed slowly | | Leg Curl (Single Leg) | 10 | | | Calf Raise | 12 | hold at the top for a second or two | | Glute Machine^1^ | 12 | each gym will have a different machine for this, change your reps based on what feels right. consider holding at the top/bottom and returning to neutral slowly. | | Leg Lifts | ??? | this one tracks reps, not weight! |

Upper A

Upper A| Exercise | Reps | Notes | |



| | Overhead Press^3^ | 10 | | | Lat Pulldown^3^ | 10 | | | Dumbbell Bench Press | 10 | | | Dumbbell Row | 12 | | | Tricep Cable Pushdown | 12 | | | Supinated Dumbbell Curl | 10 | | | Pectoral Fly^1^ | 12 | do this one nice and slow for chest definition, this is your most femme-affirming exercise of the day 🍒 | | ^2^ | | |

Lower B

Lower B| Exercise | Reps | Notes | |



| | Leg Press^1^ | 10 | if you have crunchy knees like I do, do 10 to 20 seconds of standing quad stretches between each set. really do this twice a day every day if you have crunchy knees. | | Hip Abductor^1^ | 10 | hold open for a second or two | | Hip Adductor | 10 | | | Leg Curl | 10 | | | Calf Raise | 8 | hold at the top for a second or two | | Bulgarian Split Squat^1^ | 10 | form >>>> weight for this exercise more than any other, smooth, stable, fluid movements and hold at the top | | Barbell Hip Thrust^1^ | 10 | my favorite exercise of all time <3 make sure you're holding at the top! this is where the 🍑 is made | | Weighted Crunches | 12 | |

Upper B

Upper B| Exercise | Reps | Notes | |



| | Seated Cable Row^3^ | 12 | | | Incline Dumbbell Bench Press^1^ | 8 | | | Chin-ups^3^ | 10 | use an assist machine if you can't make 10 very clean reps 3 times in a row | | Dips | 10 | same as above | | Hammer Curl | 10 | | | Dumbbell Shrug^3^ | 12 | | | ^2^ | | |

Routine Footnotes

Routine Footnotes^1^: These are your priority exercises for these days - this means that if you have extra steam, throw on an extra set or two. Do not lift more than you are comfortable lifting. More sets is better than more reps. Inspired by this article from the original thread.

^2^: This is where I'd add an obliques exercise, except that oblique work widens your waist so I've omitted it. If you like a more robust waistline, I'd do dumbell side bends and weighted twisting crunches here. There's something to be said for targeting the transversus abdominus in slimming your waistline, but I don't know enough to do that sooo comment down below with ideas? maybe planks on these days?

^3^: this is shoulder work. I personally like my broad shoulders, but many transfems don't. That being said, back work leads to good posture and good posture is both sexy and healthy, fem or masc, so if you don't want bulky shoulders and upper back, I recommend still doing these and doubling the reps and halving whatever weight you were gonna do.

Additionally, I do have arm work in here, same goes for the notes on shoulder work except that arm work is less relevant for posture - if you don't want to add bulk on your arms, double your reps and halve your weight, and if you really don't wanna work arms, you can skip the isolation exercises (both curls and tricep pushdowns) and let the compound exercises take care of it.

Another note on practicality - the reason for choosing the order I did is to 1) put the more important/bigger lifts at the front while you're the freshest, and 2) to avoid hitting the same muscle group 2 times in a row. The order is also largely preserved from the 4-day split in Jeff Nippard's Fundamentals Hypertrophy program that was the basis for this program. You'll probably run into situations where you can't do these in the order specified - that's fine, just make sure you don't do the same movement twice in a row (rows into chin-ups, squats into leg extensions, etc.)

General Transfeminine Fitness Notes

General Transfeminine Fitness NotesGyms are not the friendliest environment to be trans. Shit sucks but it is what it is. You will see the most progress by a lot if you have a complete set of equipment, so it's imperative to find a gym you are comfortable and safe in. Notes:

  • Give every place a fair shake. I've been at affirming gyms in reactionary shitholes, and I've been at toxic gyms in progressive bastions. You should try your best to tour as many gyms as you can reasonably expect to go to, because finding one with a good vibe will drastically impact your willingness to get up and go.
  • When touring for the above, trust your gut. If it feels off, it's not the gym for you; the feeling probably won't go away.
  • If you have a friend you could make into a workout buddy, drag them along! It's a lot less intimidating to go with someone else, and especially if that other person has an intimidating demeanor, you can win yourself a nice personal space bubble with this.
  • Consistency is more important than anything else. If it's music, if it's a little treat afterwards, if it's some kind of little points based system you come up with, if it's alarms, come up with a way to get yourself in the gym. Us trans folks are very often neurodivergent and building habits can be hard so put as much thought into getting yourself to the gym as you do about what you'll do when you're there.
  • Consider adding a stretching routine to your time at the gym. Not only does this help you in your fitness goals, but being flexible is also fun. bottom-speak
  • You belong. You're here to work on your fitness just like everyone else. Don't feel guilty for taking up space. This especially goes for squats into RDLs in Lower A - squat racks are highly sought after equipment and you're using it for two exercises in a row. Don't rush it - you deserve it because you are precious and deserve the world. cat-trans
  • When you get home, you need to get some protein in you. Also depending on your body type (I'm skinnier than I wanna be and maybe you are too??) keep in mind that in addition to getting sufficient protein you're going to want to get a lot of good fats too - many bodybuilding recipes leave this out because that's not conducive to 3% body fat. Working out in a healthy fashion lowers cortisol and lower cortisol promotes a more feminine fat distribution. I'm going to leave this as an exercise for the reader (I have a few recipes I lean on heavily, future post??? thonk)

I want this to be a living document. I'm not the most experienced weightlifter and I'm also not a binary transfemme so this will likely not be the perfect post - please make suggestions and notes if you have any in the comments! I'll try to roll them in for the lifetime of the post.

love y'all, solidarity, and happy lifting 😘heart-sickle


Can already close 2 of the top buttons/clips and can more easily put it on and take it off woop woop. At least once I shave off another 10 to 20, I'll likely be able to actually wear it.

(Though probably I'd have to have moved back to South Africa if I want to wear this in public without getting arrested or put on Myrotvorets)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out.

Add a little teaspoon of your favorite unsweetened gelatin-based pudding dessert powder mix to your protein shake. I put in vanilla or cheesecake or chocolate flavor but whatever you like and then I give it a good blend with a blender or milk frother. It doesn't really change the flavor much at all, adds less than 5 calories, gives you collagen which is good for joints, and makes a GIGANTIC difference on the texture of the shake. No graininess. Just a silky smooth drink even if you are just using powder, water, and a small bit of gelatin. Night and day.

EDIT: One caveat for our vegan/vegetarian comrades - research this. Some flavors of pudding are vegan/vegetarian friendly and some aren't. It even varies within the same brand apparently. I'm not vegan but I don't want to advise you folks to violate your dietary needs. Be well.


Do you know any good resources for stretching?

  • Infographics

  • Websites

  • Youtube videos or channels

  • Etc.

Dos and don'ts are also useful.

I have no issues or problems but I am in late middle age and my level of inflexibility disturbs me a little. So I'm going to stretch twice a day so that as the months go on - things will improve.

I already started using my rowing machine a lot so I want to continue to be on a roll.


Just wanted to recommend this free program from Stronger by Science if you're looking for a powerlifting based program. It's a little wonky, the 28 "programs" are basically modules for the press (bench or overhead), deadlift and squat divided up by frequency, intensity and/or volume. You then combine them together for a program.

I have an incredibly hard time building upper body strength and size. My legs have always been good to me, I hit a 440 lbs squat during this for example. But I have never seen my arms peak above 16 inches around until after two months on this program where I went from about 15.75 to about 16.25 inches or so.

My legs also blew up over 27 inches around now, and that's fine and all. But it's summer. Suns out, guns out and all that.

Just wanted to pass it on if anyone is looking to for a change up in their lifting.

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