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[–] [email protected] 9 points 14 hours ago

Kessler syndrome isn't really that much of a risk specifically with Starlink (for now at least), as SpaceX seems to be doing things right despite Musk. They're in such low orbits that even with a catastrophic loss of control, they'll deorbit very quickly. The real risk comes as more companies and countries try to get a piece of the megaconstellation pie. Starlink in its own seems to be fairly safe and sustainable on its own, but that may quickly change when communication for collision avoidance maneuvers needs to be international.

Despite Musk's well-earned reputation for being a shithead, SpaceX has this far been doing the right thing far more often than most other space companies, and while it's certainly possible that will change, the Starlink constellation will entirely disappear very quickly without constant replenishment, so it's not as if we'd have no chance to act if they begin to show signs of concerning behavior. What's far more worrying to me in terms of Kessler syndrome is the recent escalation around space warfare, as tensions between Russia, China, and the US continue to boil and nobody seems willing to really commit to making space a neutral zone. Even with space historically being an area of strong international cooperation despite politics (just look at the ISS), that unfortunately seems to be rapidly changing.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Well they said .NET Framework, and I also wouldn't be surprised if they more or less wrapped that up - .NET Framework specifically means the old implementation of the CLR, and it's been pretty much superseded by an implementation just called .NET, formerly known as .NET Core (definitely not confusing at all, thanks Microsoft). .NET Framework was only written for Windows, hence the need for Mono/Xamarin on other platforms. In contrast, .NET is cross-platform by default.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 month ago

Holy shit. I knew they were going to simplify Raptor a lot, but even knowing most of the rat's nest was sensors/etc., this is insane. I wish we could see cross sections!

[–] [email protected] 37 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Honestly, after DOS2, I'd play a Larian game in any setting just based on them being the devs - and that goes double after BG3. Their handle on storytelling and environments is so good I'd trust it would be enjoyable even in a setting I'm not interested in.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I've found it depends a lot on the game. In CP2077, DLSS+frame gen looks great to me with full raytracing enabled. But in The Witcher 3, I found frame gen to cause a lot of artifacts, and in PvP games I wouldn't use regular DLSS/FSR. In general I've found the quality preset in DLSS to be mostly indistinguishable from native on 3440x1440, and I'm excited to try FSR 3 when I get the chance.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago (3 children)

~~Ever heard of Mr. Hands?~~

[–] [email protected] 32 points 3 months ago (13 children)

This is a use-after-free, which should be impossible in safe Rust due to the borrow checker. The only way for this to happen would be incorrect unsafe code (still possible, but dramatically reduced code surface to worry about) or a compiler bug. To allocate heap space in safe Rust, you have to use types provided by the language like Box, Rc, Vec, etc. To free that space (in Rust terminology, dropping it by using drop() or letting it go out of scope) you must be the owner of it and there may be current borrows (i.e. no references may exist). Once the variable is droped, the variable is dead so accessing it is a compiler error, and the compiler/std handles freeing the memory.

There's some extra semantics to some of that but that's pretty much it. These kind of memory bugs are basically Rust's raison d'etre - it's been carefully designed to make most memory bugs impossible without using unsafe. If you'd like more information I'd be happy to provide!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

That's the point. Malicious compliance.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

Holy shit. I highly recommend that anyone who has the time read this.

Also, fuck Ron DeSantis. An innocent man was freed, and DeSantis nearly saw him imprisoned until he died. Just because someone was reluctant to prosecute nonviolent crime and provided shelter for trans people and people seeking abortions. What an evil human.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

IIRC it's an APU thing, and last I heard it was just a rumor (could be out of date). Either way, non-LTSC is EOL in a year and a half. If you're putting in a Zen 5 CPU, the best choice is realistically either Linux or Windows 11 Pro, since Pro can turn off all the bullshit through group policy. My Windows machine I have to have is on 11 Pro and it's basically Windows 10 with a slightly different taskbar. No Copilot bullshit, no ads, no Bing in Windows Search. If you're ok your taskbar on the bottom of the screen, IMO it's the best choice as long as you have to use Windows.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

He was in his apartment. There was a call to the police about an argument in the building. The officer went to an apartment that is said the be the wrong one, banged on the door and shouted to open up. Fortston answered the door with a piston in his hand, pointing at the floor. The officer shot him.

According to the media, Forston was on the phone with his girlfriend for a while by the time the police were called. It seems to me that, as far as the officer was aware, the only "crime" that occured was "an argument", and it sounds like the officer also had the wrong apartment. Unless I can view the bodycam footage it's hard to be certain but this definitely sounds like he was killed because he was black and had a gun.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

This was also the sixth launch of a Falcon 9 rocket in a period of eight days, more flights than SpaceX's main US rival, United Launch Alliance, has launched in 17 months.

Ouch! I knew it was bad, being in this transition period to Vulcan, but hearing the numbers really puts it into perspective.

The 20 flight milestone for a single booster is also incredibly impressive. Funny looking back to when booster reuse was considered a fool's errand. Nice to have some good news for a change.

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