
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 minutes ago

Unfortunately, Tinder doesn't work and that is helpful to get in touch with the ladies. That app is too hell bent on location data which GOS handles more privately.

NFC should work, it is just scheduled to be deactivated after 3 months if not used for security reasons.

I think GOS is very user friendly and has many positive privacy and security enhancements. I would like to see if they can surpass sandboxed Google Play and officially support other repositories and updaters like Accrescent. Also, a standard way of securing traffic beyond encrypted DNS would be good such as a tor client like Orbot.

Looking into the Veilid ecosystem might also be a source for further development ideas.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

cops rape women

state cops rape children

police molest kids

feds sexually abuse kids

We know who they are, really. They murdered women and children abroad in the military and then they become cops and government workers at domestically, considering US Citizens to be a subjugated (not dominant) population and then they think they can get away with raping our kids.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

PID kill! Great one!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

tor (TBB) doesn't work for everything and most people want something fast and convinient that only takes clicking a few buttons to get working. They will think it is too much work.

I recommend Brave browser which can use tor in private browsing mode but also has a regular browser with encrypted DNS (cloudflare, https strict, and shields) for things like banking, shopping, and online accounts (that might help to have a password manager for).

Also, Tor browser does not have any passthrough for security keys but Brave based on chromium does. Tor browser does not have a password manager.

Firejail should work on a profile for Brave as sandboxing is always helpful. TBB can be sandboxed easily, however.

This "multi-tiered" approach would be better for most people who aren't just accessing a handful of onionsites that replace or are in opposition to an entirely different set of services than those usually accessed on the conventional internet (online banking, social media, a few publication sites, and a search engine).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

They made a mistake. As history proves, a big one. But any technical company could. So did the makers of cyclon. Apple or Windows could. The AI could exterminate us all as useless humans with low worth. The values of the current CEO should matter if they translate into real world policies, such as, defending human rights.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Yes, I do. Nice work! Great idea.

Objects that feel special to us, personified. Perhaps obvious in Japan but it is a fresh idea at least to me in the West. Love it! SR-71 personified? So cooool!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

These personifications are so cool!! Take a look at MorphMoe if you haven't. Would love to see more!

This is exactly like Gentoo! A guide book with all the manpages at her waist and a tight core, absolutely no bloat. Nice!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Don't use Discord. That is a major vector for attack. Seen it happen myself.

Even Sandboxed Google Play has problems.

I don't think there is any equivalent of Graphene for Mac hardware. With Pegasus and Predator software around, phones are very hard to secure.

Rely on tor browser and torrifying where you can with Orbot (Guardian Project).

Instead of Telegram, how about Signal and Briar? We just heard about how Telegram's executive got hit and may now have to bow to pressure. Signal has kept its design integrity as far as we know.

Minimal apps are better than many to reduce attack surface. Maybe try accessing some of those services on other devices instead of on your personal tracking device.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 weeks ago

Are you saying it can't be proven so it doesn't exist.

That is the same as saying there were no cross-burnings and lynchings because the KKK were ghosts and ghosts don't exist.

Clandestinity, subterfuge, and passive aggression still exist even if the perpetrators don't write a signed confession with multiple forms of ID and send it to a judge. How did the mafia ever get prosecuted or phantom unattributable cyber criminals?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

No question is begged. I don't think you understand that idiom. Explain. "Is" is a typo though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

In a capitalist pseudo-democracy where corporations are people with unlimited free speech and the richer candidates win the election 95% of the time, yes.

If we had a true democracy of worker cooperatives, the workers would be the bosses and wealth would be distributed more equally.

Teachers unions, logistics unions, the trades, librarians, nurses, the service industry--these are true unions that serve the community and contribute constructive benefits that improve the lives of many. The military, FD, PD, and carceral organizations put people down and surveil and jail them. It is not right to collectivize what harms the community. They don't need the help anyway. They have the biggest budgets, intergovernmental reinforcements, and all the weapons and walls on their side.


How could 2FA be disabled if you need 2FA in order to login to disable it and my free OTP+ is biometric protected?


Do you know how 2FA is disabled without your consent on

Does anyone know what the technical design model of this project might entail? Its last iteration was a tor exit node, which is straightforward enough, but how would you design a gateway router accessible via WiFi that would direct all traffic over tor? This is not idea. The client (or full OS like TAILS or Whonix) is ideal and many common sites block tor (like this one). There must be a design for combining proxies with tor to get this AP to work practically for conventional use, as it seems to be advertised. Maybe early on, before tor got blocked so much, it did work as simply as it sounds.

Has anyone read the book or theories that inspired this work? Probably perfect for this community. I want to see if I can get a hold of a copy.


Please enjoy, comment, and share this community with others.

Would be particularly interested to hear from local PDX artists about their messages.


Any suggestions for where else to share and discuss PDX street art and activist/polemic art? Maybe a new category?


US Occupying Forces of military police state stations being what they are, we may not be that far from suffering the same fate as Palestine.

Cease Fire!

Editorial sidenote with life-saving tip

(p.s. Michael Grotz should have reproduced. He did not turn gay because they stole his wife a decade ago. The military police state is "gay" in the sense of lame and even gay or "ethic" fascists are still fascists. The intention and effect is more important than the appearance.

The antidote to electromagnetic serine is nicotine, in case you ever have that problem. That's the best you can do.)


Is the swan whispering something?


Data Analysis (Graph = #s, not empty thought bubble to be dismissive and hand wave) and Database of the viol-ated (Violence+Sex) where LE is the convicted perp. US Citizens have been heinously violated by the cops and it seems like no one understands this reality because the data has not been conveyed to the masses. There should be a universally accessible site with graphs charting all parameters which demonstrates how bad the cops have been for decades. @DevCat and Paragons of Virtue exposed this pattern along with other communities and threads on lemmy which are a good start, but there is nothing like a comprehensive, rolling update quantifying this pattern of abuse by LE and Force organizations and entities. How about including paramilitary private security that are being contracted out these days to avoid lawsuits, for instance, as well as military sexual violence? The pattern is a neuro-societal axis of men who are told they are "dominant" so they behave like a predator upon civilians who have no arms to defend themselves. These Force predators have rendered the civilian population defenseless and have cowardly rapist psychologies, thinking of us as small, weak prey.


Mission: To form an open source repository of data documenting misconduct by Law Enforcement and other Force institutions that focuses on sexual misconduct and violence–regarded by most people as the worst sort of wrongdoing–committed by officials.

There is a need for a comprehensive database to raise consciousness and public understanding of the high numbers of Law Enforcement and Force misconduct of a violent and sexual nature.

National Police Accountability databases

Police Accountability Report

Washington Post and NPR

Running count ( ) of LE and Force sexual abuse cases and convictions starting (7+) months ago from press releases and court proceedings. []

FD Sexually Assaults Women Firefighters Molest Children Sheriff Officer Abuse of Minor Deputy Sheriff in Prison for Violence against Women Police Abuse of Minor Police Assaulted Women and Girls Police Rape Girl Police Rape Child State Police Misconduct State Police CP Police Molest Girl KCPD Chief CP Police CP Police Child Sex Offender Soldiers are Sex Offenders

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