
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

You are welcome Obama

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Simple, next time you wipe, first wipe the excess, but no scrubbing. Then take another piece of twice folded to and put a blob of spit it in. Gently scrub your abus. Repeat as needed until tp comes out still leave. Not only will this get you way more cleaner more faster, you abus will suffer much less damage per event.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

It is crazy that it took my 40 years to figure out this life changing information on my own.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Spit in your toilet paper I am not kidding, it will significantly improve your life.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 days ago

Not until it has senses, which it currently does not have.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Not really, profiles cannot easily migrate and they lose their connections in the process

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Alright, Mr. President, let’s make a healthcare plan that’s HUGE and the BEST ever! We’re talking about something that’s going to blow Obama’s plan out of the water. Here’s how we’re going to do it:

  1. Lower Costs for All

    Price Transparency: Hospitals and healthcare providers must show prices up front. No more surprise bills! People can shop around for the best deals. It’s basic business, right? People love options, and we’re going to give them more choices than ever. Negotiating Drug Prices: We’re making Big Pharma compete. The government negotiates lower prices for medications, saving Americans billions. No more paying three times what they pay in other countries!

  2. Private Sector Competition

    Promote Private Insurance Competition: We’re going to let insurance companies compete across state lines. If an insurer in Florida offers better rates, why shouldn’t someone in New York get that? Competition drives prices down—it’s a win-win for Americans. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Expanding HSAs so people can save more tax-free dollars for healthcare costs. Families keep control over their money and their healthcare.

  3. Pre-Existing Conditions? Covered!

    Guarantee Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions: No one will be left out because they’re already sick. Period. That was one thing people liked about Obama’s plan, so we’re keeping that but making it BETTER.

  4. Cutting the Red Tape

    Streamlined Regulations: Too much bureaucracy is driving up costs. We’ll cut out unnecessary regulations on healthcare providers so they can focus on patients, not paperwork. This makes care faster and more affordable for everyone.

  5. Innovation and Access

    Technology-Driven Care: Telemedicine is here to stay! More access to doctors via phone or video, which is cheaper and more convenient. Plus, fast-tracking approval for new, cutting-edge treatments and cures. Invest in Preventive Care: Promote healthier lifestyles to reduce chronic diseases. Healthy people cost less in healthcare!

  6. Medicare Reform

    Strengthen Medicare: It’s a lifesaver for seniors, and we’re going to make it sustainable for future generations. Cutting wasteful spending but ensuring that seniors still get the best care.

  7. Free-Market Innovation

    Encourage Innovation: The private sector is great at developing solutions. Incentivize companies to come up with new, cheaper, and better treatments through innovation grants and tax incentives.

  8. Mental Health Services

    Improved Mental Health Coverage: Mental health is health. Expanding access to mental health services, making sure people can get the care they need without jumping through hoops.

  9. Tort Reform

    Lawsuit Reform: Reducing the number of frivolous lawsuits against doctors and hospitals. This brings down the cost of malpractice insurance, which means lower costs for patients.

  10. Choice and Flexibility

    Optional Public Plan: People who are happy with their private insurance can keep it, but we’ll introduce a public option for those who want something different. More choice, more freedom.

This is it, the TRUMPcare Plan—BIG, BOLD, and puts Americans FIRST! Affordable, better options, no waste, and everyone’s covered. We’ll make healthcare great again, better than ever!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I am infinitely more worried about the backlash and the enclosers than the tech itself.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

How can something fold into one part then ?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (4 children)

And two fold is how many screens ?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Phone companies, listen to me, BUILT-IN KICKSTAND

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

It would be a compiler directive, I think. Or let me type "end if" and just disregard the coding indentation


And I really mean move, not copy.

The difference between copy and move is that copy... copies, but move dies copy->verify->delete original, in a single operation of the user.

Preferably, that is reliable. Meaning it checks the bookmarks have been successfully created before closing the related tab.

Also it should be clear what bookmark folder it is going to put the tabs in.

Because the current bookmark manager, it is easy to end up dumping all your tabs in the parent folder of tge destination you indented.

Or end up creating an extra child folder inside your intended destination bookmark folder

Would also be nice to have quality of life features, such as a default bookmark folder.

The option to put the bookmarks in a folder named with today's date.

Maybe an option to specify a default destination bookmarks folder on a per site domain basis


Either pxe netboot or usb or installable. Immuttable or not. Ramfs. With a host selector or fully auto login ?

Ultra light 16 to 128mb storage 64-128mb ram. Or "full sized"

And lastly, something like that, but that would run on a proxmox host.


The select-after-closing-current addon is a way to pullout a random tab out of a window, which will not change the tab that was visible in that window.

However, what it does is any closed tab, it will select the previously seen tab no matter what.

The reason for my question, I would like to know if it is possible for the add-on to have a different behaviour for closed tabs from pulled out tabs.

I wish, when I close a tab, to always select the tab to the right. But when I pullout a tab, I wish to always see the tab that was visible before the pullout.


And I'm curious if I could map my keys to make Freecad work this way. I don't know how many of the these tools don't exist in Freecad, but if I could one to one make a keybind that works for me, I might start using it instead of sketchup 8

But mostly, this is the because general CAD community on lemmy and I wanted to share, ciao!


There used to be an addon, "Open tabs from clipboard URLs" but I can't seem to find it anymore.

The best I find now is, an addon that opens a box, then you paste your URLs in it, then you press a button.

That's not what I want. I want a toolbar button, I press it, the tabs open.

So that I can opens large blocks of URLs.

Also, I would like another addon which opens large blocks of URLs but does not load them immediately.

I have LoadOnSelect3 for this, but the problem with that one, is that it opens special moz:// pages until you load the tab. And that breaks searching and filtering tabs because the tab title and URL are not the real ones.

Rate my rack ! (

I'm going to make this rack out of wood and angle iron I'm not going to put this many angle iron as most of my servers are 3U

Let me know if you spot something wrong


Tab Manager Plus Set to "Open in own tab by default" Set to "Dark mode" Set to "Vertical view" -- very important

You can live search your tab titles to select them

You can open all selected tabs in their own window

You can close selected tabs

You can "discard" tab contents (different from close, the tab is there but content is gone)

You can highlight/select duplicate tabs

You can hide not selected tabs

You can pin selected tabs (unfortunately, they still only appear on the one window they are pinned to, they just get pinned to the left of the tab bar)

You can drag and drop selected tabs to another window of your choice, both the representation of that window in the TMP tab, but also into the other firefox window itself. That means, drag and drop from here, is the same as pulling out a tab out of a normal firefox window !

Cannot search text inside of tabs, especially not sleeping tabs

Sometimes I press the TMP button and I just get a bluegreen screen, doesn't work until I close many windows and tabs

I would prefer real dark mode with my preferred colours

I would like to easily drop&close tabs into bookmark folders reliably !


However, I will keep you guys around, for now ...


Finally got a 3d printer, but the first thing I wanted to print... the model is 400$usd. It's a piece of machinery I repair at work. I just wanted to print it as a decoration for my toolbox but that is almost week's wages after taxes for me so :( Maybe I can find it on the high seas ?

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