
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 52 minutes ago

So all the people who actually make the decisions walk away scot-free?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Who would you jail? How would you decide whos responsible? You can't jail the entire company.

But with a sufficient size fine you can make everyone at the company regret that decision, directly or indirectly.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago

So glad the devs only see fit to provide updates on a platform that exploits their users for money, while incessantly harrassing them for more money.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

with 99.9% accuracy that a fascist is elected if people vote for an alternate party

Just straight up blatant lies here.

There are a million other ways to protest/lobby

I can't think of a more powerful protest.

like AOC/Bernie.

I would vote for either in a heartbeat but I can't because they won't be on the ballot. They will step down and insist you vote for Kamala instead. And even if they were you would insist that I not vote for them anyway because it's still "throwing away" my vote.

When either party puts forward a candidate without immediately-disqualifying horrendous traits, I will vote for them. But that absolutely never happens. It is almost always the worst-possible candidate, without even considering their political positions. They all accept massive donations from mega-PACs and a deplorable history of selfishness and lies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Holy shit, you are, okay. A protest vote, as the name suggests, protests the current system by showing that we would rather take time out of our day to show up to the polls and "throw away" our votes than to participate and be complicit in the current, forced 2-party system, where they both put forward absolute fucking rat-shit candidates, year after year after year.

Like, should I show my support for the fucking pathologically-lying felonious authoritarian sex abuser with the vocabulary of a 3rd-grader? Or the former DA who did what DAs do in the early '00s, and obscured exculpatory evidence so she could send people to live out the rest of their lives in a fucking prison in order to further her career (AKA a fucking psychopath), and whose main qualification is being a half-black female?

Now you may not like that, especially if you oppose voter reform, but don't be disingenuous by pretending to not understand how it works.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

Are you asking me how protests work? Is that really something that requires explanation?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

You know that's not how elections work

WTF are you talking about? That's exactly how they work, and its what the person I replied to suggested I do about it.

here are some lists of third-party candidates in the US:

This is just a list of people I've been repeatedly told in this thread that I should not vote for...?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (7 children)

It's a good thing I vote responsibly then. An irresponsible vote would be one that perpetuates the current, broken system.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

and have edge cases where someone unpopular gets elected

As opposed to the current system, where someone unpopular always gets elected?

Making major changes to a system that has worked for 248 years

It hasn't worked. It's deeply flawed and we currently use the worst-possible process, rooted in ancient history.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

And I will repeat the same thing I told the other person who said this. Who should I vote for? What politicians are supporting and advocating for reforming US elections? The answer is none of them, because they'd be lambasted and shunned for trying to upend the status quo.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (9 children)

I'm not gonna answer that question. I don't have the perfect answer ready for you.

That's okay, I don't expect a "perfect" answer, but what you're revealing about yourself by not putting forward an answer is that you don't care about our wants, you're just mad that we're not doing what you want.

People tell me all the time voting is how to get what you want, so that's what I've done and what I'll continue to do.

the Spoiler Effect

Yes, I'm very familiar. Once again, I think this is just manipulating people into your desired outcome. I'm very happy to "spoil" my vote by advocating for someone I actually support, rather than throwing it away on someone I don't. The fault lies with the system, not with me.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 7 hours ago (3 children)

Name anyone anywhere


Thought this might interest some Lemmy folks.


I get lots of spam from particular mailing services like Constant Contact and Mailchimp. 100% always spam from these services. Is there a way to block messages received through these services? I can see the domains in the header of the email but I don't see an option to block messages based on info in the header.


Cygni is the Epic free game this week. Unfortunately it is not working for me. Installed using HGL. Added to Steam. Set compatibility to GE-Proton-Latest. Running on SD OLED w/ Steam Beta.

When launching, I sometimes get as far as the Konami loading screen but then it crashes.

Tips? Ideas? Anyone else get this working properly?


Trying to cover all my bases on the headline LOL.

I confirmed LACT was installed, though I don't think that has anything to do with it.

Installed movit via RPM-OStree.

GPU processing is still grayed out. Currently waiting for a 20 minute video to process on CPU only and says it will take 3 hours :(


Short version of this interview is that nothing is changing, other than they're going to be asking a flat fee "$5-20" for the app, rather than relying on donations. All donation platforms have been closed. However, if you choose not to, as Louis says "that's between you and your God".

Project will remain AGPL and thus can be forked at any time. FUTO maintains the trademark of Immich name and logos.


we collect the information that you provide by entering it into certain Service features. For example, when you want to post in a forum, you provide us the content for the post (which could contain PI which we collect and then display for you on the forum). Likewise, when you use other features such as voice or text messaging, blogs, surveys, user-generated content, activity streams, or social media, we may first collect the information you enter into the feature.

We may also automatically or passively collect information about your use of our Services, see the sub-sections below for a list of categories by sources of such information.

Each time you use a PlayStation console or a PlayStation app on a PlayStation console or other devices (such as a mobile phone or PC), we may automatically collect information about your use of that device and app. If you sign into an Account, we may combine it with other information we have for that Account.

The information that we collect from devices may include: Device identifiers such as your PlayStation console ID, mobile device IDs, cookie IDs, or serial numbers, Network identifiers such as your IP address and MAC address

We may receive information, including the following, from third party sources and combine it with information we already directly collect from you. We will handle the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Game, social media, or other information, from those third parties or services you link your Account with

Marketing and Advertising: We may target and personalize our marketing communications, purchase recommendations and advertisements that we display on our and third-party websites and services based on the information we have collected about you.

The list just goes on here, but to boil it down: Sony wants dat sweet sweet data.


I use Proton. But I continue to run into more and more websites and services that detect my VPN and refuse my connection, or just run literally 40 captchas in a row until I just give up.

I use Proton because it has a "suite" of products under a single subscription, but that benefit is losing it's allure as some of their products are pretty shitty from a user experience perspective, their customer support is atrocious, and they don't seem to pay any attention to what their users actually want.

Does anyone track known VPN servers? Is there a specific provider that causes less problems? Does anyone test different VPNs for detection?

Thinking about cancelling my subscription and moving to Mullvad.


Pixel 9: with a 6.03-inch screen and a double rear camera. This is the heir to Pixel 8.

Pixel 9 Pro: with a 6.1-inch screen and a triple rear camera. This is a new model.

Pixel 9 Pro XL: with a 6.7-inch screen and a triple rear camera. This is the heir to the Pixel 8 Pro.

If we get Pixel desktop I will def have to be upgrading to 9 Pro come Black Friday...


Trying to squeeze some more storage in my MiniPC. I have questions about these. These use hardward RAID with selectable modes (Individual/JBOD/RAID1/RAID2).

  1. If I use RAID 1 and one of the drives fails, will I know?

  2. If a drive fails, and a slap in a new one, will it internally begin repairing RAID 1 again?

  3. Can I use these as "individual" or JBOD and have 2 separate drives through the same connector, and use something like TrueNAS to software-RAID them?


Playing Helldivers 2. My brother on the desktop on the living room TV. Me on the SteamDeck on the couch next to him. Playing co-op together.

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