
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Battlestar Galactica is the one I just can’t do. I didn’t watch it when it aired, but I borrowed the box set from someone around the time it wrapped up. I think I watched 3 very tense episodes, looked at how many remained, and bailed. If I ever try again I’ll pretend I’m watching them being broadcast and stick to one episode a week. I’m probably a wuss, but that show left me exhausted.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I quite like Dana K. White’s system for this. When putting something away she asks “if I were looking for this item where would I look for it first?” And wherever that place is is where the item goes. Now I keep all my Sharpie markers in the silverware drawer and I can always find one.

Dana White doesn’t write specifically for the adhd crowd, but I swear she’s the first organizer that has ever made sense to me. There’s more to her system than this, obviously, but not much, and it almost never involves buying more bins.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Sweet, I guess I’m going to have to get a PC at some point. I actually played Riven for iPadOS recently and it was still fun, but the point and click is pretty tedious.

I’m not sure a remake willl ever match the magic of when I originally played in 1998, though. My laptop was so junky I played most of the game under a blanket because the screen was so dark, haha.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Ad Riven. I read all the novels, too!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It’s been a while, but I wanted to come back and thank you for this rec, because I really like the blue lizard sunscreen. I got the stick for my face and tube stuff for the rest of my body and I’m really pleased with them. These actually rub in very well and I’m not leaving white streaks on everything I touch.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

The Count of Monte Cristo is what immediately came to my mind also. He is absolutely thorough in his revenge.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)


[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Very excited to have the compact comments and swipe down on the image previews!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Oh that’s funny, I forgot beehaw didn’t have downvotes. I actually can downvote and see the downvotes, but maybe those are just going off into the ether.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Oh, and I also suspect the user(s?) doing this is using other accounts to upvote the posts.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The ones I’ve been reporting have all been users and it is a violation of the rules to use your account to advertise on or any other instance. I don’t know how other instances are handling it.

I actually don’t know who gets the reports I’ve been submitting, either, so I’m not sure if it’s doing anything.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I’ve been reporting them. It seems that a lot of the posts contain affiliate links, so it’s someone trying to make money from that - not because they wrote the books that are getting posted.

Some have been banned, but they keep coming back. Some may be bots, but not all - I saw at least one come back with a hateful response when called out.


I noticed a few weeks ago that I had been made a moderator of [email protected], which was not something I asked for. I assumed it was a mistake, so I clicked “leave the mod team”. A week later I was a mod again, so I left again. I noticed it again tonight, but when I tried to leave it didn’t do anything.

In the mod log it shows my attempts to leave, but in the photo I’ve attached it shows that I am removing someone else. I don’t think that person was ever a moderator, but there seem to be some wires crossed somewhere. Can someone help me out? Thanks.

7/28/23 - I noticed there had been a new release, so I tried again and was able to remove myself successfully this time.


Genuine suggestion made by my iOS photos app. Don’t ask why I have Frodo Baggins as an identified person.


Over the past 20 years I’ve acquired (and lost) a lot of circular needles. I did give interchangeables a try at one point, but somehow all that remains is a single matching pair of Denise needles.

For a while I used a big binder full of binder pouches for storage, but it was bulky, so I made this instead. I used handheld pipe cutters to cut lengths of 1 inch PVC pipe, glued them together and hung it on the back of a closet door hook with a cotton cord.

It is not the most visually appealing, but it works for me, and it sounds like a rainstick . The short pipes mostly have 16” and some 20/24”. The longer pipes are mostly 40” (I prefer magic loop, so I’ve got a bunch). Not pictured here are the many needles stuck in unfinished projects, lol.


I’m looking for sunscreen recommendations - specifically for outdoor activities (hiking, etc), but if you’ve got everyday sunscreen recs, I’ll take those too. I generally prefer mineral sunscreens and I’m in the US, but feel free to share whatever sunscreens you like and hopefully others will benefit also.

Bonus points if it doesn’t burn your eyes when you get really sweaty.


I just started playing Pokemon Go so I could play with my brother’s kids and I know very little.

I took over my first gym and then was wracked with guilt picturing small children crying their eyes out over their pokemon, so I started googling to see what the consensus was on player etiquette.

From what I understand, as long as a pokemon has been in a gym for 8.5 hours the owner will get the full 5o coins for the day. But I also keep seeing something about the coin reset at 12:01 and read that you shouldn’t take a gym between 11 pm and midnight and I really do not get it. Can someone enlighten me? I did see there had been changes to the game over the years so maybe the stuff I’m reading is not all up-to-date.

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