
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

The VP having control over the platform they announce things?

What a novel idea /s

So dumb how much power twitter got for politics. Fediverse for life!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oof, sounds like you might be looking up what countries you can get to with low cost of living soon.

Or home steading.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

I mean the example I gave was a guy who fled over student loans, which can't be discharged through bankruptcy and the US government can not be stopped from coming for you!


So imagine this:

you owe X amount of money, and fleeing the country makes it vanish

Or you accidentally are given X amount of money, and fleeing the country is only way to keep it

Inspired by: (Who left over 20k. Would not bounce.),seen%20or%20heard%20from%20since. (I would bounce)


I want to work on complimenting other men more! Specifically my goal is to compliment people on things they clearly worked hard on or put in effort, cause it sucks if you work super hard or care about something and then don't feel like anyone notices.

So I'm going to try and compliment people who:

Have really well done and unique tattoos

Are older but super athletic (It's harder and more thankless, since when you're young and athletic you're usually in sports and get lots of praise. At least that was my experience)

Have super sharp outfits

Have really nice shoes (nice shoes are expensive and keeping them clean is legit hard)

what are other good compliments we should give each other?

EDIT: Oh and I still remember when I got a compliment on what I was getting while grocery shopping. So if I see like real good food in there I'll try to throw out a "looks like you're cooking up some good stuff"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Honestly never paid attention to charging speed, never actually gotten the silly thing under 25%, and most of the time after riding it's still over 50%. So I just plug it in whenever I'm done with it and I know it'll be full when I get back.

not a super helpful answer.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Glad to hear you were able to stay strong! I gave up on bikes and the like for awhile, and was in Nissan Leaf for a couple years. But a bit over a year ago I took the plunge and the money savings is just absurd. Even my life required $150 a month insurance, and repairs were always nasty, be it tires or that stupid AC that would have taken 2k to fix.

Uber also really is helpful as well, because once I had a large package I needed to take to the post office and I just grabbed an uber. Then another time I needed to take my cat to an emergency vet, so I called an uber pet.

Another time I found a great deal on a new looking sofa for $50, so I rented a truck. Was still WAY cheaper than buying the stupid thing new.

So having uber as a backup has really made life easier for me.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Some folks seemed leery of finding a decent device for that price point, so wanted to throw it out in case anyone else came looking for a similar thing!

Crazy how cheap and high quality these things are. One recently came out that for 2k can go 50 MPH and has a nearly 50 mile range!

Absolutely absurd. You can register that and go anywhere but the freeway with it. If I ever have to no longer work from home I'll probably upgrade to a 25 mph one that can keep with the flow of traffic on residential streets more easily.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh yeah like the video I linked the one that was craziest to me was this:

Around $400 it has 18 mile range, but has replaceable batteries so $100 and a back pack doubles the range.

I didn't need that much range and preferred the seat/basket combo. But just crazy.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Me too! The variety is just amazing.

I remember 10 years ago I wanted to try and get around on an escooter, but the tech just wasn't there and the range on anything affordable was trash. Being able to go nearly 20 miles on a $400 dollar device is just crazy now.


Hi everyone!

Few months ago I asked about finding a good cheap escooter:

After watching this review:

I ended up buying this scooter!

On Thursday did my longest trip with it and did nearly 13 miles, and it still had over 25% left. I weigh 140 pounds so me being light might be why it had such a good range.

Otherwise I use it a ton to go grocery shopping every couple days, get to dr appointments, and the like. It's wonderful for little me who works from home and is within 4 miles of most things I need.

Also I have a room mate who doesn't have a car for financial reasons, and they've fallen in love with it as well for running errands under 2 miles so they've mentioned they might get one once they get a bit more money so they don't have to borrow mine. Only complaint is I might try to make the basket bigger, as it's a tad small!

But yeah just wanted to throw out my experience for anyone else looking for a cheap escooter!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Probably would just get a long ethernet cable and hide it properly if it becomes relevant. But I doubt she'll ever play a game that relies heavily on internet, so she'll just need to deal with her slow download speeds!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

That I am XD

If my mom was a better judge of character I wouldn't exist!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Then there were games like Lion King or Yu Gi Oh forbidden memories which were designed to be stupid hard XD

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Another excuse to roast her about her terrible taste in men then!


So my mom has been saying for awhile how she wished she could play Hogwarts legacy, and my older sister just replaced her gaming PC. So my sister sent her old pc to my mom. Nothing crazy, but meets minimum system requirements! My mom is now kind of speed running learning about gaming and it's been amusing. I just think these are adorable.

  1. She complained that she couldn't find the game for sale for PC anywhere, she could only find it for XBOX and PS. She was looking on amazon, and I had to point her towards steam, and help her setup an account for steam.

  2. She happened to purchase it while it was on sale and she was super confused why it was randomly on sale! Had to explain how steam works. She's disabled and the $60 was the extent of her fun money for the month, so getting it on sale was a huge deal to her.

  3. Complaining at how long it took to download the game off wifi when she was ready to play RIGHT NOW. She kept asking if we could use an Ethernet cable to make it go faster, but her PC was like 40 feet from the nearest jack and we didn't have a long enough ethernet cable (No I wasn't driving home to my house to look for one, and no I wasn't buying her one. Love you momma! You gotta wait!)

  4. She realized she hates mouse and keyboard, so used the money she saved from the sale to buy a little controller from walmart.

  5. She talked about how much she likes that because she's on "story mode" she can skip puzzles/challenges she thinks are stupid. Considering there are games I never beat as a kid because of a specific mini game/challenge I couldn't beat, I resonated with that. Back when we were kids if there was a quick time event you couldn't beat, we quit the game!

  6. A few weeks later she talked about how she was super happy to finally find a youtuber that would give walk through/tips/advice on how to do things in a not annoying way. The one she likes are basically "Here is a 30 second clip of doing this specific thing in this room". She is not a fan of 30 minute lets plays with intros/outros.

  7. Complaining about long load times between rooms, and quests that make her go through multiple loading zones. No comment, she's just right to complain.

All her revelations were super relatable and I just thought it was cute that at an older age she went through modern gaming transition in a few weeks, and hit on emotions we all basically hit.


She's super creative with instant mashed potato's and using them makes:

Potato patties

Black bean burgers

Shepard's pie

I actually made some black bean burgers using the recipe and they came out great!


TLDR: Looking for a 3+ wheeled vehicle that can be locked up like a bike and maybe taken on a bus.

So my sister has health issues that means she can't drive/get a license, and that she'd most likely fall over on a scooter. She mostly walks/busses around, but the bus system is closed on sundays and makes life difficult.

So yeah, wondering if there is anything that would be allowed on sidewalks/bike lanes with 3+ wheels and a bit more speed than walking so she can increase her range that she can get to, but like be able to be chained to a bike rack.

IDK bit of a stretch, but maybe you all know something!


I make gravy for potatoes/rice using bouillon cubes, but IDK what to put over my biscuits!

Any suggestions? (preferably on cheaper side so can eat it on the regular)


According to research ending every call with "Have I resolved all your issues?" Reduces how often people call back.

But yeah if you want to upgrade your product, it takes 5 inbound calls because of the steps. All but the last one could be automated.

I got yeeted.


That's all.

Today there was construction on the road and a ton of cars were stuck.

Then whenever there is an event at a nearby park I zoom on by them as all the cars get stuck.

Just realized how overly pleased I was when the person stopped all the cars, and I just was like... oh look, nothing is being done in my lane.

EDIT: Oh and I can get to my closet grocery store faster than a car by cutting through a parking lot cars can't get into simply because doing so avoids having to do a left turn onto a super busy road. Joyful, every time. More traffic at that light, the better I feel.

Glad to hear others are as petty as me!


Recently got Walk Scape which is a rune scape inspired game, but you do things by walking and just reads from the google analytics on your walking distance, so no gps and doesn't care where you go, just that you walk. So like to mine something, you take 10 steps, and so on. Also really nice that if you complete your current task, your steps are stored. So you don't have to do things while on the walk, you pick stuff to do before you walk, and then check in after. Really enjoying it!

Also got an app called Macadam, which gives you prizes for walking. But the model is kinda annoying because you'll get 25 coins for walking 2,500 steps in a day, but then you'd get like 5k for doing surveys and 10k for "playing partner games". So it feels a bit just like a mist play clone with a pedometer.

I didn't like games like pokemon go because the best way to play was always just to drive to a good place and hang out there. Also it required you to stop while on your walk.

Curious if there are any other fun walking games!


So I'm a hobbyist game developer for years whose day job is writing reports/troubleshooting database issues with MSSQL.

I'm a bit over half way through a CS bachelors degree!

I'm aware of three ways to get experience to help me find a job once I graduate, and wondering if one is superior to the others, or if there is another way!

  1. Personal projects. There is a very large programming project I've been working on off and on for 2ish years and I feel like after my recent programming classes I can probably start it off right and trash all my previous prototypes.

  2. Work on open source projects. This one is a bit scarier at this point, as I'd have to find one I like, one that is active, one that my skills fit with, one I can get accepted with, etc.

  3. Find entry level freelance things. I'm aware I could maybe do cheap tasks on Fiverr, or sign up for things like Data annotation, to earn a bit of money and have "something" directly related to programming on my resume.

3.5 Could do coding challenges, but most of the ones I've seen don't seem super relevant to making large programs, but solving convoluted puzzles. But would love to hear if there is a site that has more real world challenges.

My personal experience for previous projects (and favorite programming class so far) has been python (shocking I know). Hoping I'll fall in love with C# programming once I get into the advanced classes with it, as I know that pairs much nicer with my MSSQL experience. Oh my game dev has also been in Game Maker, which uses GML, so not superrr helpful experience.

So any thoughts/opinions?

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