
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago

Au lieu de reporter les retraites à 70ans, peut être que la France devrait davantage taxer des gens comme lui...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago

I watched it recently. Not for the faint of heart. It left me troubled.

If you want to watch it, you have to be okay watching scenes of gruesome gang rape and extreme violence that's made to look real.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

I hope the Block Quebecois gets another seat.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

So it's a coffee alternative. Like chicory but with caffeine.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Just came back from vacation in southern France and I've been listening to kitch 80's-90's French pop for two weeks. Like:

  • Les sunlights des tropiques by Gilbert Montagné
  • Nuit de folie by Début de soirée
  • Les démons de minuit by be Images
  • Banana split by Lio

Things like that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 20 hours ago

Oui très bien! ☺️

[–] [email protected] 2 points 20 hours ago

Ah ok I see. Thanks for the clarification.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 hours ago

I don't get the Gnome desktop. The vanilla one is unusable without adding a ton of extensions. But I do appreciate the simplicity in the settings.

I love KDE in the way that it keeps the traditional desktop paradigm that we're all used to, but their configs are way too complex. There's too much in one place.

In fact I've been thinking of trying out LXQT for simplicity's sake.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Le Québec vous dit bonjour!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Speaking of which. I recently visited Monaco and the French Riviera and the account of wealth and opulence has radicalized me. As if the cost of living wasn't enough to do so already.

I could write a book about how mad I am at our governments who enable these rich fucks while asking the rest of us to make sacrifices. .

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Debian is great. The Ubuntus just add a few quality of life features that make it slightly better in my opinion.


Anyone tried Lubuntu with LXQT desktop lately? Especially for Linux gaming using Steam/Proton/Bottles, etc?


Je ne sais pas si vous regardez la cérémonie de clôture des jeux paralympiques, mais le spectacle musical est vraiment malade. Vraiment le meilleur de la french touch musicale.


Like the title says. There are communities whose purpose is to just repost Reddit posts using bots and they're flooding my front page. I'd like to block it using Jerboa. Is it possible? Or can it be done via the web interface?


Currently, we vote for one representative per riding. The issue with that is that (hypothetically) one riding could have a million people and another could have 100 people. But both of them would have the same amount of power in Parliament because 1 riding = 1 mp.

How would that work in a proportional election system? Is there one candidate per X number of citizens in an area? Wouldn't cities be over represented? Wouldn't there be one candidate to cover very large sparsely inhabited areas that might not have the same needs from one spot to another?

I'm really curious how this would be implemented.


Is anybody home?


I'm soon going to transition to full Kubuntu and remove Windows from my PC. I've been looking for alternatives to a lot of the stuff I use and this one was a bit problematic. Or so I thought.

I'm also going to migrate from Google to Proton at the same time and it looks like some of these tools support Proton Drive as well!


What's your opinion about adding chicory to coffee? I know there's a few places, like Café du Monde in New Orleans that offers coffee with chicory. It's also sold as a mix in grocery stores in France.

I started trying it recently by adding a small teaspoon to my coffee in my French press and it gives a really smooth brew.

What do you think? Are you a purist? Have you tried it? What's your opinion?


I've been receiving 3-4 phonecalls per week from call centers where the caller is always Indian and they're all calling about a special promotion from one of the big three telecom companies.

I actually registered my phone on the no call list from the federal government. I'm not even a customer of the big three. (Videotron in Quebec ftw) So I shouldn't be receiving these calls. I've also asked multiple times not to be called again. But they still call.

Has anyone else had this issue? How did you deal with it?


Companies are increasingly migrating to Cyberark products. However I'm concerned about this company being an Israeli company and being closely tied to the Israeli government and army. I think using their products raises ethical concerns.

But there's a more important issue. That of using services where sensitive data is stored in data centers in Israël and the potential use of this information by the government or the army.

Am I being paranoid? Or are my concerns valid?

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