
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

a 80% cut has an impact! so does 50%.

i don't think so. i don't think it matters what you do in the grocery store or in a restaurant.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

You don’t have to be a rabid vegan to make an impact.

the fact is that the industry continues to grow.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

this is warmed-over poore-nemecek 2018. that's the primary basis for the claims about the climate, but the methodology of that study is fucked, and it's a disservice to actual climate science to keep touting this meta"study" that misuses its source material and myopically focuses on distilling data instead of understanding the complexity of our agricultural systems. the textile industry's water use, land use, and emissions, i guarantee, are being counted in poore-nemecek as emissions from beef. i didn't pull out the data from the separate reference to water use, but i will eat my hat if that doesn't, as well.

eating less beef has not been effective at stopping the growth of the beef industry for all the people who have done so. we need a real solution, and trying to influence individual consumer choice isn't working.

edit: down voting doesn't change the truth

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

stop wasting both of our time.

you’re free to not respond at any time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Approximately 0.01% of lemmy’s user base would conflate simple “use” with exploitation.

can you substantiate this?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm surprised you don't have a better understanding of exploitation

you have no idea what my understanding is. that's not the subject of our discussion. don't make this personal.

we are discussing the vegan society's understanding.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

the barest definition is a synonym of "use". the vegan society could clear up this ambiguity but they have chosen not to do so, and there is no reason to assume they prefer a special definition of exploitation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

The absence of exploitation is indicated through consent,

no, it's not. it's exploitation by the barest definition, like exploiting a fallow field or a forest. the definition of exploitation can by synonymously defined as "use". using a corpse is exploiting it. using a corpse which has, with informed consent, been consigned for use is still exploitation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (9 children)

if the vegan society wants to create an additional carve-out for consensual exploitation in addition to its exceptions for practicability and possibility, it's not as though they are unaware of these concepts. they have not done so, and there is no reason to believe they mean to do so.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Your assertion was that consent isn’t at all relevant to veganism in regards to exploitation. However, if there exist situations in which consent could relieve the existence of exploitation then it must be relevant to consider.

it's not clear that the vegan society would allow for any exploitation, consensual or otherwise, and to the extent that sometimes people consent to being exploited, there is no reason to believe that exploitation ceases to exist in those cases.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

three mentions across 2 paragraphs. all of the mentions imply that consent would somehow relieve accusations of exploitation, but that isn't established in your article for a certainty, and at best i'd say it's debatable. i don't care to debate about it. it's clear that the vulgar use of the term is unrelated entirely.


I'm aware that this community is not usually happy with the content that's available above-board for-free under-restriction. For instance, free with subscription, or free with ads.

But I have found myself obsessed with library cards recently.

Libraries grant access to pretty expansive collections even online: movies, tv, music, and ebooks are just the beginning. Genealogical resources, vehicle repair manuals, business contact databases, academic journals, and periodicals. One of my libraries granted me access to Udemy Business through Gale. I honestly can't detail every database/collection/resource i've found available through the 4 libraries who have granted me useful access.

But I seem to have hit a wall. The New York Public Library says "visitors" may get a "temporary" card, but the number they gave me expired after 2 weeks and didnt get me access to any of their online offerings anyway.

Paris says they'll happily issue me a card. All I need to do is fill out the form (in french?!) and show up in person with photo ID. /s

Surely, I'm not the only one who has decided to try to collect library cards like pokemon cards. I imagine there are philanthropic libraries or national libraries or something that I just don't know how to look up. I'm looking for any library that will issue me a card regardless of residency, but for reference I am in the US if that's the only residency requirement. Anyone got tips?


A look at Israel’s AI generated war on Gaza and the Western Governments and Tech Corporations who are invested in it. #gaza #freepalestine #ai #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #technology #datascience #google #amazon #israel #elbitsystems #rafah #drones #dronestrike


cross-posted from:

#gaza #freepalestine #ai #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #technology #datascience #google #amazon #israel #elbitsystems #rafah #drones #dronestrike


purpx vg bhg!


I fucked with the title a bit. What i linked to was actually a mastodon post linking to an actual thing. but in my defense, i found it because cory doctorow boosted it, so, in a way, i am providing the original source here.

please argue. please do not remove.


i don't know how i got linked to this channel but i kept clicking on videos because i like him and his style and his politics.

and i just gotta say

i saw some highly dunkable libs saying things like "don't link me to people who make an argument. you need to use your own words or i'm going to block you." and now i want, desparately, to link them to this video in particular.

the end bit is the best where he says (im paraphrasing) "if someone says that we can't show solidarity with palestine because then our team won't win, then you can say 'fuck your team' and just be in solidarity with oppressed people because the people saying that are dum-dum doo-doo heads" and i really felt that.

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