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[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 months ago

Ok but remember when Republicans made up that Biden was going to "outlaw burgers" with the Green New Deal? And how even the made up idea that the govt would stop subsidizing meat caused half the nation to flip their shit, while the other half went "no don't be silly, we would never ever touch your precious tendies."

Appealing to individuals is important because without shifting the public's perception of meat as it relates to climate change, the government will be too terrified to enact those kind of changes for fear of getting voted out by the angry, barbecue-loving mobs.

Until flexitarians, vegetarians, and vegans (I'm vegan btw, just need everyone to know that) become a sizable enough percentage of the voting population, these systemic changes are never going to even be considered by our leaders. So we should keep pressing the importance of these changes to collectively move ourselves closer to that tipping point.

[–] [email protected] 65 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Many beekeepers want to lessen the chance of "swarming," where the bees decide to move their hive somewhere else, by clipping the queen bee's wings. So instead of protection money, it's more like the bees got their kneecaps busted in after a visit from Big Tony.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago

The paper states that they studied the HTML form element interactions but “not the keystrokes or content.”

There's a big difference. Both are more invasive than we would like, but grabbing everything you type while in the app's browser is much worse than measuring a true or false "did this person submit their comment or did they give up and leave it unsubmitted."

Tiktok is getting the content of the text, which could be sensitive info, and it grabs from every site you visit, not just the social platform itself.

But I think the main issue is using the data for allegedly targeting of protestors and Chinese political opponents, more than the depth of the data collection itself.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 6 months ago (6 children)

TikTok has always been on the extreme end of tracking and surveilling its users. For example, research found that the app had the ability to record all keystrokes made by users in the in-app browser (i.e. keylogging). This kind of tracking is way beyond what other social media companies do and borders on malware.That's one reason why the US, Canada, and others banned the use of TikTok on government devices.

A former TikTok employee also alleges in a sworn statement that TikTok stores its user data in China, that the CCP has full access to this data, and that the CCP used this data to spy on protestors in Hong Kong.

So their tracking goes way beyond what other companies do, and China uses that data for expressly political goals rather than simply selling ads to users.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

When people claim that leaks "get people killed," they're referring to when undercover agents are identified while they're in the field. The only secrets exposed in these leaks are the computer hacking techniques used by the US to spy remotely through compromised devices.

The so-called Vault 7 leak revealed how the CIA hacked Apple and Android smartphones in overseas spying operations, and efforts to turn internet-connected televisions into listening devices.

You could maybe say that closing off those surveillance channels prevented the CIA from learning about some attack, but that's really tenuous. It also assumes that the CIA isn't constantly developing new zero-day exploits so that they can continue to spy on just about everyone on the planet.

[–] [email protected] 65 points 7 months ago (4 children)

It's funny, the US Marshalls interviewed for this are extremely forthright in explaining their methods, but clam up and say they "can't explain these methods" as soon as they have any leads relating to cell phones. Probably because they're using the US's vast warrantless surveillance system to pull any possible info they can on her.

For example, they "track[ed] down the phone number for an American businessman they believed had connected with Armstrong at some point," and are cagey about how they got that number. I'd bet that they pulled her phone records and started cold calling everyone she's ever contacted through her cell phone until they got someone who could give them a lead.

Later, they set up the fake yoga instructor ad, and mention that they're tracking the phone location of the person who answered the ad to make sure they're at the sting location.

It's crazy that even with all those "methods the Marshalls won't go into," they almost gave up on finding her.

[–] [email protected] 45 points 8 months ago (1 children)

CORRECTION: This story has been updated with the correct spelling of Nikki Haley’s first name.

Oh man, the CNN reporter just assumed Trump spelled it correctly and wrote the whole article while using a misspelled version of her name. As embarrassing as that should be for Trump, it's almost on brand for him at this point. The reporter could have at least pulled up her Wikipedia article to double check the spelling, like come on.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Hard agree with all of this. I've never been good at shooters, especially PvP, but the invasions always felt like more of a chess match than a true gun duel. Outsmarting some human player who's a better shot than me made for super memorable and satisfying moments.

I'll also add that the voice acting and dialogue were great. Dishonored is infamous for having limited voice lines ("shall we meet for whiskey and cigars tonight?"), and in a game with a time loop mechanic and limited maps, I thought for sure it would be even worse. But I was pleasantly surprised. It's still annoying for scripted events that repeat, but the Colt and Julianna banter kind of made up for it imo

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

I love leaving my standing desk and ergonomic equipment behind so that I can use objectively worse equipment with the promise that "renovations are coming to your team in the next few years." My boss hunts for open seating in the neighboring office building so that they can actually use a standing desk on the days we have to come in, which is antithetical to the "spirit of collaboration" RTO is supposed to foster.

Like either let us use our own setup or invest in an office setup that is tolerable for people to use. We all know that they don't give a shit about employees, but they could at least pretend they're considering our experience when forcing these decisions on us.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

That's a common misconception that's been passed around the Internet so long that it's become common knowledge. There's a great (now deleted, but archived) writeup showing that the Wachowskis always intended humans to be batteries. The actual source of the "processors" idea came from a Neil Gaiman short story written to promote the movie at its release

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