
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 weeks ago

assuming thats the artist in the top left pic, I swear you could go to basically any gas station in midwest and you would likely see this person

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I’ve been a huge charli xcx fan for like over a decade now and liked her new album but now i cant even enjoy this shit cause of the damn memes even she said she’s sick of it now lol

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Definitely although hard to say how exactly because the ones openly belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate are being gradually deplatformed for years.

this is what I was getting at I think when I said it might be viewed as a crucial error, because that group that has been systematically deplatformed can't be tiny right ? and its one thing to mess with nationality and politics of these people but I feel like attacking the church is unnecessary step too far

It’s not catholicism, there are below 8% of catholics in Ukraine, it’s state sponsored schism in the orthodox church, purely politically motivated and although the docrine remains the same the new de facto state religion supports the ukronazi actions very much and entire situation looks kinda like church support for ustase during ww2, though in this case the Kiev church is more of a puppet, after all, every sincgle church that didn’t complied ended up shaken up by Kiev goons with confiscates and priest imprisonments. Legality of the schism is also kinda dubious, because even if other patriarchates recognized it, Moscow didn’t so it’s outside meddling, something previously heavily criticized in orthodox church.

When I said Catholicism I meant Orthodox I think sorry, I'm not as familiar as i should be with branches of Christianity. Totally agree with you that new doctrine is clearly aligned to push ukronazi agenda, I guess my question is just to what degree is there pushback against this in the Ukraine ? Perhaps its just my preconceived biases but id have thought that even among those in the Ukraine who were on board with russophobia, NATO war ect there must be many who find government attacks on the church unnecessary/unsavory, as it seems from what I gather that that previously existing ukrainian orthodox church was far removed from Russia already and really only took issue with theological type stuff related to the schism (though once again i am theologically illiterate so good chance i am misunderstanding)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Honestly I could see Ukronazi fight against the church being talked about as one of their biggest errors in the future (outside of relying on US for anything lol). Surely this is an unpopular move with vast swathes of Ukrainian population ? I know many of them take their Catholicism seriously, and its not like this church was some bastion of Soviet society, deeply reactionary institution already, just seems unnecessary to force this change

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Last night I had a dream that you got a free bible if you spent $40 on Amazon and i do not think we are too far off from this promotion existing in reality

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I really wish F1 wasn’t such a mess of hypercapitalism, incredibly wasteful, only accessible to the rich ect because it’s so much fun to watch and can be to follow too when it is actually competitive.

We need communist F1 where all teams have access to same kits/parts and a fixed budget, having the edge come down to engineering and driving skills only.

Would be nice for it to be made more sustainable too, but I do love the world tour vibes of racing all over the world over course of season which id imagine is hugely wasteful :/

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Can’t believe he left the store purchasing that jacket never mind leaving the house with it on

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

They have tasty looking mangoes in the flyer at the grocery store but they're a product of Israel :(

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

I just wanna say as a Canadian I find it funny how no interstate roads go to Saskatchewan… haha

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Just want to say that I always appreciate and learn a lot from your posts, thank you for the consistent quality content

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It fully encapsulates the sheer disdain the western liberal has for any venture of any type that is not designed solely to extract as much profit as possible at the lowest expense

People here will unironically be like, sure it sounds nice that China has such a convenient public transit and intercity rail system and it would improve my life, but it doesn't make profit for a handful of elite people who would probably spit on me in disgust if given the chance so its stupid and bad

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

what I'm reading here is that foreign capital is throwing a tantrum cause Chinese gov is gonna let them lose money on shit investments because they prefer houses being used for their intended purpose rather than asset vehicles for wealth accumulation

sucks to fucking suck doesnt it


Belgium is due to play Israel in the UEFA Nations League and apparently all cities in Belgium have refused to host the match at their stadiums due to the political circumstances. Article says the match might be played in Hungary.

France and Italy are also in this same group, I am curious to see if the same thing happens. The fact that Israel is in the European football association/competitions at all tells you all you need to know about the place.


Hello comrades, I am looking to expand my knowledge of Zionism. I have realized that I understand what it is and how it has and continues to impact the world, but I lack a good understanding of most of the history and context of it.

Can anyone recommend some good reading on the formation of Zionism and how it came to be realized in the form of "Israel" ?


I dont know even what to say about this other than lol, lmao


Maybe anime wasn't a complete mistake after all

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