
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 43 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The actual scene is very funny too.

SELA: Come in, gentlemen. Take a seat, please. (she continues working on a PADD) Excuse me, I'm just finishing up a speech. For you, Mister Spock. I rather enjoy writing. I don't get to do it often in this job.

DATA: Perhaps you would be happier in another job.

I always remembered TNG as being very stiff. But I've been rewatching several episodes with a friend lately, and I was surprised how many subtle jokes are in there.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Thank god it's monday

Jaaa, endlich wieder arbeiten. ಠ_ಠ

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

I mean, that's actually great advice.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

One thing that the current era of Trek does right is giving each series a unique vibe. Remember when everyone complained that Voyager was just TNG 2.0? Definitely doesn't happen nowadays.

Of course that means that not every series appeals to every Trekkie. And that's okay. Just pick the ones you like.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

* wenn sich das Renteneintrittsalter nicht weiter erhöht

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

"Compact" is a bit of a stretch. But the size of the Pixel 9 and 9 Pro (non-XL) is pretty nice. I currently have a 7 Pro and while the "screen real estate" is nice, it's really on the upper end of what I'm willing to use. (Both in terms of size and weight) I bought my mom a Pixel 8 recently and I really liked the form factor when I set up the phone. It's large enough to fit everything on the screen but small enough to use comfortably. Since I really want a telephoto lens the non-XL Pro version seems like it's made for me. 😄

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

mOrGeN wIrD eS sChÖn MiLd – Radiomoderatoren

🥴 – ich

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)
[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

wenn man nur tagesschau liest und Talkshows anschaut wird man nur wissen das "Schulden = schlecht" sind

Das liegt nicht nur an der Tagesschau. Das ist einfach in unserer deutschen DNA drin.

Neulich habe ich mal irgendwo gelesen, dass Deutsche möglicherweise auch deswegen so gegen Schulden sind, weil in der deutschen Sprache nicht zwischen finanzieller Schuld und moralischer Schuld unterschieden wird. Es ist das selbe Wort. Während beispielsweise im Englischen zwischen debt und guilt unterschieden wird.

Keine Ahnung, ob da was dran ist. Klingt aber auch nicht völlig abwegig.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 weeks ago

I’m all for trying new things within the Star Trek universe!

I'm usually in the same boat. Because IDIC, you know? I like it when new shows expand the Trek universe and try something new. Just look at DS9. It got a lot of backlash in the 90s ("too dark", "not Gene's vision" etc.) and nowadays it's very popular and often ranked somewhere around TNG.

But this Section 31 movie.... I don't know. Nothing about seems appealing. The main role is basically Space Hitler. It was already nonsense how they tried to redeem that character on Discovery while she had no redeeming qualities. Compare that to other Trek "villains" like Gul Dukat who at least had some sort of moral compass, even if it was a bit skewed. But Georgiou? There's nothing. She's just one-dimensionally evil. Do we really need a movie with her in the main role? 😕


Just a throwback to one of the best teaser trailers ever. I get goosebumps every time I watch it.

IMO the only Star Trek trailer that comes reasonably close is the teaser trailer for the 2009 movie.



Formula 1 says it is on track to hit its Net Zero targets by 2030 after the publication of its latest impact report that includes its carbon emissions.

The report currently includes figures from 2022 as F1 needs to await data from teams and other stakeholders from last year, but the first season that was not impacted by COVID-19 showed a 13 percent reduction in F1’s carbon footprint compared to the 2018 baseline. That’s despite the 2022 calendar featuring an extra race compared to prior to the pandemic.

The sport’s Net Zero target is a minimum of 50 percent emissions reduction versus 2018, leaving 37 percent still to be achieved by 2030.


For those who don't know the Roddenberry Archive: they're rebuiliding 3D modles of Starfleet bridges and other sets where you can freeroam, and sometimes even interact with consoles etc.

Last week I posted a thread about the bridges of the TMP Klingon Battle Cruiser and the USS Discovery being added. The official blog update is here.

What the blog update doesn't mention is that multiple existing locations have been extended:


That showed up on their Star Trek page.

The selections for DS9 and VOY are pretty good. Even though I wouldn't call all of them "the best", they're all above average episodes.

Meanwhile, the ENT selection of best episodes includes "highlights" like Acquisition, Carbon Creek, Marauders and Carpenter Street. Oh well.


Finanzminister Lindner zeigt sich überzeugt: Die Wirtschaft benötigt neue Impulse, um wieder zu wachsen. Dazu gehört für ihn auch die Arbeitseinstellung der Deutschen.

Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner fordert von den Deutschen, ihre Einstellung zur Arbeit zu überdenken. In der ARD-Sendung »Caren Miosga«, sagte er, die Arbeitsmotivation der Bürger sei wichtig für die Entwicklung der Wirtschaft. Man müsse den Menschen »Lust machen auf die Überstunde« sagte Lindner. Unter Umständen sei auch eine »Mentalitätsreform« notwendig, da Arbeit nicht nur eine finanzielle Funktion erfülle. »Arbeit ist doch auch Sinnstiftung, das strukturiert den Alltag«. [...]


Unless I'm mistaken, the Discovery bridge has been added only recently as well.

For those who don't know the Roddenberry Archive: have fun exploring. On some ships you can even leave the bridge and go to different areas of the ship (for example the shuttle bay or main engineering on the Enterprise D). Also, sometimes you can move or activate objects like consoles.


At least Verstappen can't win the title already in Japan this year. 🫠


The official F1 channel is really putting out some great content recently. I hope they keep this up for the remaining season. ^(Then at least the videos before the race weekend will be exciting, if the races themselves fail to provide excitement)

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