
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

My family as a whole. I’m extremely grateful and happy to have such a good & close family. This includes my direct family, in-laws and friends (who really are official family as god parents now!)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Rereading it may look like I’m advocating for a China / black mirror style morality social point system.. oops!

Meant more: if someone is abusive to staff to be that business should exercise their right to refuse to serve that person.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I’ve only had a little bit of retail experience from my teenage days and even with that this just brings back such flash backs. People getting mad at a kid just because the store didn’t have the DVD they wanted or because they’ve been asked to park up at the drive through and wait 5 min for their food.

Personally I think any business owner, especially a home delivery service like pizza, should be firm and quickly blacklist customers who act like this. Delivery drivers put themselves at risk, they are lone workers going to random people’s home. It should be treated seriously.

World would be a lot better if people who treat service workers poorly quickly found that they could no longer get service at all.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Just gave me flashbacks to when I forget my debit card pin.

it was a pin I’d used for years, used it multiple times a week if not every single day

Then one day I went to the cash point and just blanked. Lost it entirely. Poof.

Had to go through the hoops of requesting a new pin and I wasn’t able to get any money out at the time.

Wasn’t really a big deal at all…. But I totally get that weirdness of just banking on something that you had used so many times before without issue. Freaked me out for a while about how my brain could have just randomly deleted that bit of information that had seemed so solid before.

I’m not trying to compare my little inconvenience to your situation but just that you aren’t alone in the camp of suddenly forgetting a password that you’d known for ages.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

exactly what I was thinking. That big starting number is misleading at best.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I just finished listening to “how to be perfect” by michael schur. It could be a bit cringe at times but it was a really interesting listen (especially when confecting it to The Good Place)

Definitely got me to think a bit more about moral philosophy and my own choices day to day.

One personal philosophy I try to follow is that I really try hard to think the best of people…. Assume the best rather than the worst.

Most obvious example is when driving: if a driver is going too fast/too slow/not indicating/drifting/hogging the middle lane etc etc….. they probably aren’t trying to be assholes, maybe something in their life is distracting them, maybe just made an honest mistake and now feel bad about it all day because they realise they weren’t quick enough to wave a sorry in the window and so on.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Especially risky in fresh water, even with tight environmental controls you are going to get agriculture and ground water run off, storm overflows. A river may have good ecological health but still not be something you’d want to swim in!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Just finished S2 and really enjoyed it. A bit sad that I wasn’t able to resist and watched it all in just a few days.

Maybe I’ll go back and rewatch the first series

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Lot's of recommendations here thank you everyone. Will take me a little bit of time to read through all the options here but there looks to be same great solutions.

Thank you very much.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just to answer your question:

It's quite a lot of data but not insanely important, it would be really inconvenient if I lost it but far from the end of the world. I'm looking at local backup because in the event of an entire hardware drive failure having to download all the data again over the internet would take an absolute age. Not that a cloud backup isn't also good (I am using backblaze) in case the local backup drive also failed at the same time.

I do however have other things that are really important which I already backup with multiple levels of cloud and local storage (such as family photos, secure documents etc) - I will check out tarsnap as well though as it sounds interesting Thank you

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

For these particular files I do also use Backblaze, that's definitely useful if a subset of files were lost but having to download an entire 8TB hdd worth of data would be pretty painful with Backblaze (their physical hdd shipping isn't really a good option as I'm not US based).

In this case as the external drives were on offer I bought two of them with the intention of the second drive to be the backup. The files here aren't really really important, but would be very annoying if I lost it all.

For my truly critical files (things like family photos, secure documents etc) I have other multiple levels of backup, both with synced cloud services and local backups just to be safe. Backups upon Backups upon Backups there! (3 - 2 - 1 and then some)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Has there been hints of any new Becky Chambers book that you’ve heard of? The news section of doesn’t have anything since nearly a year ago.

When I was deep in the sleep deprived zone of new parenthood, listening & readying to Beckychambers books on audio book was just perfect. I was too fragile to deal with any horribly dark or dense sci-fi books (that so many seem to be) and her books always felt like a nice cup of tea (pretty appropriate considering psalm for the wild-built!)

We are expecting our second and I’d love to have a new Becky chambers book to read or listen to when we restart the new born saga!

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