
joined 1 year ago

Ich wollte eigentlich nur nach gucken ob Roy Bianco & Die Abbrunzati Boy wirklich Platz 1 der Albumcharts belegen (ja tun sie), da sehen meine müden Augen Jazz ist anders von 2007 auf Platz 3. Charts

Was habe ich verpasst?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

I think in its original form, browser based I think, you just had OneShot. But I really enjoyed it. Great to see it mentioned.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

Before I tell you the games I regret let me tell you: I recently got into Netrunner. I am 100% overwhelmed (never really played MtG). But I am so grateful for Jinteki. Through some luck I met a very experienced player who takes my hand and shows me all the things one doesn’t know if they have never played living card games/tcg. I also infected some friends of a friend and we only play online due to distance. I am in my 30s and feel so excited for every game. Maybe go on netrunnerdb take a prebuilt get a couple of runs and get excited by playing. My preach is over, now to you question: Most times I was lucky with my blind buys. Oath, CloudAge etc. Games I don’t really like such as Celestia many of my friends enjoy so I keep them. Games I hated first but initially did not buy like Root and Bora Bora I gave a second try years later. Then I started to enjoy them. Maybe because I got more experience and for Root I embraced the chaos. Now I am a proud owner of all but the Clockwork expansions. It sucks spending money on something you looked forward to. The good thing is you can always revisit, resell and regift.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Glasgow should get it’s own DLC for Mini Metro ;)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

Mrwhostheboss video about Temu made me unsubscribe. Felt more like advertisement than anything else.


This is a bit off topic, but I wanted to share it anyway:

Recently I got Cyberpunk 2077. I like the setting, I am a big fan of dystopian future. I am also a little radical about public transport in real life. I love to use it, I hate handling cars, I hate looking for parking.

One of the mayor things I noticed playing CP77 was the lack of public transport. I haven’t played a triple A ever and was surprised by the amount of NPCs. Everything felt so right in Night City. Urgency, dirtiness, people everywhere. Now it is coming with the next update. Thinking about it makes me not want to use the in-game car. It just pops up (hardly any waiting involved, weird) and you cannot really park it anywhere. It is just as useless as real life cars, handling is bad (maybe I am a bad driver but still). I love it. Yes, I can fast travel, but for immersion it is great.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

The worst thing is even in more expensive cars, like a BMW the interfaces or touch screens feel like operating a touch face from the early 2000. The turning button navigator in BMW felt like a joke to me first time I drove one. Would rather avoid such displays and connect my phone for navigation than use this

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Boardgames. You can go all in and Kickstart cool games and buy all the bits and pieces. But actually, board gamers are always in the lookout for players. Therefore you’ll find a big community with lots of games and it is not necessary to have your own games. If you do like to buy though but want to avoid costs, share it with someone. Make it your game. Many you can’t play alone anyway. I wouldn’t mind someone to have no games at all but spend the time with me to play. Your time is the most valuable. And: it is easier to find friends through board gaming than get your friends to play boardgames.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

The rules are easy and don’t change much. If you understand the base game the expansion is easy peasy to learn. Everything but the festival cards fit on the board so you need 20 cm^2 more space. The lake tiles I’ll keep for sure, they make the lake actions/Kodamas more interesting. The rocks as well, they are just extra rocks. The double cards are ok. Didn’t see them being overpowered yet. Festival cards I’ll use depending on the crowed. Some don’t like surprises. Maybe only use the blue ones for a nice play and only take the red against your archenemy. Furthermore the festival cards are with text (English and Spanish are sold together). Bitoku I like that much because it is language independent.

Well, this is the big question. I got a folded space so apart from the festival cards everything would fit. But the box design is lovely and I still got some space so it can stay.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Oath - this was the weirdest Oath game ever. 90 min, four players, 2 citizens. The Empire couldn’t move because it was so inflated. Weird cards on the board , restricting movement. Chancellor got rid of all sites just to keep his power. And he did. Time to strike again next time.

Agent undercover nice hidden role game. Still like it. Some players struggle to ask questions. Maybe some ideas could be exchanged at the beginning to help them out.

Arborea and Bitoku - twice and I won. What a weekend. Will keep playing these games cause they are so lovely. First time playing the Bitoku expansion. The Art on the double cards are more lively than the older ones. I like the lake replacements, the festival cards are ok. The mean ones could possibly stop too strong players, but not me 😎

Tiger and Dragon - won. Little bit of tile counting and luck. It was ok. Need to play again to judge.

Outlook: would like to try the Witcher again. Hope I get around.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Tikal - boardgame of the year 1999. Won the game. The box has way too much shelf presence for what it is. We played the base version with two players. It was ok but nothing I need to revisit.

Tribes of the wind - at two and four players. Won both times. Because I need to write a review a tried to look at it from different angles. I won with different Tribe leaders. Some combos of the leaders feel extra powerful. You really need to keep your eyes on your opponents boards to determine when they will pull the trigger to end the game. Winning the race to build the fifth tree seems a good winning strategy. At two players I like that your choice of cards will influence the second set of cards you’ll base your turns on.

Who did it? - I am not the fastes and I don’t like the theme but it is one of the best ice breaker and funny Absacker (drink or in this case last game of the night with no special requirements often fast and light hearted)

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza - in comparison to who did it is this game much more dangerous 😅 me and a friend hurt ourselves playing it.

Alhambra card game - I am a big fan of Alhambra. But we visited the in laws and even so they play games like clever, you need to bring new elements slowly to the table. Therefore I brought this lighter version as Bonn edition. They can identify cards and have fun talking about the locations and understand buying cards with different currencies. Next time I hope I can play the big game with them.

Qwinto and that’s pretty clever - always lose against the in laws. Maybe I try to hard to win. A good activity between two meals, cake and coffee.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

This week was a good week. I have three wins to report.

Order by importance of the win:

Twilight Imperium - how did I manage to win? I still have no idea. This game is so long and it was my second time playing it. Four Player table. It is nicely asymmetrical and way too many factions to understand there balance playing it once a year. It is an ok game. But why do people like this game so damn much? The art is nice.

Root - Vagabond for the first time and won the game. Still prefer the other factions cause I like the war aspect of the game.

Heat - it is a race game. And I won. The review from shut up and sit down really captures the essence of the game. It is nice and a light game. Only half as lovely without Dutraits art. I was glad someone else moved the bots, cause this I didn’t quite catch yet. Would love to play with six players.

Foodchain magnate - oh, did I lose. This game gives no room for failure. It is tight and needs lots of planning. The old art style I really like. Nat a game I need to replay.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

The Spiel is a boardgame fair in Germany. Pretty big and international.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (4 children)

I played both and I found them, as a not regular Nemisis player similar. But I just wanted to add: at the Spiel they displayed a new Nemesis. Didn’t check it out but maybe it is a valuable info for you before you buy

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