
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Remember that former Guantanamo inmates have accused DeSantis of aiding in and enjoying torture. Cruelty is the point. DeSantis and others like him simply take pleasure in making as many immigrants as possible suffer, whether they are legal or not.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 day ago

I remember when scientists were more focused on making AI models smaller and more efficient, and research on generative models was focused on making GANs as robust as possible with very little compute and data.

Now that big companies and rich investors saw the potential for profit in AI the paradigm has shifted to "throw more compute at the wall until something sticks", so it's not surprising it's affecting carbon emissions.

Besides that it's also annoying that most of the time they keep their AIs behind closed doors, and even in the few cases where the weights are released publicly these models are so big that they aren't usable for the vast majority of people, as sometimes even Kaggle can't handle them.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

All those ads an pop-ups are really annoying. Printfriendly isn't perfect but does make the website a bit more readable: https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/DYjpGu

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Kinda funny that they inadvertently admitted that she did really well in the debate by calling her a "relentless debate machine".

[–] [email protected] 27 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)


Edit: At first I thought the joke was related to those "who did 9/11" memes that I see all the time on the internet, but only afterwards did I realize the date is actually 9/11 (hadn't seen any posts online about it yet and we don't talk about it at all in Brazil)

idk if that puts me ahead of or behind the curve...

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

*laughs in LibreOffice*

I don't like that it insists on resetting to that Liberation font half the time I make a new line though

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

I'm just that humble 😎

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I've heard about him being autistic, first time I hear about him being bi

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

He's been doing that ever since his media career started in the 90s.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

But I couldn’t find a credible source for the “showing children pornography” portion you mentioned

It's from one of the kid's testimony in the first link (it starts with "Now, when you first saw the suitcase, where was it in that room."), where he talks about how Michael showed him and his brother some porn mags. The first time he was hanging out with MJ while he was putting on makeup, and MJ picked up a suitcase with the porn mags and showed the kid one of the pictures. In the second occasion the kid can't recall if he or his brother brought up the suitcase or if MJ did, but he says that they were all looking at the magazines together for "30 minutes to an hour".

Regarding the books specifically, it's one of those elements that on their own could be interpreted as just MJ being kinda weird. We know the first book was a gift given the fan's inscription, and it's fairly reasonable to assume that the second one was a gift too. As the blog post points out the third book wasn't brought up in court and wasn't with the other two books, but it's still reasonable to assume that it belonged to MJ. To me the way the blog author tries to "soften" the book definitely points to some bias in their part:

The third book, that was confiscated in 1993 In Search of Young Beauty: A Venture Into Photographic Art (Charles Du Bois Hodges, 1964) which contains both boys and girls, mostly dressed, but some nude or semi-nude.

If we squint a bit we could just chalk these up to MJ possibly being a nudist or being a bit weird. I certainly think it's odd that he had books with pictures of nude children in them, and even liked one of them enough to inscribe his own message in it, but if only the books were brought up in court I certainly wouldn't think that's enough evidence to convict someone. But given the whole context and other elements of the accusations I'm not willing to give MJ that much benefit of the doubt.


Imane Khelif is just the latest victim of idiotic transvestigators.


Here's the text for those who'd rather not visit threads.net:

There’s a lot of stuff I need to debunk which I will get to don’t worry, but I want to start with what I find the funniest which is the notorious “slightly autistic” tweet. This is gonna be a bit so just bare with me

This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said “eh- good enough” in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.

I did not have a “love of musicals & theatre” when I was four, because y’know… I was fucking four. I did not know what these things were. My earliest real experience with musicals was when my twin brother had a hamilton phase in 8th/9th grade and overplayed it so much in the car to the point where for a long time I swore off the entire genre.

I never picked out jackets for him to wear and I was most certainly not calling them “fabulous” because literally what the fuck. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four because once again I would like to reiterate… I was four. Like this is so obvious I don’t even think it warrants explanation but apparently people believe this nonsense so here I am.

This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness. Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general.

As for if I’m not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I’m legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me. Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass✨

Answering another user, she adds:

gotohitori2: extremely shocked to hear this dbag is a liar. hope you're not too bothered by what he says about you 😭

vivllainous: I’m not lol. I’ve just started to find it funny at this point. Calling me dead on a podcast with JORDAN PETERSON of all people while basically admitting you have zero reading comprehension by saying you were “tricked” into signing documents that you read over multiple times is basically a parody of itself. Like it’s honestly camp-


Although it may be justifiable from a moral perspective, a Trump assassination would likely lead to the Republican problem becoming even worse as we've seen a slight bump in the polls after the attempted assassination, and the other Republicans candidates as just as if not even more of a threat than him.

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