
joined 4 years ago

China is honestly light years ahead of the US. I live in one of the most expensive cities in the US and am here on vacation for a month traveling through China and it is insane how far ahead of us they are. From the high speed rail system that I have been using to go from city to city, the absolute cleanliness everywhere, no crime, no worry about getting pick pocketed/mugged, nice friendly people, no homelessness, no tent cities, affordable/cheap prices for food and basic necessities. Every little town I pass I the high speed line had massive construction going on from high density apartments to infrastructure. Honestly the only complaints I have is that the entire country is hot as balls right now and the food situation is a bit rough as a person who's both vegan and a somewhat picky eater, they only seem to have mainly Chinese food everywhere and as good as it is I need some variety in my diet and it is hard finding all vegan places as well.

I honestly I have now come to realize that the reason we are so strongly propagandized against China in the US is that it would break the average Americans brain if you saw how well they are living here compared to the absolute under-devoloped shit we put up with in the US.

Ask me any questions you have and I can also post pics if interested!

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 months ago

I've seen libs literally defend their hypocrisy by saying 'Yea, but that wasn't on US soil' as if it's some kind of huge gotchya.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

Yes he should have...

but only after circumnavigating the globe and killing all the nazis in between.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Yea, I get you, Ive just never really heard of Myra Hindly except for the Crass song so when I saw her name drop I had to post the lyrics lol. Im all for these people getting the wall, Crass were radlibs but good music none the less.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

No they shouldn't

They should hand him over to the families to kill him.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (2 children)

THE child killer here would've been Myra Hindley

She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?

She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?

It's Myra Hindley on the cover,

Your very own sweet anti-mother.

There she is on the pages of The Star,

Ain't that just the place you wish you were?

Let her rot in hell is what you said,

Let her rot, let her starve, you'd see her dead.

Let her out but don't forget to tell you where she is,

The chance to screw her is a chance you wouldn't miss.

Let her suffer, give her pain is the verdict you gave,

You just can't wait to piss on her grave.

You pretend that you're horrified, make out that you care,

But really you wish that you had been there.

You say you can't bear the thought of what she did,

But you'd do it to her, you'd see her dead.

Tell me, what is the difference between her and you?

You say that you would kill her, well, what else would you do?

Don't you see that violence has no end? Isn't limited by rules?

Don't you see as angels preaching you're nothing but the fools?

Fools step in, where angels fear to tread,

You see, to kill others is the ethic of the dead.

She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?

She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?

That single mug shot from the past

Ensures your fantasy can last and last.

It gives you the chance to air your hate

Because she got there first, you were too late.

Hindleys' crime was to do what others think,

Took her anger and her prejudice and pushed it to the brink.

Then you goodly christian people, with your sickly mask of love,

Would tear that woman limb from limb, you'd never get enough.

So you keep the story alive,

So you can make yourselves believe,

That you are so much better than her.

But you aren't, that's YOUR GUILT laying there.

She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?

She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?

She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?

She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?

Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

And an 'R&D center' in occupied Palestine. These motherfuckers are trying to make blod chips a monopoly. Hopefully China comes out with a good alternative soon.


[–] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago

Germany will never stop letting Palestinians pay for the crime of Germanys holocaust

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Is this the first time BDS has ever worked? Good win none the less!

[–] [email protected] 32 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I need a link so I can dunk on him

[–] [email protected] 13 points 9 months ago

in the US they are bougie as shit and the cheapest are usually $17 with the average around $25. And they are usually much shittier than any you'll find in Italy.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago

Palestine and Palestiner.


When you dunk so hard they have to ban the entire block from even seeing the site.


Someone should check to see if he's still breathing


mention veganism!


pretty sure it's a bot becuase it responds literally less than a minutes after you comment under anything he says, AI is getting crazy these days.


r/'antiwar' lmao

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