
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Surely this could be good, right?

If celebrities need to be accessible to their biggest fans, maybe it would induce them to leave the birdsite? And if this is as big a migration as the article suggests, it has the potential to snowball in network effects, giving other influential users one less reason to feel chained to a dumpster fire.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Last suggestion: This document suggests that there may be an rclone volume plugin for docker, which could run the mount only when your specific container starts up:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

And is docker running via a systemd service also?

In that case, you can add an After= line to the docker unit file, telling it to wait until after your mount service is running:

You can use systemctl edit docker to create an override file with this property:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

How are you mounting the network drive? On my docker machine, network drive mounts are in /etc/fstab. I've not had an issue where docker starts before everything is mounted.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I worked on a product that was only allowed to return 200 OK, no matter what.

Apparently some early and wealthy customer was too lazy to check error codes in the response, so we had to return 200 or else their site broke. Then we'd get emails from other customers complaining that our response codes were wrong.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I've been browsing your blog as part of a plan to build my own node using some ESP32s I have lying around from a prior project.

I was wondering if you know of any recommendations for a 900MHz transceiver module that I could use for US node?

[–] [email protected] 47 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Sounds like a pretty shit security feature. I wonder if it would keep the door open if I were to print a photo of the owner and wear it like a mask.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

"Honey, the water is about to shut off. Can you file a JIRA ticket to fill out bathtubs? I should be able to get to it next sprint"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

"The GDO I just transmitted to the facility lists me, my men, Dr. Jackson here, but only one of you! First one to talk gets to rematerialize on earth"

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago

When I watched those episodes for the first time, my reaction was: "So the Silicon Valley billionaire would just let the poor people use his network to get their messages out?"

The rich were portrayed as apathetic, instead of active participants.


cross-posted from:

What cool stuff is going on with IP over ham radio? I want to build simple services accessible to other hams in my area, and would love to learn about what's out there.

  • New Packet Radio: This looks pretty cool, although until the FCC makes a decision on updated VHF/UHF bandwidth and symbol rate restrictions, I'll hold off on buying any dedicated hardware

  • Broadband HamNet: I'm not sure if there's any existing network in my area. Since it's 802.11 with yagis and amplifiers, I feel like you'd need a good density of local users for anything cool to develop.

  • AX.25 with TCP/IP: I might play around with this. It doesn't require equipment except a UHF/VHF radio, antenna, and a computer, so it might be easier to convince others to try it too. Obviously you're very limited in bitrate, but it would be fun to set up a gohper hole or a BBS.

Are there other technologies or projects worth looking into? Even though I'm not personally interested in buying new equipment for it, I'd still like to hear what's out there.


What cool stuff is going on with IP over ham radio? I want to build simple services accessible to other hams in my area, and would love to learn about what's out there.

  • New Packet Radio: This looks pretty cool, although until the FCC makes a decision on updated VHF/UHF bandwidth and symbol rate restrictions, I'll hold off on buying any dedicated hardware

  • Broadband HamNet: I'm not sure if there's any existing network in my area. Since it's 802.11 with yagis and amplifiers, I feel like you'd need a good density of local users for anything cool to develop.

  • AX.25 with TCP/IP: I might play around with this. It doesn't require equipment except a UHF/VHF radio, antenna, and a computer, so it might be easier to convince others to try it too. Obviously you're very limited in bitrate, but it would be fun to set up a gohper hole or a BBS.

Are there other technologies or projects worth looking into? Even though I'm not personally interested in buying new equipment for it, I'd still like to hear what's out there.


I work in a basement office. There is a below-grade egress window, with a 3-4ft ladder and a large plexiglass dome that you can push out of the way.

I noticed a terrible smell when I opened my window the other day, and it was because of a dead mouse that presumably couldn't get out of the recess. On inspection, I found the remains of several more dead rodents there, so this has been a problem in the past too.

Any ideas on how to prevent this? I both feel bad for the dead animals and am disgusted by the smell when they decay. The plexiglass dome has chicken wire for airflow, so I can't necessarily block those off. Maybe there's some method to repell them, or help them escape?


Just moving in to our first home, and I'm very excited to have the freedom to set up a permanent HF antenna.

I'll probably build a sort of fan dipole and run it along the side of our property. That's the only place long enough to fit. However, the power lines for the neighborhood run over part of our backyard. I'm not worried about my dipole being too close to high voltage power (it won't be) but I wonder if the AC frequency can cause interference on certain bands?


cross-posted from:

I'm really intrigued by digital modes. Stuff like JS8Call seems really cool, and I want to get into it.

I don't have any HF equipment. SSB isn't very interesting to me, so I was thinking of getting a digital-only transceiver and saving some money. I think it would be cool to take a small QRP box with a laptop or raspi, and do digital mode Pota with it.

I've seen the QDX which looks exactly like what I want and seems to get good reviews. Any others that I should be aware of?


cross-posted from:

I'm really intrigued by digital modes. Stuff like JS8Call seems really cool, and I want to get into it.

I don't have any HF equipment. SSB isn't very interesting to me, so I was thinking of getting a digital-only transceiver and saving some money. I think it would be cool to take a small QRP box with a laptop or raspi, and do digital mode Pota with it.

I've seen the QDX which looks exactly like what I want and seems to get good reviews. Any others that I should be aware of?


I'm really intrigued by digital modes. Stuff like JS8Call seems really cool, and I want to get into it.

I don't have any HF equipment. SSB isn't very interesting to me, so I was thinking of getting a digital-only transceiver and saving some money. I think it would be cool to take a small QRP box with a laptop or raspi, and do digital mode Pota with it.

I've seen the QDX which looks exactly like what I want and seems to get good reviews. Any others that I should be aware of?


I like coffee. I like Star Trek.

I've had a mild interest in the raktajino, a Klingon coffee drink commonly consumed in DS9. I've looked up a few fan theories and fan recipes. I haven't seen any references to a canonical recipe, so I get that there's a bit of fun and personal preference involved.

The only thing I don't understand is why raktajino is commonly claimed to be made with liquor. On the one hand, I understand why Klingons might want a stiff additive to their caffeine. However, the context in which characters on DS9 drink it does not suggest the presence of intoxicants. I recall at least a few occasions in which bridge officers, while on duty, drink a raktajino. Surely even synthol is not OK when you're on shift for Starfleet.


We're 3 game sessions deep into a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle. I've just heard from one of my players that they feel like they've put a bit too much of themselves into their character, and they're starting to get uncomfortable with it. As such, they'd like to roll up a new char sheet and bring their current character out of the game. We've talked a little bit about whether they want their character to die, or to permanently leave the party, and that's still up in the air.

This is my first time as GM, and I'd like a few pointers on how to work with this. From an "off the table" perspective, I've already had a conversation with this player about what their needs are. I'm confident that the overall game is still fun for them, and that this isn't about any player-player dynamics.

From a narrative perspective, I'd love to hear how others have dealt with this before. In the past 3 sessions, I haven't had the chance to bring out the kind of enemies who could kill a PC outright (bloodthirsty elders, second inquisition deathsquads, conniving underlings). I don't want the player to have to go through several more sessions with a character they dislike just because it would have more punch further down the line.

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