
joined 4 years ago

Send help for the love of God. I've killed thousands and had to restart my Republic so many times making mistakes that it feels like there should be easier ways to avoid. I'm playing realistic mode for reference.

As a general problem, I keep on failing to resist the temptation to build an ugly little 400x400 meter box cram packed with spaghetti walkways and utilities wherever they fit in order to min/max walking and infrastructure range. After 70 hours of the game my first city is actually surviving to the point of net gain and I'm trying to make the next jump. I've carefully prepared before allowing any growth beyond 3000 (I learned my lesson when everyone froze to death... And starved... And ran out of water... And died at 45 due to pollution...) but now I don't know what to do lmao. My people are happy, healthy, and well enough employed by a clothing industry with a food factory and distillery ready to go into production, but I hate trying to do anything in the city because it's so so so cramped. Do I try to make the shitbox less shit? Should I just build a new better city some ways off, or keep new development close to old development so I can still make good use of the infrastructure? Whatever my decision, I can't make a larger city work on buses and trucks alone. The fuel costs and traffic are a pain and I wish I could use all those cool trains or even just trolleys, but I can't figure out how to make it happen lmao. I have learned to save before trying a project only for it to fail miserably and kill everyone or bankrupt me when it completes in 6 months to a year, and I just had to revert because it turns out trolleys can't interact with fuel bus platforms, and my ENTIRE city depends on its platform, so that's not going anywhere.

Where is a quality source for guides on how to build industries, make rail work, and so on and so forth? I've been watching bballjo's videos as well as reading the wiki, and honestly, they're not so good. It's unironically been making me wish I was better at the game so that I could make the kinds of guides I wish I had right now; well scripted and on topic, edited well with pre-recorded clips to clearly show what's going on, and not just saying "this" or "here" or "there" or "that" and using specific names so people less familiar with the game don't lose the thread. Also, digestible. Each guide feels like it should only be 10-15 minutes MAXIMUM, with shorter being better. The longer 'guides' just become too much to absorb at once and harder to sort through to find the bit you actually need. Does anything like what I'm describing actually exist? Or is it all streamers style some guy in a gaming chair rambling more or less on topic for an hour?

Credit where credit is due, I was able to claw a surviving city together by pulling out the main lessons from jo and other ramblers content, but it's getting worse as I get to more complicated systems.

This is a long post that has become more complaining than I wanted it to be. I'm really enjoying the game and I want to progress out of the "early" game, but I don't know how to make train run good or scale up. Please send me good written or video sources for how to city good. Also, don't make me an urban planner after the revolution, at leastv not until I have a couple more hundred hours in this game lmao.


Avert your gaze! He's shy! crush


Please appreciate it and move along.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



In this thread we think of funny things before submitting it to c/emojis

[โ€“] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

We have so much in common.

[โ€“] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Imagine the profits!


Goddamn libs gaslighting hard about Biden's economy being so great and we ungrateful serfs need to understand eCoNoMiCs. Two straight years of retracting incomes, with a third likely, and Democrats can't figure out why the voters aren't feeling overwhelming adoration for Bidenomics. This is how Trump will win, whether or not he's in prison. People remember that their material circumstances were at their height in 2019, and along comes Biden and its been nothing but downhill for them since then. Imagine how easy this would be to fix if Democrats dared to do something, ANYTHING, to actually help people? Minimum wage going up to $15 per hour would increase family income of 56 million workers by roughly $5500. Bet that would have made a dent. But nooooooo, instead we get Union Busting Joe.


๐Ÿš† ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿญ


Checkmate big Pharma, I'm a poster-pilled serotonin factory now. I've seized the memes of endorphin production and liberated myself from Capitalism. Posting is praxis and I'll cry if anyone tells me otherwise, so you better not! You'd hate it. I'm a real ugly cryer.

[โ€“] [email protected] 26 points 1 year ago (2 children)

spray-bottle bad! they'll put you off your appetite for dinner. I made beans again.

[โ€“] [email protected] 35 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It's the only morally correct thing to do according to Utilitarians.


For the love of God, please craft hobbies and an appreciation for life beyond abstract "utility" maximization. These freaks are so hyperalienated from their own existence that they can't conceive of themselves as anything other than an input. Sorry nerds, you won't find self-actualization by designing a marginally more addictive ad-software or another tulip bubble. Please stop eating the bugs and look at some art for a fucking change.

[โ€“] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago

I predict that a prediction with lathe-of-heaven in it will come true.

Checkmate liberals.

[โ€“] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

That's an estimation. Some companies may be that profitable, but the economy overall in the US is less.,Bureau%20of%20Economic%20Analysis%20data.

The more important point is that profit is an assumed good, an end worthy of itself. No liberal economist is ever going to tell you a business or economy is too profitable: that's the point of all this. Thus when a firm raises prices to sustain or increase it's rate of profit, that's just business; a decision so basic as to escape scrutiny. But if labor demands more pay/benefits and eats into the rate of profit? Well now that's driving up inflation! Those greedy workers just don't know when they've got enough! Pay no attention to the decision by Capital to raise prices to sustain the rate of profit, that's the only reasonable thing they could do! Their privilege in society must be preserved!

We could get off this stupid treadmill if we nationalized mature industries and ran them at cost for the public good - but there's no profit in that, so what's the point?

[โ€“] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Compare this to a graph of 'increase/decrease in wages' over the same period of time. If wages did not increase, then this inflation affects people remarkable. The price increases are cumulative over time. If someone's wages have not increased then it doesn't matter if inflation slows down or even stops completely, their relative level of income and direct material well-being has gone down.

We can even make this more nuanced. Rather than look at average wages that can be affected by extreme outliers or just an economy where high earners get a lot more relative to the rest of the population, we could instead look at median wages or quintiles for more granularity. This inflation might not be seen or even affect the bug eating Karen PMC. However, it may be massively painful for a subsection of the population who's wages have stagnated. Even if this segment was a minority, it would be incredibly tone deaf and ignorant to ignore their plight and just focus on the whole population. The issue at hand would then be distribution of wealth - but liberals of course like to ignore that at every opportunity. Enjoy your worsening material consulting, serf. Middle management and shareholders gotta get paid.

[โ€“] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm out of the loop: what is unity doing?

[โ€“] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My brother in Christ we've been off of Reddit for over 3 years. Your vapid "No u" strategy is pretty dumb in context.

[โ€“] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Fuck. You're right.

[โ€“] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

de-electrochemistry WE CAN FIX THAT, THOUGH

[โ€“] [email protected] 26 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Everyone gets one freebee per year. Just make sure to read it aloud to yourself and make it sound funny so the jury laughs in court.

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