
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I like and use signal, but of course the problem is convincing someone else to start using it in order to send you a message.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Lol that's the van? How is it different than the car?

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I've seen people say there's good weird and bad weird, and if you don't mind calling yourself weird it's probably the good kind.

As for calling maga people weird I think it's effective because their whole deal is about vibes. "We're strong, we're smart" and it really bothers them to be perceived otherwise. It's also not something you can "debate". Either people accept it or they don't. What are you going to say "no, I'm not weird"? Sure thing buddy.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Cool jacket, and reading the backstory you linked makes it even cooler.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Lol, well I didn't mean specifically "tell me you're from the US" just the general phrase "tell me X without telling me X".

And can confirm that plenty of Americans aren't thrilled with how things are run in America. We're running democracy v0.1 beta

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Well like other people were saying, there's a trend of people posting this prompt, and then others responding with funny answers. You're right, I don't like it when people use the same formulation in response to a comment. I also don't get why people are doing it, for the same reason: I don't think it's funny, and it doesn't really add anything to the conversation.

Usually memes are funny because there's a familiar pattern and then people riff on the pattern and make little unexpected tweaks. The type of usage I don't like and don't get is when people are just saying "you're this" in a more wordy way. It has the form of a joke with no punchline.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sorry, that probably came off too negative. Looking at all your posts there's clearly plenty of variety. And anyone regardless of party is going to do things worthy of criticism. Only reason I commented is I've noticed that when I get to the end of my subscribed feed I often encounter a post with low upvotes critical of Harris and see your username. I guess that illustrates the audience on lemmy just as much as the type of things you post.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

Thanks yeah, I've seen that sort of thread. If anything in this particular case it would make more sense if the comment was "tell me what country you're from without telling me what country you're from."

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I was saying I see it everywhere?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I was going to say, normally your posts are shitting on Harris but this one's good

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think the issue they're raising is that these clips aren't from porn, they're from movies that happen to have nude scenes. They argue that taking the nude scene out of the larger context is molesting them.

I can understand not liking it, but I don't see how it would be unexpected.


Every week or every month each level of government throws a party funded with taxpayer dollars, and attendees are selected at random from the residents and given advance notice of the party schedule.


My default buying process is research + spreadsheet creation, this time thought I'd ask the community here if you have any experience / wisdom with garage door openers. Thanks for any help!

Additional info: Single car garage built in the 1950s in the U.S. The current opener is a lift master, just eyeballing it probably from the 90s. The door could be original? I don't know. It's wood, seems fairly substantial.

Yesterday and this morning started having issues with the door just stopping in the middle of opening or closing. When it stops, the remote button becomes unresponsive for a few seconds. When it starts moving again it goes the other direction so you have to keep pressing and try to get it to close/open before it stops again. This morning I ended up pulling it down part of the way because I'd gone through several rounds of up, down, up, down. It doesn't seem to want to move manually which isn't surprising. Worried my car is going to get stuck in there before work so I figure should probably be proactive here.


Question inspired by the news that Dave and Busters is supposed to be adding gambling to their games. And of course there are the sports betting apps.

I get that all things being equal we should let people do what they want to do. But I don't see much of a benefit, and a lot of downside to allowing the spread of gambling.


Let's assume no zombies or other supernatural occurrences, but could be plenty of people being shitty, consequences thereof, or natural disasters

Edit: to expand on this, presumably if society has temporarily or permanently collapsed there would be issues with things like deliveries, security, digital transactions, utility service etc. Feel free to use whichever scenario seems most likely to you, I'm asking more because I was thinking how screwed I'd be if I was just out of food after say, seven days.


I don't mean the actual rules of passing it, I mean what organization, activities and funding are necessary to do so.

The last one passed was in 1992 and it was just about congressional pay. Last one before that was 1971. Is there some kind of play book? It seems to happen so infrequently that it would be hard to study and conditions would vary enough that the last effort wouldn't be useful as a model.

("The amendment process is very difficult and time consuming: A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states." Link)


We're talking actions limited to something one human could achieve - so not wishes, but could be something amazing or rare like "become president"

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"...These kinds of private conferences, where business and cultural leaders interview one another free from the pesky, prying grasp of the press or public, are becoming increasingly common."


I like getting glasses off of Zenni but they never seem to fit quite right, mostly the arms. Would be nice to be able to make adjustments.


Or by only putting one stick of memory in, or changing the slot you're using.

I was assembling a computer and everything seemed to be correct, the fan would spin up, I'd get some lights, but there was no image on the screen, not even the BIOS. I saw someone else make this suggestion and didn't think it was likely to work, but it did. First I just tried one stick, and it booted. Then I tried both sticks and it didn't work, but I reseated and then it did.

(Also worth pointing out that your motherboard should have diagnostic lights which if you check the documentation may point out which component has an issue)

Thinking about Lemmy's demographics many here may have heard of something like this, or have more helpful suggestions about troubleshooting which would be welcome. But thought I'd write out a little post about my experience to contribute to Lemmy SEO supremacy.

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