
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 18 hours ago (2 children)

they expected future generations to update the constitution as necessary to protect the republic from those who would seek to undermine or replace it.

The problem with this is that it requires people in power to vote to limit their own power. And while there have been some, certainly, who have been willing to do so, getting a supermajority of people willing to do it is simply not something I see as remotely possible anymore.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Stupid sexy raccoons...

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Hi - I'm a Linux newbie.

I don't tell other Linux users that I use linux because it almost always leads to a bunch of questions that I don't know the answer to. So let me assure you, that awkwardness is on both sides of that conversation you're describing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's not like I'm sitting here actively supporting the genocide. I've been speaking out against Israel since this conflict started. Look, here I am being critical of Israel 10 months ago.

But I'm going to level with you - if I was going to choose a single issue to base my vote on, it wouldn't be this. It would be climate change. I'd throw in my cap with whomever had the most decisive, immediate plan to cut fossil fuels and major pollutants, enact climate-friendly policies, and put 100% of our budget and focus into reversing as much of the damage we've caused as possible, because I think that's a much bigger issue than Gaza, or Ukraine, or anything else.

Compared to that, which is a global problem, I think any individual nation's conflicts are pretty trivial. It trumps genocide, it trumps fascism, it trumps everything.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Did the teacher at least spend time discussing it, or did they just lay it on you and let you sort it out for yourselves? Either way, that's pretty early!

[–] [email protected] 92 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Flowers for Algernon, that was thought provoking but also way too heavy for a 7th grade English class.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

If Trump and the GOP have their way, there won't be another election cycle. Maybe you need to think beyond this one, too.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Yeah I mean, the towtruck owner was not without fault by all I've read but even so, the guy stole a truck and caused a lot of property damage and that's a jailable offense no matter the circumstances.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Where along the DNC’s journey to the right do you hop off? Is it never?

When we have a viable progressive candidate. Until then, I'm going to continue being a pragmatist and vote for the candidate that I think is better among those who have a chance to win, rather than waste my vote trying to make an idealistic point.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (12 children)

Even if it were the case that both were exactly identical, then you'd have to admit that your vote won't matter for Palestine, and you should base it on other factors, so why don't you tell me which of Trump's policies you're okay with having in exchange for the opportunity to take the idealistic stance in this election?

We can sit here and quote conflicting sources at each other all night, and it's clear that neither of us is going to sway the other, so we probably should just shake hands and agree to disagree, but fuck it, I'm not doing anything else, so I'll start. Here's one. Okay, your turn.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I feel like maybe you aren't actually familiar with the issue you're commenting about here. Maybe you should read the article and watch the video before defending this guy.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm sure there's a really simple answer to this, but it's a surprisingly difficult problem to search for.

I've got a RichTextBox control and I'm trying to write text that includes the letters "ff", but they don't show up. This is the specific code in question:

for entry in suffix:
  desc += "[color=darkgray]Suffix (Tier: %s, Quality: %s%%) 'of %s'\n[color=royalblue]" % [entry.tier, entry.quality, entry.mod.name]

This is what it ends up printing:

If I change one or both of the Fs to capitals, they both display fine; it's specifically two lowercase Fs that're problematic. They also display fine elsewhere in the same textbox; it's just this line specifically that's problematic. Even tried escaping it but it didn't like that, either.

Most of the settings on the RichTextBox are default; the font has a lowercase 'f' character; I haven't done anything weird with the font size, or style, or anything else.

I'm tearing my hair out here. Please tell me this is just some stupid bbcode tag or some such.

Edit: For anyone finding this later:

It's a ligature (ffi) that the font is missing a glyph for. To solve the problem: On the Import tab, choose the font you're using, click Advanced, and under Metadata Overrides, expand OpenType Features, click Add Feature -> Ligatures, add whichever option is appropriate (discretionary or standard ligatures), then disable the option. Reimport the font, and the issue is fixed!


Let's get some furry shit up in there. We can create / share a template so we're all working on something cohesive. Any interest / anyone have any suggestions for something to draw?

Community Link


I really don't have a lot of background on cluster munitions; it only really came into my perception in response to the controversy over the US providing them to Ukraine. As I understand it, the controversy is because they often don't all explode reliably, and unexploded munitions can then explode months or years later when civilians are occupying the territory, making it similar to the problems caused by landmines.

In an age where things like location trackers, radio transmitters, and other such local and long-range technology to locate objects are common place, what's stopping the manufacturers of these munitions from simply putting some kind of device to facilitate tracking inside each individual explosive, to assist with detection and safe retrieval after a conflict? I get that nothing is a 100% effective solution, but it seems like it'd solve most of it.

Can someone with actual knowledge explain why this is still a problem we're having?


We can currently filter communities in our feed by 'Subscribed', 'Local' and 'All', but I'd really love a way to add communities to custom groupings, and have additional filter options based on those groupings. For example, a 'News' group that I could add all of the News-related communities to, and be able to click a filter button and see only those... or maybe the use case most people would likely use: creating groups to isolate SFW and NSFW content.

If there's a way to do this that I'm unaware of, I'd love to hear about it.

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