
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 hour ago

The best tip I can give is to idle on a flat service with the clutch in, and slowly release it until the car starts moving. Your first time, do not touch the gas at all. Once you understand when the clutch "bites", practice lightly adding some gas to the bite. Once you get the car moving, the rest of the gears are easy by comparison.

My dad spent a whole Saturday with me as a kid frustrated that I didn't just "get it". The next weekend I practiced by myself and did the above method and figured it out in about 15 minutes.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

This would be so much cooler if he was talking about the weave, as in the magic of Faerun.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The opening of Longlegs and the first 30 or so minutes were really engaging.

!I especially liked the scene where Nick Cage shows up in the detective's house after she ran out to look for him.!<
The rest of the movie felt to me like it faltered pretty hard, unfortunately. One notable scene towards the end was chilling, but the narrative kind of fell apart for me. I'm curious what other people thought.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Imagine Insomniac making a new Infamous.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

I'm not vegan, but I've been trying to limit my groceries to have 1 meat based dinner each week. I have really enjoyed using chickpeas as my protein for lots of different things. My favorite right now is a chickpea shawarma.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (9 children)

I don't know, I have yet to see one of these unbiased sources from you.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (12 children)

Were you there to see it? I wasn't. We need to make sure we're evaluating information using multiple sources of independent and unbiased information. The image could have been photoshopped.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (14 children)

Do you have multiple independent and unbiased parties confirming the shirt he was wearing?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

This is why I love the elves in Eberron so much. They have a strong culture of ancestor worship, and practice the only "positive" form of necromancy. Positive in the sense that it does not rely on magic from the world or others, only yourself and the object of worship. By doing so, they maintain a court of their deceased who continue to govern and advise the nation.
Sure, you can learn how to fight well with a sword in a few years, but it takes a dozen or more to learn how to fight exactly like the long-dead patriarch of your family line.
After spending decades learning how to be like one of their ancestors, they often go out into the world to walk the same paths.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (22 children)

This is what arguing in bad faith looks like. If someone replies with sources, you will claim bias. Name a news source you consider to be unbiased.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Whenever I see that line in books, I have taken it to mean a reluctant yes. As if the person is both shaking their head in exasperation and conceding something to the other person.


Hello, title. I have been playing pf2e coming on 2 years now. Unfortunately, I have never enjoyed character creation or progression in this system. I like playing with my group, but would rather never again make a decision when it comes to character options.

I am surprised because it seems like there are very few written resources or videos which just make a build with feats/spells chosen, retraining recommendations by level, etc. Any recommendations?


By Alyssavt

[deleted by creator] (buymeacoffee.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

[deleted by creator]


[Requesting engagement from trans-feminine people on HRT]

I don't yet know when I will begin hormone replacement therapy, but the anticipation leaves me prone to developing expectations I worry are unrealistic.

Not sure how best to explain. My emotions, and sometimes my expression of those emotions, will feel masculine when heightened. Feeling intensely happy or angry about something even unrelated to my identity, those feelings give me dysphoria because of how masculine they seem. It's not that being happy or angry is inherently masculine, of course. The dysphoria comes from the emotion's manifestation seeming masculine.

I don't know if this makes sense, but has anyone experienced something similar and/or seen changes to these sorts of things?


Join me on the path to Twilightenment.


Back on February 3rd, I came out to my wife. TLDR, she is amazing and I love her.

We had just settled in with some cocoa for the night after getting the kiddo to sleep. We both knew yo get comfy, since we would be there a while. I told her very directly that I am a transgender woman, and shared some of how that has been exciting, terrifying, and depressing at times, still being in the closet.

There were some tears, which she later told me were on my behalf because she had no idea how I had been hurting. She has persistently reminded me through gestures and words that she loves me, not just as a man she married 6 years ago, but as the person she has come to know.

We are still in the process of talking through what next steps look like, but she has been incredibly open to change and has wanted to understand how I see myself and the world.

She has always been a huge Harry Potter fan. This woman even asked me if it was still okay for her to like Harry Potter. She was ready to leave it behind for me. (Personally, consuming HP media doesn't bother me. Conversation for another time, I'm sure some here would disagree with me)

I am so thankful for her. I also want to thank this community for encouraging me to get to this point. You girls rock ❤️


Link to my first post. When we were sharing our new year's resolutions with each other earlier this month, I told her I want to he more true to myself, and more honest with her. I told her she deserves that, and that I love her.

We have talked about having "a conversation" soon. For us, we understand this to mean at least 2-3 hours where we sit down intending to talk without being interrupted. Time has continued to get away from us as we are settling into being parents as well with a 2 month old.

We have each made mentions of, "the conversation", and how we haven't forgotten, just haven't had the right moment yet.

Girls, I am just so proud of myself for taking this step. Even though nothing has really happened yet, it feels like more has happened in the last month than in my entire life.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone, first time posting. Hoping there are others with similar experiences who can share insight, but at minimum I want to put my thoughts down.

I [29MtF] am pre-everything, but have accepted I am trans for the last 4 years with the understanding I would never transition. Continuing to live as a man in spite of myself seemed realistic. My dysphoria was never really that bad, so even though the idea of being a woman was amazing, I could always push it aside easily and continue with my life.

Sure, I would have bad days where dysphoria would get me down, thinking things like:

"Why can't I look like her? Why does it have to be such a big deal if I want to transition? Why would so many people hate me for being who I want to be?"

But as always, these times would come and go. I could grin and bear it, pressing on to another day.

My wife of 6 years is fantastic. I love her more than the day we were married, and we have a child on the way. In the past, I have been open with her about my general preference towards femininity. While she accepts this and loves me for it, I have never properly told her I think of myself as transgender. She and I both come from a background where being trans is considered wrong, and I know she still thinks that even though we are both supporting and accepting of our LGBTQ+ friends.

In the last year, one of my closest childhood friends told me he was gay. He and I regularly get drinks together, and mostly tell each other everything. When he came out to me, I told him I was trans. We have both been able to support each other, mostly as confidants while he deals with backlash from his family. I wish I could tell my wife as easily as I told my friend, but obviously that has more potential consequences.

The more time passes with me accepting who I am inside, the more natural it becomes to think of myself that way. This unfortunately has made dysphoria a more frequent and intense experience.

Additionally, there have been a handful of incredibly euphoric experiences I have had in the last year. My wife and I cosplayed a lesbian couple at a con this summer, which was the first time I dressed femme in public. Also, with my wife's pregnancy, I have been wearing some of her maternity clothes (shorts, sweatpants) around the house since those fit me surprisingly well. (Also justice for all of my hoodies she has claimed over the years)

I know for certain that transitioning would sever ties with almost all of my family and friends. Further, my wife would have a difficult time deciding what our future together would look like, assuming it continued at all. Despite her open mindedness, our shared religious beliefs would ultimately inform the outcome.

I wish it wasn't so hard to keep pretending. I'm just so tired.

Edit: Update

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