
joined 5 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

Ship an appimage or something, use basic fs abstraction to create an encrypted blob, do whatever you want within said blob.

Look at virtualbox or something for inspiration.

Look at xdg desktop portals for transfering files.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago (2 children)

A bit of a PSA for LG owners running webOS:

I rooted my tv and now have adless youtube, but apparently root is not a prerequisite - there also installation using dev mode. Admitedly, haven't tried it and it's probably less convenient to get it set up, but then it should be a one time thing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

How do you control it? Any fancy integration or just good old mouse?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

At least on zsh it would pop both of those as suggestions you can cycle through.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I did not know that! Thank you!

What do you mean by implementations? Is this closer debian vs rhel or more like linux vs bsd?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

That is literally the way it works now. As an example - go to Photon is a UI for lemmy. That specific website is hosted by the developer and you can log into any instance. I think Alexandrite and Voyager webapps act the same, but I haven't tried them, so can't be sure atm.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (5 children)

killall -9 processname works well when you can't be asked to get the pid.

kill -9 $$ is my favourite way to save face when I enter something into shell that shouldn't be in its history. Usual situation - switching panes and forgetting a recently used sudo session. Switching to root and getting there without a password prompt, but still typing it in. Wouldn't be helpful in situations where shell history is monitored remotely, but hey ho.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm a syaadmin now, but self hosting nextcloud is what got me my first IT job. I now host a bunch of stuff (even email!), lemmy included.

how did you decide that you would like to self-host? I wanted my friends to play a cs1.6 map I had created.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

That voice acting! Marvelous!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

It's been alright. Bank holiday Monday, wfh tomorrow and Friday. I'll survive :)

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

dire problems, including those that accumulate over time

That's not a thing. You create problems over time by experimening in what is, effectively, production load. If all you ever did was install any distro and kept it up to date - not much can break. Granted - shit happens, but it's incredibly rare.

As an example - I've set up my mail server in May 2019. Chose archlinux, because I never wanted to go through a big upgrade. The only exta software installed there is mail-server related. Direct from the repos. I've become confident enough that now there's a nightly cronjob to update the system with a hook to reboot if kernel or init gets updated.

In all those 5 a bit years I've had one issue where I hqd to revert a kernel update.

Another example is tang on an ubuntu server. This was at a previous workplace, but essentially it's a piece of software from the repos. Originally installed on 16.04, has gone without reprovisioning all the way to 22.04. I've now left the company, but I hear it's still running.

Upgrading an ubuntu desktop fleet with a myriad of custom software, on the other hand... let's just not talk about it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Agree with everything you're saying.

I think current tech just doesn't permit trains to be a viable car replacement - they cannot make turns. There's DLR in London that has a few insane curves, but that ability costs it greatly in terms of top speed. As such it's only viable in very population dense areas.

Which also leads to a common problem when building public infra - some people just won't let go of their home, no matter what. Current laws (in a few countries I keep an eye on, at least) do not enable forced buyouts, and I don't really have a straightforward answer. Part of me says such projects should have the ability for it, but then I'm not sure I'd agree if I myself were in such a position.

There's also a less tangible benefit of a car that I'm subconciously avoiding to mention because I don't know how to fully express myself appropriately - freedom. It's freedom to go anywhere, which could be almost fully be covered by perfect public transit; but it's also freedom from big orgs such as governments and corporations. It is possible to go across the whole Europe on a couple of tanks of an average car and 4-5 tanks if it's something thirstier. That little fuel can be easily stocked up by an individual. If rail gets shut down - you're stuffed. No policy can stop me from moving in a car.

The context of this is russia invading Ukraine and movement restrictions put in place during covid. While I don't argue too much about covid - something had to be done; implementation and enforcement in some countries outright sucked, though - russia is an actual threat that would affect my family if it invaded further west. And if that happened - nothing beats a car in that case. Rail gets shut, roads and borders closed.

I'm probably expanding a bit too much.


EDIT: you guys have dug up some truly horrible pisstakes :D Thank you for those.

To the serious folk - relax a little. This is Mildly Infuriating, not I'm dying if this doesn't stop. As a non-native speaker I was taught a certain way to use the language. The rules were not written down by me, nor the teachers - it was done by the native folk. Peace!


There are a few reasons why pict-rs might not be running, upgrades being one of them. At the moment the whole of lemmy UI will crash and burn if it cannot load a site icon. Yes, that little thing. Here's the github issue.

To work around this I have set the icon and banner (might as well since we're working on this) to be loaded from a local file rather than nginx.

Here's a snippet of nginx config from the server block:

location /static-img/ {
      alias /srv/lemmy/;

      # Rate limit
      limit_req zone=lemmy.cafe_ratelimit burst=30 nodelay;

      # Asset cache defined in /etc/nginx/conf.d/static-asset-cache.conf
      proxy_cache lemmy_cache;

I have also included the rate limitting and cache config, but it is not, strictly speaking, necessary.

The somewhat important bit here is the location - I've tried using static, but that is already used by lemmy itself, and as such breaks the UI. Hence the static-img.

I have downloaded the icon and banner from the URLs saved in the database (assuming your instance id in site is, in fact, 1):

SELECT id, icon, banner FROM site WHERE id = 1;
 id |                     icon                     |                     banner
  1 | |
(1 row)

I have then saved those files in /srv/lemmy/ as site-icon.webp and site-banner.webp. Changed the ownership to that of nginx (www-data in debian universe, http and httpd in others.

I have then updated the site table to point to the new location for icon and banner:

UPDATE site SET icon = '' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE site SET banner = '' WHERE id = 1;

Confirm it got applied:

SELECT id, icon, banner FROM site WHERE id = 1;
 id |                     icon                     |                     banner
  1 | |
(1 row)

That's it! You can now reload your nginx server (nginx -s reload) to apply the new path!


docker compose

I'm using a v2 - notice the lack of a dash between docker and compose.

I've recently learnt of the default filenames docker compose is trying to source upon invocation and decided to give it a try. The files are:

  • compose.yml
  • compose.override.yml

I have split the default docker-compose.yml that lemmy comes with into 2 parts - compose.yml holds pict-rs, postfix and, in my case, gatus. compose.override.yml is responsible for lemmy services only. This is what the files contain:


x-logging: &default-logging
  driver: "json-file"
    max-size: "20m"
    max-file: "4"

    image: asonix/pictrs:0.5.0
    user: 991:991
      - ""
      - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
    entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs run
      - PICTRS__OLD_REPO__PATH=/mnt/sled-repo
      - PICTRS__REPO__TYPE=postgres
      - PICTRS__REPO__URL=postgres://pictrs:<redacted>@psql:5432/pictrs
      - RUST_LOG=warn
          memory: 512m
    image: mwader/postfix-relay
      - ./volumes/postfix:/etc/postfix
    restart: "always"
    logging: *default-logging

    image: twinproduction/gatus
      - "8080:8080"
      - ./volumes/gatus:/config
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
          memory: 128M

compose.override.yml is actually a hardlink to the currently active deployment. I have two separate files - compose-green.yml and compose-blue.yml. This allows me to prepare and deploy an upgrade to lemmy while the old version is still running.


    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2
    hostname: lemmy-green
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - RUST_LOG="warn"
      - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson
    # depends_on:
    #   - pictrs
          # cpus: "0.1"
          memory: 128m
    entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-activity-sending --disable-scheduled-tasks

    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2
    hostname: lemmy-federation-green
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - RUST_LOG="warn,activitypub_federation=info"
      - ./lemmy-federation.hjson:/config/config.hjson
    # depends_on:
    #   - pictrs
          cpus: "0.2"
          memory: 512m
    entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-scheduled-tasks

    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2
    hostname: lemmy-tasks
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - RUST_LOG="info"
      - ./lemmy-tasks.hjson:/config/config.hjson
    # depends_on:
    #   - pictrs
          cpus: "0.1"
          memory: 128m
    entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-activity-sending


    image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.2
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy-green:8536
      - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true
      - ./volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes:/app/extra_themes
      - lemmy-green
          memory: 256m


    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2-rc.5
    hostname: lemmy-blue
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - RUST_LOG="warn"
      - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson
    # depends_on:
    #   - pictrs
          # cpus: "0.1"
          memory: 128m
    entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-activity-sending --disable-scheduled-tasks

    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2-rc.5
    hostname: lemmy-federation-blue
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - RUST_LOG="warn,activitypub_federation=info"
      - ./lemmy-federation.hjson:/config/config.hjson
    # depends_on:
    #   - pictrs
          cpus: "0.2"
          memory: 512m
    entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-scheduled-tasks

    image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.2-rc.5
    hostname: lemmy-tasks-blue
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - RUST_LOG="info"
      - ./lemmy-tasks.hjson:/config/config.hjson
    # depends_on:
    #   - pictrs
          cpus: "0.1"
          memory: 128m
    entrypoint: lemmy_server --disable-http-server --disable-activity-sending


    image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.2-rc.5
      - ""
    restart: always
    logging: *default-logging
      - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy-blue:8536
      - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true
      - ./volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes:/app/extra_themes
      - lemmy-blue
          memory: 256m

The only constant different between the two is the IP address I use to expose them to the host. I've tried using ports, but found that it's much easier to follow it in my mind by sticking to the ports and changing the bound IP.

I also have two nginx configs to reflect the different IP for green/blue deployments, but pasting the whole config here would be a tad too much.

No-downtime upgrade

Let's say green is the currently active deployment. In that case - edit the compose-blue.yml file to change the version of lemmy on all 4 components - lemmy, federation, tasks and ui. Then bring down the tasks container from the active deployment, activate the whole of blue deployment and link it to be the compose.override.yml. Once the tasks container is done with whatever tasks it's supposed to do - switch over the nginx config. Et voilà - no downtime upgrade is live!

Now all that's left to do is tear down the green containers.

docker compose down lemmy-tasks-green
docker compose -f compose-blue.yml up -d
ln -f compose-blue.yml compose.override.yml
# Wait for tasks to finish
ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/sites-enabled/
nginx -t && nginx -s reload
docker compose -f compose-green.yml down lemmy-green lemmy-federation-green lemmy-tasks-green lemmy-ui-green


I have also multiplied lemmy.hjson to provide a bit more control.


  database: {
    host: "psql"
    port: 5432
    user: "lemmy"
    password: "<redacted>"
    pool_size: 3
  hostname: ""
  pictrs: {
    url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
    api_key: "<redacted>"
  email: {
    smtp_server: "postfix:25"
    smtp_from_address: "[email protected]"
    tls_type: "none"


  database: {
    host: "psql"
    port: 5432
    user: "lemmy_federation"
    password: "<redacted>"
    pool_size: 10
  hostname: ""
  pictrs: {
    url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
    api_key: "<redacted>"
  email: {
    smtp_server: "postfix:25"
    smtp_from_address: "[email protected]"
    tls_type: "none"
  worker_count: 10
  retry_count: 2


  database: {
    host: ""
    port: 5432
    user: "lemmy_tasks"
    password: "<redacted>"
    pool_size: 3
  hostname: ""
  pictrs: {
    url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
    api_key: "<redacted>"
  email: {
    smtp_server: "postfix:25"
    smtp_from_address: "[email protected]"
    tls_type: "none"

I suspect it might be possible to remove pict-rs and/or email config from some of them, but honestly it's not a big deal and I haven't had enough time, yet, to look at it.

Future steps

I'd like to script the actual switch-over - it's really trivial, especially since most of the parts are there already. All I'd really like is apply strict failure mode on the script and see how it behaves; do a few actual upgrades.

Once that happens - I'll post it here.

So long and thanks for all the fish!


Using optimization techniques, the wireless spec can support a theoretical top speed of more than 40Gbps, though vendors like Qualcomm suggest 5.8Gbps is a more realistic expectation

That is insane! Not that I would, but this could utilise the full pipe of my home connection on wifi only!


Some really beautiful shots in the video.


Archive link

In a surprise to absolutely nobody - it sucks.


Winter Olympics, radio pips, MGM and TV images.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Now that is how you run a proper scam.

Take notes, kids!


Archive link

The ad companies are complaining. This is either a farce or Google is doing something actually useful this time.

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