
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Why do conspiracy idiots always throw in Egypt into everything? Is it the only country they ever heard of?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Using 10 beagles, the team performed 5 days of social experiments on pairs of unfamiliar dogs and humans. Participants wore electroencephalogram (EEG) caps to measure brain activity during 3 social interactions: when the human and dog were in different rooms, in the same room but not interacting, and in the same room while interacting, each for 5 minutes at a time. Inter-brain synchronization, the authors found, increased in the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain, both of which deal with attention, during the most intense social interactions like petting and looking at each other. This correlation continued to strengthen over the 5 days.

This is the baseline for comparison in the paper.

Next, the authors repeated the experiment using 13 dogs bred with Shank3 mutations, which are the most common genetic risk factors for ASD (autism spectrum disorder). The Shank3 mutants showed a loss of inter-brain activity coupling during interactions with humans, indicating this connection’s absence. However, 24 hours after administering a dose of LSD (7.5 μg per kg^-1 bodyweight), the authors observed much higher inter-brain correlation in the dogs’ frontal and parietal brain regions, outperforming dogs who had received a saline solution.

kg ^ -1 = 100 grams. So you can read it as 7.5 μg of LSD per 100 grams of dog. As to why that dose, from the paper:

we conducted a pilot study to determine an appropriate LSD dose at 7.5 µg kg−1 bodyweight, as 10 µg kg−1 bodyweight (inferred from previous reports on mice[13]) showed an apparent head-shaking effect, while 5 µg LSD kg−1 bodyweight showed no recognizable effect on the behaviors.

Full paper - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202402493

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

Juanito Greco, el destruidor de tabelas

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

Pretty sure they figured that out more than a decade ago. Blizzard (RIP) certainly did.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Can I make t-shirts + shorts + flip flops become a new formal wear if it's fashionable enough?

As for something more fashion-y, for men, I'd make something with lots of freedom of movement, aesthetics as pure afterthought. I hate stuff that shows my belly whenever my arms go up or legwear that won't let me sit, crouch, stretch or anything without feeling like my fat ass can rip the fabric at any time.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Yup, that was something Sony was already doing back with the PS2, you could have Linux for PS2

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Something about a dog biting back after being kicked around enough

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 days ago

Both also spend more time talking shit about one another and infighting than actually piling up against the so called common enemies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks for ignoring the mostly in my original comment and implying I was talking about all anime

Japan still mostly treats and creates anime as media for kids and teenagers

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Even wasm relies on javascript and frankly, I see its existence as a failure of many layers. Machine code -> Operating system -> Browser -> WASM (emulated machine code)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

Kurumin Linux, which was a Brazilian distro based on Knoppix. This was back in 2006 or so, and that was my first hands-on experience with Linux.

I don't fully remember whether everything worked out of the box, I think it connected to the internet no problem (cable), but what amazed me was:

1 - It ran off the CD drive without needing to install anything 2 - It had loads of preinstalled utility software 3 - Less than 700MB

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago

I hope that doesn't spill over e-h


Some weeks ago, I've come across Delta Chat, whose main thing is "(near) instant messaging using your email"

That left me thinking, has this been attempted before? If not, why? Also, why (besides servers' limitations as means to fight spam) isn't this solution used more often, given that e-mail has been a decentralized solution for well over 40 years now?


I'm thinking about making a character entirely out of Polygon2D nodes without textures. One thing I haven't figured out how to do is make each polygon cast a "permanent" shadow on top of the ones that are Z levels below it.

Below is an image of what I want to do, but using shaders/lights. I've only managed to do this by making extra polygons to fill in as the shadows.

How exactly do I have to set up a light source to achieve this effect? Using a DirectionalLight2D or a PointLight2D just brightens the polygons and I can't figure how to use a LightOccluder2D, or even if this is the correct way to get this result

(The polygons are green due to the DirectionalLight being green) - The occlusion simply applies the shadow on anything that is Z levels below it.


I'm looking for something that "a child would find easy to learn", possibly a virtual keyboard with an obvious "start recording" button that does that, recording your keys on the selected Track, then allowing easy playback so you can listen to it.


Time sure does fly, huh


Tennis uses multiples of 15, but only up to 45, calls other points weird names, then closes a set, which has to be repeated at least 6 times for a separate scoring, with said scoring also needing to be repeated AT LEAST 3 more times, but can be dragged out ad infinitum.

Even table tennis has the decency of using a straight scoring system where 11 points wins a set and 2 sets wins the match.


It's totally original, you guys!


I'd like to create an effect similar to 2 death animations that exist in Crash Bandicoot 3.

In one of them, Crash is disintegrated: all the triangle faces get separated and fly apart. A similar triangle separation is seen when he dies from fire, the triangles fall separately.

The second is a simple separation of the legs and torso. One enemy that exists in the 1st stage can cut Crash in half, which will cause the torso to stay in place while the legs walk away.



Text: My browser when I open the 42nd tab and beyond

A 2 panel image of Michael Jordan: Stop it. Get some help.


Asking mostly because I have fuckloads of video courses, plus a number of movies, that I have yet to even check if the content is as good as their titles imply and I really feel like I'm mostly hoarding this stuff because I have no fucking clue.


I'd like actual examples instead of "I work faster", something like "I can move straight to the middle of the file with 7mv" or "I can keep 4 different text snippets in memory and paste each with a number+pt, like 2pt", things that you actually use somewhat frequently instead of what you can do, but probably only did once.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/16870410

However, despite all the attention Godot has been receiving, the switch from Godot 3 to Godot 4 called for the removal of Godot’s visual scripting system. This presented us with an amazing opportunity. We knew we needed to provide more to our users, and now Godot was lacking in a function that we know really well! And that’s how the current plan was kicked off.

Makes me wonder if they'll do something similar for RPG Maker if AGM does well enough commercially, since the RPG Maker Unite, which was supposed to work with Unity, died thanks to that charge the devs per-install kerfuffle.


However, despite all the attention Godot has been receiving, the switch from Godot 3 to Godot 4 called for the removal of Godot’s visual scripting system. This presented us with an amazing opportunity. We knew we needed to provide more to our users, and now Godot was lacking in a function that we know really well! And that’s how the current plan was kicked off.

Makes me wonder if they'll do something similar for RPG Maker if AGM does well enough commercially, since the RPG Maker Unite, which was supposed to work with Unity, died thanks to that charge the devs per-install kerfuffle.

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