
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

He's still alive???

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

that's incredible, good going Michigan.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

You ever find yourself rolling up a new character for an RPG one day, then deep diving into romance era music and literature to craft a more authentic foundation for their persona the next? That's what I'm gonna be up to.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Aw dude, four strength four stam leather belt?


Level 18??


[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

If they don't shit the bed somehow, I think TES6 will still be successful. Skyrim was pretty much just the video game equivalent of plain salted potato chips in retrospect. So long as they can at least meet that level of quality doing something they know, I think it'll do fine. They don't need to make a masterpiece or anything, modders will just be pleased to have a new prettier medium and a new map to loot plants from.

All of that said, uuurghhh, I have so little excitement for more elder scrolls slop. Bethesda seriously needs a total mixup in leadership and direction for me to get hopeful again.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

Packaged meals, wildflowers, an aloof cat, alcohol, a street performer, maybe a neat rock.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Low stakes hangout quests with endearing side characters you thought would only get like a line or two in during the main mission at best.

[–] [email protected] 87 points 3 days ago

ancient alchemists popping off in their graves rn

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

I've somehow managed to capture a bit of childhood wonder with videogames of all things again.

Way back when I was a kid, my uncle showed me Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube, and I was blown away by how good it looked. Clear water, beautiful scenery, bright colors. I was absolutely astonished. It felt like I was living in the future.

When I was a bit older and got my first gaming PC, I felt that same sense of wonder seeing Ironforge populated with so many people running around in their cool armor and epic mounts.

It's been a hot minute since then, and I haven't been wowed like that again until now, when I've slid my phone into a controller and steamlink's a fully modded skyrim from my PC to it. I just spent a couple hours marvelling at how sick that is that I can do that, lying on the couch and experiencing real ass games.

Now granted, the switch and the psp / vita etc have all been around for a minute, but this is my doomscrolling machine, turned into a handheld console with as high end graphics and mods as I can handle on my PC. It blew my mind since I've been dismissing the phone gaming ecosystem as little more than microtransaction shovelware hell for the longest time. It's just really neat!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago


source: trust me bro

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago



The purgatory is a perfectly self-contained 10-acre plot of land that you create limited mostly by your imagination, but you're cut off from the world and other people.

The internet connection is stable, but you lack a physical body and cannot upgrade the machine hosting you - your hardware will become out of date fairly quickly.


Personally, I can't really find the interest to watch someone talk about things that could've been a text file, but maybe you all can peep some info on your classes of choice from this. I hear investigators and alchemists are eating good, but...

I'm just so upset about battle oracles, how could paizo do this to me immediately after bopping my favorite deity, too?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. The warframe companion app's fine, but i want to bullet jump around like a cat at 3am while waiting for my foundry items to finish.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was looking over an old character I've been saving for when our table revisits 1e. He's a medium, one of the less immediately powerful classes that operates around a very limited resource, but gaining extreme day-to-day flexibility. I like the class because it can access and flourish in all arenas of play, whether that's combat, downtime, or exploration. They can even access 6th level spells from wizard, druid, and cleric, in addition to getting a spicy Wish capstone.

When a medium hits 5 Influence by using one of his many, many influence accruing abilities, he becomes an NPC under the GM's control. Now, that sounds really bad, mostly because it is. But most GM's are... probably not going to want to fully pilot a full PC in addition to everything else, especially not one so complicated as a medium. For some tables, that's enough to just soft-ban the class, but others might find some balance between player & gm control to keep it going. That's not really the point of the post, however.

The medium doesn't have a cap for their influence points - they just become an NPC at 5 or more. If your teammates included a pretty good face to influence the NPC to tag along for the rest of the day, there isn't really anything stopping the NPC Medium from just... using all of the influence abilities at every opportunity.

You can only Spirit Surge once per round, but there are a few other abilities of note. A trickster NPC can steal the buffs from any and everyone. Marshall NPCs can Decisive Strike twice per turn to give your team an extra attack and an extra standard action every turn. Archmage NPCs could just use Arcane Surge to cast free arcane spells of up to 6th level every single turn forever. Legendary spirits have some tricks too, and are likely much easier to bargain with than a new spirit each time. Cyricas can provide AoE Freedom of Movement to your whole team all day long. Stavian can double up on AoE healing or deprive enemies of heals going their way. Darolnyr can swift action teleport you and give the free spellcasts from archmage.

This is likely in no way practical information, I just thought it's an interesting blindspot on all the medium discussion posts I've seen.


no context will be given, or is necessary for that matter


cross-posted from: https://dormi.zone/post/994993

I threw together a little treasure cave together for my table. There's a spider boss hanging out in that northern room guarding a Spiderclimber's Kit in the very next room. Once they have it, they'll be able to snag treasure at the bottom of the deep pit and the high cliff.


12 fishbucks for an energise, be sure to run steel path for more fishbucks per mission


OK, the previous map's vegetation was bugging me, so I took a bit of time to practice those particulars. I want to add a bit more depth to the shrubs, but hey, they still get the job done.


I'm not totally sold on the thickets or tree trunks in this one, but I did slap it together in under half an hour, so mission complete!

In retrospect, I think the trunks bug me because they're not in perspective - they're top down, while everything else is showing things from the side. Something to fix next time around. The thickets, eh, i dunno. I'd have to look at how other people do that and try to ape whatever they're doing to make them look a bit better because whew, i do not like how they look.

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