
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 hours ago

I wouldn't call TSLA shares not an asset.

I would say those shares are significantly over valued. only reason they haven't already collapsed is because of all the fanbois still sucking musk off.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

that they know of.

You can link any news agency you want. It will always come down to "that they know of."

most rich people will use tools to hide their assets (maybe not from the government, but from the public). Financial information- including stocks, general banking, companies they own or whatever. other assets these are generally confidential. The only really common exception is real estate, but there's ways of hiding ownership behind companies, trusts, or such. there are entire lawfirms dedicated specifically to doing just that.

People like the Rothschilds or Rockefeller families, and others... They don't advertise. They don't share that information, and they take extensive measures to ensure their privacy.

One of those measures is not talking to Forbes and telling them how much cash they have in assets.

So whenever reading that list. Always add that line: "the richest person dumb enough to brag about it" Because honestly, bragging about it like musk or bezos do... is really freaking stupid.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Why would you subject yourself to that?

WHY?!? Even most Christians think they're terrible movies.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Why wouldn’t they be?

It’s not like it costs money to creat accounts, or post/comment,

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago

I don’t know how clear I can be: it’s not a very good measure.

I’m not even saying it’s a good argument.

I’m saying Trump is the best argument for it.

It’s a question of irony. Most hardcore 2a weirdo’s support trump. Yet he’s the best argument for the 2a.

Make sense?

[–] [email protected] 30 points 14 hours ago

or she's trying to get back with trump.

"See I can make shit up too! mines more believable shit!"

Howler Monkey #2 is... not exactly the smartest person.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 14 hours ago

'the shooting' is the Secret Service agent doing their job. The story going the rounds is that the agent was doing a sweep ahead of trump, saw a guy with something that looked suspicious and decided to fire on the guy. Whatever happened between recognizing that things were hinky and the shots... well. that's the first question.

my cursory search on FL carry laws suggest that unless the guy was coming back from hunting, fishing or target shooting, then he's not allowed to open carry (there may be some other exceptions.) It's dubious that's what he was doing... In any case, dude in a public, not-controlled space, not being an active shooter doesn't generally allow for lethal force.

It's entirely possible the agent walked up and chatted with him, or tried to, and the guy either bolted or gave him reason to justify lethal force.

But the biggest question of all: why would a guy planning to kill Trump walk around in plain sight waiting for Trump to show up?

Like. I'm guessing you could see the, uhm, idiocy in that one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

Did you forget about the part where he started a fucking insurrection because he lost an election fair and square?

He's basically the reason the 2A exists- to act as a final measure against assholes like trump from coming to power.

(In the modern era, it's not a very good measure, don't get me wrong. Dudes with rifles- even LMGs- aren't going to hold out against dudes inside tanks and flying UCAVs dropping bombs... and I'm all for not-idiotic gun control. a firearm painted black is not "tactical"... or any more dangerous.)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 14 hours ago

Unless it's a pistol, its either an M16 (or Ar15,), or an AK 47. Them's the rules in horrible reporting involving firearms.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

"hey bro... you can get Trump to autograph your rifle if you go to that spot and wait for him with it! Hey, I know. Get a go pro and live stream it!"

[–] [email protected] 6 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

For what it's worth, the shooter was a secret service agent. Nobody else seems to have taken shots.

which sorta raises questions, dunnit?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 15 hours ago

running from secret service agents (that are shooting at you.)

"resisting arrest"


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17032394

unknown title, by pleumier


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16933715

Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant

I try to read all the articles I post but for this one I noped out after 1 sentence. Enjoy!

Hooo? (mander.xyz)

cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/12883966



Saw this going to a friend’s house- they bagged the fire hydrants….one thought was snow; but this is the first year apparently. And snow has been a mild issue this year compared to most.


Snow on Thursday.

Loaf. (lemmy.world)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Mamma loafing around with the minions. (~~one is behind her, to the front, the other is behind and to her tail.~~)(edit: those are snacks,)

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Gotta ask, what kinda candy was she making? Soft crack. Hard crack. Pot….

Even has the donuts on there for, you know, dealing with the munchies.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

so drop 'em if you got 'em


Double, double Toil and Trouble; Fire burn and Cauldron boil.
and the finished soup:


Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock's color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it deepened to this:

It's delicious, and tastes as expected, I'm just curious as to what happened in the broth's chemistry?

Seasoned with salt (duh), a sprig of thyme, some ginger and garlic, (just a hint of ginger,) black pepper, lemon zest (which was added with the torn chicken,) and white wine deglazed the pot from browning the dark meat.

The stock was from garlic, onion, celery, carrot and maybe ginger scraps cooked with the chicken carcass..


Due to reasons... I've "adopted" a CR10s that a friend had bought. It was used, and was already well on it's way to being a janky Printer of Theseus. My hope is to get it up and running and put through it's paces before the holidays so I can give it back as a gift.

With the linear rail upgrades, I picked up the hardware and it's on it's way; which got me looking at how to do the upgrade, which I have mostly figured out; the question I'm having is, most upgrades seem to place the rails on 2020 extrusions sitting on top of the base frame- same as how the original y axis 2040's were designed.

Which raises the question- why not lower it so the 2020 rails are even with the frame, with the mgn12 rail sitting on top? Like so:

The short answer I came to is this would necessitate replacing the brackets for the y stepper motor and it's idler; but it should be possible. the easiest solution would be something like:

which raises the question: are printed parts rigid enough to hold against the tension on the belts? The motors can't handle too much tension anyhow, and the printer already has the screw-cap tensioners for x and y printed that seem to have been holding up well.

has anybody replaced the OG metal bracket on the back? does it stress and need replacing often, or is it fairly reliable (and above all, consistent,)

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