
joined 4 years ago

What if you came home and your home was gone?


American politics are an absolute goddamn carnival show. Look how fucking normal everyone looks here. Bored, upset, many of them clearly need to shit. And there's John, doing his best to make audible noises using vocal chords like he's one of them. Actually making an effort. Something did change in thee last 50 years. The bizarre creatures that run this country used to be able to actually pass as human for a few hours at a time. What is the secret? What did our ancient kings know that their D(banned word those canadians say on the show) descendants today have forgotten?


I've tried and tried and tried to hammer this in to Libs; It wasn't Trump who sent the US Army in to my city to crush democratic organizing and political unrest, to protect a white cop and uphold white supremacy, to hold the population at gunpoint while the deeply corrupt and illegitimate judiciary did it's thing.

It was Tim Walz.

He deployed thousands of US Army soldiers throughout Minneapolis in the days surrounding the reading of the verdict of one of the George Floyd murder cases. If the judiciary let that cop walk free he was going to maintain order no matter how many (black) people he had to murder to do it. I was trying to reassure my friends that the feds probably hadn't issued ammunition to all the National Guard pukes marching through the streets, that the armored cars didn't actually have machine guns fitted, but idk what the fuck they would have done if people had risen up in the aftermath if what's his ass had been allowed to walk. I assume they brought in a military occupation because they intended to use it.


Has anyone ever tabulated how many people are barred from the franchise because they recieved felony convictions due to Biden's famous crime bill?

Oops hit the wrong comm.

How do y'all feel about banana pudding? Yea? Nay?

Who must go? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Going from top left to bottom right; An image of biden consulting with several men. The caption says "Opinion, Biden tells Syrian activists he still thinks assad must go". The colors have been distorted to a sickly shade and the image has been manipulated with an unsettling wave. Image: Assad holding his ear to listen attently. Image: Biden looking pained, staring down at his lectern. Above his head the words "IT'S JOEVER" are prominently displayed. The colors have been distorted to look sad and oppressive. Image: Two chads, their heads replaced with a smiling assad and a coronavirus particle, are doing a jumping high five. Behind them a smiling Assad stands in front of an electoral map of the US showing Assad with 538 electoral college votes and Trump and Biden with 0. There is a hexbear logo in the bottom right. The background is an offensively bright shade of pink with the words "It's Joever" repeated over and over and over again, canted at an angle


Uncle Ho, Mao, Stalin, Marx, Engels, Che, Lenin, Asata Shakur looking down from atheist heaven with pride. Dunno how Asata got to atheist heaven she's still alive and will in Cuba afaik.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

All those bernie bros wanted her to retire and not officiate large events with many participants because they hate to see a girlboss winning.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

I like when the president does legal things, like dragging all of his political enemies out in the street and garroting them with piano wire. I do not like when the president does illegal things (there are literally no illegal things)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

Aww, you really get me!

[–] [email protected] 29 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Alas. If NATO ever tries to take these things in to a shooting war the logistics train is going to collapse in a week.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Eew. A story about how evil and cruel America is doing a collab with a story justifying all of america's evil and cruelty.


Sad when dystopian fiction paints a brighter picture than real life kitty-birthday-sad

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

This is absolutely omnicidal insanity. The American regime is signing a writ of execution for humanity. Wet bulb events that can potentially cause mass casualty events, death at a level inconceivable even after Covid, are a reality right now and they're doing trade protectionism to stop more efficient power generation. Madness. Unbelievable, inhuman madness.


Evergreen, unfortunately.


Ahh, yes. Our old foes, Nncredibledfense


*aggressive headbanging*

Carmina Burana is one of my favorite pieces. I have absolutely no idea what it's about.


My first impression is HELL TO THE FUCK YES

The first think you see in the menu is a person with a machine gun wearing a red bandana and standing next to a bunch of Red/Black posters with cog wheels and labor slogans on them. 10/10 and I haven't even started the game yet.


Figured I'd pass it on.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

Stephen King wrote "On Writing" about his process, might be worth looking up.

Grammar is iffy. English has so many contradictory rules, trying to approach it from a formal rules based prospective is very difficult.

King and I both agree on "just write whatever". You might try picking a writer you like and re-writing part of their work. Try out different word choices, try to mix it up. Let their writing be a framework for you to play in and see what you can come up with.

You're already making coherent posts that clearly communicate your question and the context in which you're asking that question. You're starting from a good place.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

I like that analysis, thank you.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (10 children)

You love to see it. It's wild how outright piracy has become a normal tool of international diplomacy.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

It's not not cyberpunk.

It's close enough and shares enough of the same things to be analyzed as part of the genre.

I do think that to a large extent the big evil bowling ball of doom is supposed to abstractly represent capital or something adjacent.

Things like the depiction of the indigenous resistance movement as unsophisticated dupes and terrorists merits analysis; why did the French director depict them this way? How can this be a reflection of French colonial history? Same with the depiction of the white Archeologists and the presumably middle easter kid subjected to colonialism in the beggining though I think there's less there.

Leelu can be analyzed through the "born sexy yesterday" trope and there's a lot of questions to ask from a Feminist slant.

The movie actually acknowledges some of the harms and contradictions of capitalism, while underplaying others. Showing the relationship between Corben as a cabby working for Zorg and ultimately being one of the people who thwarts Zorg is nice.

The decision to never have the protagonists and the antagonists directly interact is a neat one and opens up some very good questions about narrative norms - turns out the hero doesn't actually need to confront the villain!

It does have a lot of cyberpunk themes; mighty and powerful corporations and governments can't save themselves so they need a working class guy and his weird buddies to save the world. The upper classes are depicted as a gaggle of decadent idiots who have no idea what's happening, while the corporate leader is a hyper-competent bastard who completely understands all the harm his sytem causes and loves it.

And it's also just a silly adventure film with lots of style and cool visuals and a sappy power of love resolution.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

Ahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhaha PERISH

Fucking collapsing under the weight of it's own grotesque hunger.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Studying Democratic Party politics, huh?

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