joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Brics is based while NATO is cringe?

Edit: didn't see Ireland there, I have no idea then

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

I can smell this exact store, that mix of musty old stuff that's been untouched for decades and plasticity, new-car chemical odor from freshly unboxed American Patriot Gear™*

*~Made~ ~in~ ~China~

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

strangelove We cannot allow a research gap!

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 month ago

"Of course you can trust me, I'm with an unbiased media outfit!" I say as I take a picture on a crying SS officer, carefully cropping out the trench full of children he murdered

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 month ago (3 children)

And the opposite of this, if the menu is plain text and pictures of food that were taken with a digital camera from 2009 then its going to be fantastic

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

timmy-pray please let them be rescued by a soyuz please it'd be so fucking funny if they got back home safe thanks to Roscosmos

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Besides the obvious like surplus labour value being stolen by my boss I've been stolen from a couple of times. I had my car broken into once (I accidentally left it unlocked since I had a family emergency to get to), they stole my jacket and some change out of the cup holder. I didn't really care since I had more tragic matters to deal with at the time and if they needed to steal my jacket they needed it more than me. I was/am lucky enough to have a spare so I really didn't think much about it. They did leave a half carton of coffee creamer behind though, I was a little confused about that

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Critical support to poison ivy only because she's trying to engage with batman in good faith when he's the same kind of planet destroying ghoul as every other billionaire

If she kills Batman and that other billionaire? Uncritical support, I stan an eco warrior

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oh that's why I said she claimed to have studied lol, at best it sounds like she stared at a picture of her great-grandparents estate that was appropriated by the Bolsheviks while playing Anastasia on repeat in the background

[–] [email protected] 44 points 2 months ago (6 children)

I wonder if she cries the same tears for the hundreds of people killed during his coronation (he sure as hell didn't), the thousands he had murdered and exiled during his reign, or the over a million Russians who were slaughtered in The Great Imperialist War which he took personal command of?

What am I saying, of course she doesn't give a singular shit about the untold millions who suffered and died under him and his family. Those were just peasants, peons, plebs, and below her (and the tsar's) notice. At best they are numbers and statistics to her. This is why I come down on the side of owned being fine. It's a fraction of the atrocities commited so these fucking ghouls can live in the lap of luxury. How anyone can sympathize with these monsters is beyond me, especially if they're claiming to have studied them for a decade

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

But if we don't build new nukes we might not be able to end life as we know it! What kind of world would it be without the threat of atomic hellfire backing American foreign policy‽ The president must be able to move the doomsday clock closer to midnight even as he can't draw it!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I work a lot with very dilute solutions, so I got the equation for calculating Parts Per Billion on my arm. The mods actually host it on this site, the link is at the bottom of the page right above the modlog


I think my favourite part of this tract is the background demonstration of how Jack Chick's version of Christianity works with regards to the shithead kid background character. Throughout the story you see him abusing animals (pulling the cats tail, shooting at a bird with a slingshot, kicking at the cat) but as soon as he accepts Jesus as his savior all is instantly forgiven, no matter what you've done in the past. In Jack Chick's flavour of Christianity that's all that matters, good deeds are not required (this same idea is further explored in Flight 144)

~~Big Daddy?~~


~~Charlie's Ants~~

Creator or Liar?

Flight 144

Gold Fever

Heart Trouble

Hi There

Holy Night

How to Get Rich

I See You!

It's All About You!

It's The Law!

Killer Storm

Somebody Angry?

Somebody Loves Me

The Choice

The Long Trip

The Walking Dead

Who Murdered Clarice?

Up next is Creator or Liar?, a pretty dull retelling of creation so I might do a double feature with the more interesting Flight 144, I'll see what I end up doing.


This one is a Friday the 13th ripoff, but it's the devil himself that's running around having a great time killing teenagers, but also the teenagers deserve it because they're satan-worshipping delinquents and not in the church like the good boy. Also, can't forget that Halloween is literally a satanic trap so your soul will be dragged to hell for all eternity. Again, nothing too wacky/bigoted (at least compared to other Chick Tracts), though I'm suspicious of the devil's depiction as an individual with a huge hooked nose trying to mislead proper Christian folk

~~Big Daddy?~~


Charlie's Ants

Creator or Liar?

Flight 144

Gold Fever

Heart Trouble

Hi There

Holy Night

How to Get Rich

I See You!

It's All About You!

It's The Law!

Killer Storm

Somebody Angry?

Somebody Loves Me

The Choice

The Long Trip

The Walking Dead

Who Murdered Clarice?

Up next is Charlie's Ants, where God's relationship to humanity is compared to that of a child and an ant hill


Pretty standard CT fare, set up a straw man professor and have the Chad Christian student destroy them with facts and logic, leaving the professor a shell of a man who has instantly discarded everything he knew in favour of Jack Chick's flavour of fundamentalist Christianity

My collection currently includes the following:

~~Big Daddy?~~


Charlie's Ants

Creator or Liar?

Flight 144

Gold Fever

Heart Trouble

Hi There

Holy Night

How to Get Rich

I See You!

It's All About You!

It's The Law!

Killer Storm

Somebody Angry?

Somebody Loves Me

The Choice

The Long Trip

The Walking Dead

Who Murdered Clarice?

I'll continue with them alphabetically unless there's specific ones people want to see next, I'll probably post one a day depending on how busy I am.

Next up is Boo!, a Halloween themed tract to kick off October!


I'm unsure what's the limit on pictures per post, my other plan is just use imgur but are there any better options? Thanks in advance


Canadian industries are pushing back against the country's planned January launch of the Modern Slavery Act, intended to fight forced labour and child labour in supply chains, as mining and apparel trade groups say the government has failed to spell out the details of the law's requirements.

The act, which passed in May, seeks to push corporations to provide greater transparency about their supply chains in order to avoid abetting what critics say amounts to modern slavery. The new measure takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

However, lobby groups, including mining companies and apparel manufacturers, are warning that a perceived lack of clarity about the rules could lead to unwanted penalties and prevent critical goods from entering Canada.

Oh they just want clarification on what counts as slavery so they aren't unduly punished for "borderline slavery"

Under the new law, companies found to be in violation face penalties of up to $250,000, reflecting an increasing emphasis by global investors on ethical and social governance issues (ESG).

Jfc talk about a slap on the wrist!

The libs try to pass the most limpdick anti-slavery laws and these fucking ghouls are quibbling over what counts as slavery. Not to mention there's essentially 0 punishment if they're caught, $250k is nothing to these companies. No mention of jail time or any consequences for those perpetrating these crimes

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