
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

You’re being a shitty person right now, I hope one day you can gather the strength to acknowledge it and do better.

No, and I throw that right back at you. Because you're just supporting terrible stereotypes that further aid in the great divide and ultimately just feed the incel community. It's like me saying all women are cheaters because that's basically my experience, but at least I can acknowledge that I'm just an easy target for female predators instead of shoving it onto the gender as a whole. When you say "all men blah blah blah" then it does not matter if you truly mean it or not, you're still ending up attacking and insulting everyone who is not part of that shit. And what's the next reaction to it? "Oh don't be so sensitive / fragile!" - which basically comes back to just being a toxic masculinity comment about men having to be strong and take it without complaining.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Because Arch users would've shunned me for asking for support when I don't use literal Arch.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 hours ago

You know what's great about modding? You can decide for yourself what you want to use and what you don't want to use. You customize the game to your personal liking.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Yes, women deal with literal serial killers all the time. Touch grass and come back to reality. 🙄

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago (3 children)

I'm specifically talking about the EOS forum, which was just dicks throwing insults towards me having a support request and the admins consequently closing the thread and hiding it, telling me to make a new one if I still need support.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 hours ago

What about ketamine treatments? Psychedelics?

They're not legal in most places and where they are you'd still have to find a place that offers them, which would be difficult on its own already.

I highly doubt he tried everything is all I'm saying.

He tried what he could, as does everyone. You just don't accept his & other peoples capabilities.

He had the responsibility to "cope" for his family.

You're the good old "you just have to kick yourself in the butt" type of anti-depressant.

I like 90 percent agree with you and disagree on one little thing. You seem to just want to fight with me for slightly disagreeing on his responsibility as a father and husband.

I want you to see your bigotry, that's all.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Do you seriously think Chester spent his decades since the sexual assault with twirling his thumbs..? Euthanasia is barely a thing globally, only few countries offer it and usually not for people with mental issues, which is exactly my point here. Mental illness is treated like some secondary issue, even though trauma are rarely curable, anti-depressants having a tremendous failure rate and are heavy on side effects, while therapy often only tries to teach you to "cope" with your issues, rather than getting rid of them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

No I think it's kind of different for physical pain, especially incurable.

Yes, that's bigotry and the cause for this stigma regarding mental illness.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 6 hours ago

Das klappt beim Klima aber nicht, weil es im Gegensatz zu Flüssen halt global ist.

Und hier kommt wieder der Fingerzeig der Leugner. Ja, das Klima ist global. Aber wir sind das auch. Unsere Emissionen fließen da mit ein. Wenn wir also global etwas ändern müssen, bedeutet das, dass wir uns hier in Deutschland ebenfalls ändern müssen. Das ist ganz und gar nicht ein Grund wieso wir hier nichts tun sollten. Erst recht nicht wenn wir bedenken, dass wir im Westen historisch für den Großteil der akkumulierten Emissionen verantwortlich sind.

Egal ob man jetzt grün oder blau wählt, schwarz oder rot. Politiker die suggerieren sie können diese Probleme lösen lügen einfach. Man sollte sich jedesmal wenn so eine Aussage kommt fragen, kann der/die das überhaupt erreichen? Was ist das konkrete Ziel und die Maßnahme die helfen soll es zu erreichen?

Nein. Egal ist das ganz und gar nicht. Die Grünen fordern ein senken der Emissionen und haben dafür auch sehr viele Zielsetzungen die machbar sind. Selbst als kleinerer Koalitionspartner, welcher dann auch noch vom Kleinsten blockiert wird, hat die Ampel es geschafft den Ausbau an Erneuerbaren massiv voranzubringen. Was du hier machst ist reinste Propaganda verbreiten. Dieses ewige Gesülze von "beide Seiten" usw. die versucht diejenigen zu diskreditieren, die tatsächlich etwas tun wollen.

Wir müssen einfach akzeptieren das es fundamentale Probleme gibt die z.b. mit der geographischen Lage unseres Landes zusammenhängen. Wird hier halt kalt und dunkel im Winter und geothermie und tolle Fjorde für Wasserkraft haben wir nicht.

Jap, that's it. Packt zusammen, wir haben keine Möglichkeit hier etwas zu tun im reichen Deutschland... 🤮

Ich hoffe du lernst irgendein ein Schamgefühl für deine Lügen zu empfinden.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 6 hours ago

Verhältnismäßig? Das würde doch bedeuten, dass wir adequate auf den Klimawandel reagieren würden, was noch viel extremere Maßnahmen voraussetzen würde. Wenn du jetzt schon über teure Preise heulst, dann warte halt mal noch ein paar Jahre bis sich die Folgen des Klimawandels noch weiter verschlimmern. Da wirst du noch auf diese schöne ruhige Zeit hier zurückdenken.

Und den Nuhr zitieren bringt dir hier definitiv keine Browniepunkte, so hart rechts wie der abgebogen ist.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago (6 children)

Chester had all the resources in the world to fight that battle.

So do many cancer patients, but you'd probably not say they're selfish for losing that battle with their illness either. They're suicide victims, not suicide perpetrators. That's also why people call for not calling it "killing yourself".

I think people with late stage cancer and people who suffer from severe physical pain are a different conversation, entirely.

And that's why this stigma still exists. Depression is an illness, and suicide is the last stage of succumbing to it. But we can go with other examples as well if you want to. There was this guy a few years ago IIRC who was under chronic pain, due to a rare condition. He was very much fully functional in a sense, just constantly suffering. He was still fairly young, I think in his 30s and tried for a long time to get assisted suicide without success (until he did, IIRC in another country). He had friends and family too, like most people, but he decided a long time ago that life was not worth living under the circumstances he was in. Do you think that is selfish too?

Can you even relate to any of those circumstances at all? Like, suicide is not something even a suicidal person does lightly. It's a big and difficult step to take - even if you're completely alone. But to take this step for someone who had a loving family and kids simply means that their suffering was still stronger, it still outweigh whatever brief moments of happiness they could feel, and whatever "responsibility" they had to their family. Speaking of which, you don't see it that way, as you see yourself as a burden - and to an extend that's what you are, even if people don't like to talk about it. But the longer you're sick, the more people will resent you for it. That's an unfortunate truth as well that people have to understand. The people around you, are people you ultimately drag down into the abyss with you if you're not able to get out of it. It's in most cases just a matter of time, and it's a crushing matter for someone who's already down.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 8 hours ago (4 children)

There's a long, documented, researched, history of women being raised to expect things from men too. But if you seriously think this is the average expectation of men towards women, then you should go outside and touch some grass. Just because toxic gender stereotypes exist, does not mean you have to acknowledge every bullshit sexist stereotype as the truth.


Almost a decade later and it still hurts. The first time I heard this song I was immediately captivated, eagerly awaiting more songs and the upcoming album release, just to hear and learn some years later that she passed away and would not even see the release of it.
Rest in peace, Aleah.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Update! See comment below!

So, this has been going on for a long while now but I hoped after a bit of a hiatus it would maybe fix itself when I come back. Basically, the game does not render any of the close up natural ground textures around a certain radius around me anymore.

It is basically like it stopped rendering the high quality textures for them, as it is literally using the chunk based rendering of the game where it caps out, being affected by zoom / fov levels too. So when I'm in the ship in third person cam and landed, it looks more like a triangle expanding from the cockpit to the back. With the scanner I can even see through the ground and highlight ores or chests beneath, which would normally be blocked, which would tell me that this is within the rendering pipeline of the game.

See album for screenshots & system specs: https://imgur.com/a/CzJTyeV

And no, it is not my GPU. This does not happen in other games, including Fallout NV, and I even switched out to my old RX 580, which showed the exact same problem. It's also not mods, since I tested it on a fresh installation & prefix, with various Proton versions. So at this point I can only assume it must be something with my OS / system config. But when the issue started, I also tried to revert back to an older kernel, which again, did nothing.

I'd really like to avoid trying a new installation of my OS as I'm really sick of going through the backup, restoration & setup process again.

Edit: One detail I forgot to mention. Some single squares do continue to render, even within the invisible radius. But when I go to them and look at the ground, my FPS and frame times start to tank heavily. Unsure if that's related at all though.


What a horrible existence you lead. Denying that people different than you exist. Seeing imagined conspiracies rather than accept new knowledge. Living, breathing, even wanting and enforcing such dreadful conformity. Such ignorance. You've seen the joys of a diverse world of love and freedom and you told it to fuck off. If my life were as dull as yours, I'd kill myself. But you want it that way. The only possible explanation I can think of for such aberrant behaviour is that your mind is as much smaller than mine as your world is. There are others of your species who were explorers. They climbed mountains and crossed oceans. They peered into the distant past and they landed on the moon. But you're not of their kin. You want a small world. You don't dream of meeting other species like the humans who love their Star Trek and their isekais. You heard of otherkin, and denied their existence. You don't want it to be real. You've heard of queer people with an existence queerer than you have yet known, and you chose erasure. To you, entire lives, loves, ways of being are a joke. You refuse to see it otherwise. You aren't gripped by the spirit of exploration, you don't want to meet these people, to see the truth with your own eyes, not even to deny it. The idea of putting in the effort to learn anything, whether it be that this larger world is true or false, is repugnant to you. You want to already know the answer, and you want it to be the boring one. I could introduce you to dragons, to gods, to wolves, and stranger wonders still, but you don't care. You don't even pull out your search engine and google it. Not even that small effort of exploration. You want a tiny world. How small you must be.

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