
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

There is no guarantee they'll change their attitude no matter what you do.

If they aren't immediately shutting down any conversations you try to have with or around them about these topics, just keep having them.

If possible, "just be normal". Not everybody is a political junkie so their desire to have and express an opinion about things might just be very weak. Keep sending info to your friend but if its obvious that they aren't reading every 30,000 word article you find or watching every 10 hour YouTube video ... its probably a sign to be a bit more selective in what you're sending their way. Try fewer things, shorter in length and more directly to the point.

How often do you ask them what they think/feel about things that aren't directly related to something that you've been vocal about? Maybe there's a chance that they would like to talk about things but know they'd be steamrolled by the debate lords in the group.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think this election will show a slow realignment of Arabs and Muslims toward Republicans.

Probably going to be a line between Arabs/Muslims who feel economically secure and those who don't. The racism and Islamaphobia are pretty well entrenched to the point of being foundational in the US right and I don't think that's ever going to change.

If its not economic what actually is there to attract Muslim or Arab voters to the Republican party or American conservatism?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

They could have hand picked the most friendly, least controversial speaker

Pretty sure I heard the speaker give their speech on some other outlet and it was pretty tame and lib. The speaker already was friendly uncontroversial.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Oh... no... the flashbacks... no-no-no-wait-wait-wait

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

ring ring

"Yes? Hello? Who is this?"


[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Depends on the store.

Your non chain store that has a loyalty program, probably doesn't have the interest or capital to pay some third party to manage the data collection and analysis to try to direct market things to you.

Worked at a co-op grocery store for a while. The "owners" could use their owner number to keep track of their purchases to count towards their patronage refund amount and it also allowed some limited ability to look at full transaction information to deal with misrings, returns without recipts, etc. in the decade that I worked there, there was no effort or interest (even though the people running the coop at the highest level were definitely "business goober" types) to try to use the info for direct marketing or to sell to a data broker.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Funny... either Putin is a coldblooded calculating master manipulator or a bumbling incompetent stumbling through one embarrassment to the next. I guess it just depends on which day of the week it is.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I-am-very-smart: Ukrainian sources "claim" that Russian missiles struck many places in Ukraine. There are no Russian sources regarding this claim. Therefore I conclude that the missile attack didn't happen.


I-am-very-smart: Why yes, my brain is completely smooth, very aerodynamic!

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

good-morning I approve this message!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

My heart goes out to you comrade.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Second paragraph...

A former top U.S. commander and a senior [defense] analyst with deep ties to Ukraine both say no one should be quick to draw hasty conclusions from the events of the past two weeks.


In his nightly address on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said his country's daring military incursion aims to create a buffer zone to prevent further attacks by Moscow across the border.

If you can't keep your own territory, you're not actually creating a buffer zone.

The first assumption demolished by this operation was that Ukraine wouldn't be able to regain the initiative until next year.

Huh? Ukraine is currently in a holding position within its own country, throwing a bunch of troops at a bunch of small towns in Russia and claiming it as a strategic victory is right up there with the US military in Afghanistan parking a platoon of grunts in an empty house every 20 miles and coloring in the map of Afghanistan with the "secured" color on their PowerPoint presentations.

Some observers have speculated that Ukraine was trying to draw Russian troops away from the Donbas to relieve pressure on its forces there.

This is a reasonable assessment of the Ukraine gamble...

If that was the case, Karber said, the gamble "really hasn't paid off" and he fears the Ukrainians will soon face a determined counterattack on one or both of the shoulders of the salient.

... and Ukraine seems to have lost their bet.

"I think that it's been clear for some time that Russia does not have the ability to knock Ukraine out of the war as long as the West continues to provide even the modest amounts that we are providing now."

blinken Or we can phrase it slightly differently as, "to the last Ukranian."

"It seems like they're just trying to do more and more of the same, and certainly they will have lost thousands of experienced troops and leaders that are now being replaced by those who are not as well trained or experienced. Where is the bottom of that barrel for Russia?"

Where is the bottom of the barrel for Ukraine? So long as open warfare is happening, untrained troops are going to have "opportunities" to get experience. Until there aren't any more bodies to throw into the meat grinder, nobody is going to see the bottom of the barrel.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Nu-Mad Max 3: Boomers doing the War Boyz "witness me" bit with riding lawnmowers, weed eaters, and mayonaise.


150+ pounds so far (that I need to get put in the freezer) and probably another 100 still in the tree.


A comrade posted about this USA federal program a while ago. So I spent a few days looking into it.

Website was fairly clear, making an account was no problem, site function is pretty good (no hanging pages, dead links, etc). There's a link to a page where you can put in your city/state or zip code and it gives a <100% accurate list of businesses that participate in the program. (So if you already have a service provider and they aren't listed, call their customer service number and ask if they participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program. Two of the local telecoms that service my area participate, and their customer service people absolutely knew about the program and seemed genuinely happy to let me know what I needed to do.)

It took a day or so for the ACP site to tell me I was approved. The first page after logging in to the site has your "Application ID" right there for you to see. This is the magic number to give to your ISP. I contacted my ISP about midway through the billing cycle and gave them the info they wanted. They didn't contact me to let me know when the discount was going to be applied but it showed up as a 30 dollar credit on my next full month's bill. Which dropped my current internet bill down by 77%.

So, its all very :hexbear-retro:, so far.

A new internet service just came out to my house today to finish running actual fiberoptic with ~100Mbps up/down (compared to my original provider with 15/1... which is ... :downbear: ). From the ACP site's FAQ page, the credit is transferable to a new ISP and all I think I needed to do was just give the new ISP the Application ID number. So I've started the process with the new ISP and get to wait to see if I understood the program's directions for transferring the credit correctly.

So at the very least, if you're already on some government assistance, this should be a breeze if you want to try for it.

I didn't look at the part of the application process for people who would need to provide more documentation for income verification. So I don't have any useful things to say about that.

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