
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 36 points 6 days ago (5 children)

The bothsiderist media didn't even bothsides things when both candidates were older. Now that only the Republican one is older, I have zero expectation of them asking why donnie is so old.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Donnie's weird fanbase has wet dreams about shoving many of their neighbors onto trains.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Probably all she has to do is just have a moment where she emits a normal human female laugh directed at donnie.

That seems to put donnie (and a lot of his cult) into orbit on the triggered scale. They were crying when she "cackles" at nearly anything, imagine if it's clear that she is laughing at donnie.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wait, there is a "happy trump"? I'm not sure I've ever seen him do a normal human laugh and he usually just gives that weird grimace that is supposed to be a smile usually the same time as that weird thumbs-up for photo ops.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

LOL, delivering for the American people? The cons are only there to work for the elites.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Hm, sure sounds like democracy is something all these cons haaaaate.

It's all about personal vendettas with these crazy fucking weirdos.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

That's some real JEB! energy right there.


[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Who is being "censored"?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

I had to laugh about everything in their description.

Also, you always have to translate wingnut to normalspeak. When they talk about liberty of any kind, they are referring to the Southern type of liberty, not the Northern. Same goes for lots of words they use, they have their own version of what they mean - freedom of speech, patriotism, and so on. Just like the way the Nazis viewed things like "peace" - they meant the apparent peace that would result once all the "undesirables" were murdered by the Nazis and there was no more struggle against fascism. So their version of "peace" meant hell on Earth for virtually everyone, including their own people, because of all the resulting (probably endless) war that their "peace" would require...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Gavin? Why isn't he in prison yet?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Butthurt little baby sez what now?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Well, I sure hope so. But only getting out and voting will matter.


Looking for recommendations/experiences on having a Macbook Pro M2 Max 2023 use 4 external monitors.


I wonder about them for two key reasons:

  1. Why won't they provide an end to end encryption?
  2. Why won't they give an option to keep that little bubble green?

Seems awfully sus and anti-worker, if you ask me. Most other clients tend to have these as options and have even before Slack crept into the picture.


I'm not that keen on giving away my data, so it's less about saving a buck, and more about not releasing info about me and what companies I'm reading about.


I asked a related question here - the one about Boing Boing,, Dangerous Minds:

I'd say somewhere around the late 00's, things like iPhone, FB, Twitter, etc...started to make the web a lot more....homogenized.

It was fine for the old hands - we've seen this kind of thing before and more corporate rule was all too expected. We've been through a few migrations and paradigm shifts already. But we could still use our skills, go to the sites we wanted, curate RSS feeds, find the weird bits of the 'net that were still worthwhile tuning into and keeping the polished stuff at arms length.

But then things like StumbleUpon went away and for more and more people totally new to technology (but born into it) they think social media == "the internet" (Which is a depressing notion, having your entire idea of "technology" being something like BigCompany's tablet/phone connected to BigCompany's data gathering site to mediate your entire online experience.) Blogging became "uncool". And of course, very few people, most especially younger people, seem to know about things like RSS.

I used to use StumbleUpon and then it dried up; has anyone used Mix? Or is there something better to use for discovering the weird and the wonderful?

How do you find the weird corners of the net these days? Where have all "The Others" gone to?


I asked a related question here - the one about Boing Boing,, Dangerous Minds:

I'd say somewhere around the late 00's, things like iPhone, FB, Twitter, etc...started to make the web a lot more....homogenized.

It was fine for the old hands - we've seen this kind of thing before and more corporate rule was all too expected. We've been through a few migrations and paradigm shifts already. But we could still use our skills, go to the sites we wanted, curate RSS feeds, find the weird bits of the 'net that were still worthwhile tuning into and keeping the polished stuff at arms length.

But then things like StumbleUpon went away and for more and more people totally new to technology (but born into it) they think social media == "the internet" (Which is a depressing notion, having your entire idea of "technology" being something like BigCompany's tablet/phone connected to BigCompany's data gathering site to mediate your entire online experience.) Blogging became "uncool". And of course, very few people, most especially younger people, seem to know about things like RSS.

I used to use StumbleUpon and then it dried up; has anyone used Mix? Or is there something better to use for discovering the weird and the wonderful?

How do you find the weird corners of the net these days? Where have all "The Others" gone to?

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