
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Furthermore, the willow bends in the storm and and survives whereas the inflexible oak breaks.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you for explaining in detail. Good post! I think it really gets at feelings many of us, perhaps even all, comrades have.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

If the interviewer brings up personal life/trying to get to k ow you stuff be totally willing to expand on your interests. The interviewer is filtering k personal skills. Simply being able to talk about a hobby is a form of bridge building between people they seem to value. Create a script. Imagine a person asks you about your free time, have conversations in your head with the fictional person.

Do the same for talking points related to your resume. Everything you put on there is a potential question they’ll ask. For example, put that you have experience with security and they are you to ask about what you’ve done or know regarding that. Pre-write an answer.

My best advice is thus: pretend to be a jacksss gatekeeper and read your application from that perspective. Write down your critique. In your head argue against that and write it down. Memorize those talking points.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Yo, could you please expand on what you actually meant? If I was totally of base, and I believe you when you say I was (being the author and all) I really would like to learn what the authorial intent was. It’s a good post, just a misunderstood one that has prompted discussion

Oh, and you are correct. I took the “lie” part as foundational and interpreted from there. I replied under the assumption you were being literal.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

A mature response! please don’t lose sight of the other part, you made a dope observation and provoked thought.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The body doesn’t make it clear you’re engaging in poetry, after reading the comments it becomes clear. No need to be dismissive of those who took it at face value.

That being said I think you’ve had a cool idea/angle of approach to the topic.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I would question the morality of a movement that forces people to, even falsely, experience capitalism for the sake of creating a soldier whose hate is pure. Perhaps, such an evil is truly possible that this becomes justified. Perhaps capitalism and communism managed to both spread through the stars and that is the way to genuinely teach those who would fight against interstellar capitalism of the true depravity they exist in opposition too. A proper education system would probably do the trick though.

If the person responsible for the cryo chamber is reading this, my hate was pure a long time ago and just wake me the fuck up already.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 weeks ago

You can’t tell? Seriously? Conservatives only criticize one specific fascist party because it cynically used socialist in the name. If somebody is critiquing any other form of fascism, with the infrequent outside of WW2 obsessed Americans, exception of imperial Japan) it’s a safe heuristic to assume its form the left assuming no dog whistles are being blown.



The magnetic levitation facility would work on the same principle as the hammer throw in athletics but rotating at increasing speeds before throwing the launch capsule towards Earth.

The system’s technical readiness is relatively high. Since it consumes only electricity and does not require any propellant, it will be relatively small in scale and straightforward to implement,” the researchers wrote in the journal Aerospace Shanghai.

“The main goal is to extract and return helium-3 to help address Earth’s energy crisis. The project will also boost the development of space mining technologies, heavy launch vehicles, and artificial intelligence.” Note: the AI angle seems to be related to the targeting calculations, not bazinga shit.

The system is designed to last for at least 20 years, but it will weigh around 80 tonnes and will need to wait for China’s super heavy-lift rocket to start operating before it could be taken to the moon.

The team aimed to complete the development of key components by 2030, followed by lunar surface verification and full-scale implementation by 2045, he said.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

corn-man-khrush here he is, holding a replica


Post hog was wild and felt crazy at the time, but I think I’m still partial to the old episode megas. Chapo was never deep, but people would delve into the content and find a way to extract actual insight. It was cool sharing a piece of media and crowdsourcing an analysis of it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Is it really murder if they deserve it? Think for a moment if Hitler deserved it before he started enacting genocidal bullshit. Not even then? Was the line at the point where he had thugs in the street or only after he attained state power? There is a line somewhere, and I am curious as to where you think that line is. Because at a certain point a person is an existential threat to the marginalized and they must go away, as expediently as possible.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

It would be a good bit to have a mineshaft in the middle of the mosh pit to shove nazi metalheads into.

A bit of a tangent, but get in the pit :horns: meets get on the pit :problem-solving: is a cool combo.

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