
joined 3 years ago

I've been really enjoying Sousou no Frieren and by enjoying I mean feeling like I want to cry.

I'll need to find something more upbeat next.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Ignore the 🇺🇦 brainworms

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This format scratches an itch in my brain

Thanks 72T


[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago

I think they're just hard to find?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Plausible deniability is ruining my life ohnoes

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Is all of DE written like Philip K Dick?

Maybe it's time.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I need to get it through my thick skull that self-hate is not self-crit

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sure thing.

Hegelian Contradiction and the Prime Numbers is broken into two parts.

Part 1 attempts to explain the identity/unity/contradiction of Being and Nothing in Hegel's logic by illustrating each aspect and their interactions using mathematical models. IIRC, Wright claims the harmonic oscillations he illustrates corroborate Hegel's conception of Determinate Being.

Part 2 expounds on the contradictory nature of prime numbers, namely their regular irregularity, and how an analysis of the primes reveals a similar conclusion as to part 1. This is also where he introduces the concept of Hegel Numbers -- that's whereabouts I became confused.


Source with many more posters.

Here are a few that stand out.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

1 hour check-in!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Time is ticking

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Go do it! Hurry -- I'll time you!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What do you use mastadon for?

Has it replaced posting in the mega for you?


Excerpt from the most interesting bit:

Architecturally this is interesting. Because if we are going to have AIs living inside our apps in the future, apps will need to offer a realtime NPC API for AIs to join and collaborate – and that will look very unlike today’s app APIs. And how will we get the visual training data for AI models to connect together what the user is seeing and the machine API? Questions for the future.

Anyway: I want to show you where I ended up.

Here’s my dolphin NPC PartyKit sketchbook. I posted this just today.

You’ll see three GIFs:

  • You create a “pool” or a cursor park ("a space on a Google Docs page designated for placing your mouse cursor when you’re not actively editing the document") or (as I call it) an embassy on the whiteboard. The NPCs need somewhere to hang out when they’re idle. Then you summon your NPCs from the comms walkie-talkie on the page.

  • NPCs can accept commands! From your walkie-talkie, you can tell the poet NPC to venture out of its embassy to write a poem. So it does that, as you can see, leaving a haiku on the whiteboard, then returns home.

  • NPCs can be proactive! The painter dolphin likes to colour in stars. When you draw a star, the painter cursor ventures out of the embassy and comes and hovers nearby… “oh I can help” it says. It’s ignorable (unlike a notification), so you can ignore it or you can accept its assistance. At which point it colours the star pink for you, then goes back to base till next time.

Check out the movies on that page. It’s all working code! I can interact with these dolphin-cursor-NPCs. Let me tell you, it is uncanny to see a machine-driven cursor. It doesn’t move right.

Look yes it’s ridiculous, and these are woefully simple, toy interactions.

But, but, and, I learnt a ton.


Having never seen this photo before, I decided to post it.

Source is here but the description is wanting.


More beautiful photos by the same photographer here.


Sometimes I talk to friends who need to use the command line, but are intimidated by it. I never really feel like I have good advice (I’ve been using the command line for too long), and so I asked some people on Mastodon:

if you just stopped being scared of the command line in the last year or three — what helped you?

This list is still a bit shorter than I would like, but I’m posting it in the hopes that I can collect some more answers. There obviously isn’t one single thing that works for everyone – different people take different paths.

I think there are three parts to getting comfortable: reducing risks, motivation and resources. I’ll start with risks, then a couple of motivations and then list some resources.

I'd add ImageMagick for image manipulation and conversion to the list. I use it to optimize jpg's which led me to learn more about bash scripting.


Deprecated old engine, it won't be updated anymore. All main branches are now on the new engine.
The old engine is only available on a private beta branch accessible using the password PhaserVersion.
It will not be updated anymore.

v1.6 New Features:

-Added local co-op mode!
-Added "Disable Blood" option.
-Added "Pixel Font" option.
-Added "Border Type" option.
-Added Twitch integration (Steam only).

Local Co-op Features:

-Added Friendship Amulet.
-Added extra options for co-op:
-Player colour selection.
-Player outlines toggle.
-Player indicators toggle.
-UI Selection tint toggle.
-Controller/Keyboard assignment toggle.
-Sequential chest mode toggle.
Added support for Steam Remote Play Together.

What's not to dig -- the colors, the workers, the vision

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