Jill Stein For President, 2024, "People Planet Peace"

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Community for those against and for Jill Stein!

Jill Stein is running for president to offer people a choice outside the failed two-party system. Let's put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate emergency agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November 2024.


  1. Try to be as civil as you can be; No Spamming/Trolling; ban for x days if problems arise
  2. Follow global rules
  3. Content must be relevant to JS or issues discussed by them
  4. Personal attack - Attack the argument, not the person
  5. No Porn/Nudity in posts

Go to JillStein2024.com to join us!


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  5. TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drjillstein

Jill Stein is a Harvard-educated doctor, a pioneering environmental health advocate, and an organizer for people, planet, and peace. She has helped lead initiatives to fight environmental racism, injustice, and pollution, to promote healthy communities, and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just redistricting, and the clean-up of incinerators, coal plants, and other toxic threats. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet, and Peace over Profit.

founded 4 months ago

The political system is broken. Over 60% of us now say the two-party establishment has failed us and we need a party that serves the people.

Jill Stein is running for President to offer a better choice for the people. Join us! JillStein2024.com



Hey y’all, this is a little spicy but I had thoughts about @AOC calling me and the Green Party “not authentic” and “predatory.”

[Video link below]


Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1831050986947018752/pu/vid/avc1/1080x1920/wLhSkKp_0R05vBpA.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1831053087265738842



Following the assassination attempt on @realDonaldTrump, we formally requested Secret Service protection – last week, we were denied that protection without explanation.

We weren’t too surprised by the decision. Thankfully, committed supporters from frontline communities have stepped up to protect @ButchWare and me. As we get closer to Election Day, we must expand the team and ensure we can pay these heroes what they deserve.

If you have the means, please donate and help us expand our security team: http://jillstein2024.com/security

[Image with hightlighted section saying "that Secret Service protection for Jill Stein is not warranted at this time."]

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1829276469878837309



The Biden-Harris administration set up student debt cancelation to fail by taking the weakest legal route.

A Stein-Ware administration will use its full authority to cancel every penny of student debt.

Time to make our government work for the people: http://JillStein2024.com

[Screenshot of The Wshington Post artice, headline: Supreme Court refuses to allow Biden's latest student loan repayment plan as litigation continues]

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1828916153814790649



Yesterday's @newsweek article is pure misinformation. It starts off by getting my home state wrong - but more importantly, leaves out more than two dozen states where we'll be on the ballot!

Here's our actual ballot access map:

[Image, on the left it has Newsweek article with "False" in red and the right shows a map: 31 states On the Ballot, 8 Write-In, 8 In Progress, 3 Not on Ballot]

[Update: article was updated, but maps do not align]

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1828782586132586730



BREAKING: Big win against the anti-Democratic Party’s war on democracy and voter choice! Wisconsin voters still have an anti-genocide, pro-worker, climate action choice this year!

Help us celebrate: pitch in to our ballot access fund and spread the word! https://jillstein2024.com/ba

[Image, description above]


Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1828190526668943697



Unlike the Democrats and Republicans, we are listening to the people and fighting for the real change we need right now.

While @TheDemocrats were acting out their rebranding show, I was in the streets of Chicago meeting with the people shut out of the @DNC - just as I did in Milwaukee during the RNC.

We marched with the @PPEHRCorg for healthcare and housing as human rights.

We rallied with @wrkrsstrikeback for a $25/hour minimum wage.

And we joined daily marches and actions to stop the genocide in Gaza and cut off US support for Israel until it ends its brutal occupation and apartheid regime.

[4 images, description above]


Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1828187009674031111



If it sounds like Democrats and Republicans are reading from the same script, it’s because they both work for the same donors.

[Video, link below]


Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1827411688066576388/pu/vid/avc1/1920x1080/KD-gmtQhY1qXc6kR.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1827412130615980172




Nobody is obligated to help Democrats get elected, least of all Greens

No amount of gaslighting will change that

Do better, Democrats. If you did better, maybe you'd be worth working for. As it stands you are no better than Republicans, regardless of your fearmongering

Sorce: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1826671072407875646



My full speech from the rally with Dr. Jill Stein and Kshama Sawant last night

I was honored to follow in the footsteps of my revolutionary ancestors by educating the masses and inspiring them to take action

[Video, link below]


Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1826309469116268548/vid/avc1/576x1024/yzf63NaCkpmS6Ec5.mp4

Source: https://x.com/SocialistMMA/status/1826315830105194968



To everyone who wants to build a REAL opposition to the corrupt, corporate-owned, warmongering duopoly: we welcome you to join the only anti-war, pro-worker, climate action campaign with a path to the White House.

We will never drop out, sell out, or stop fighting for you.

[Image of Dr. Jill Stein with VP pick Butch Ware]

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1826411754789720164



Stop the gaslighting. Right now @TheDemocrats are trying to sue us off multiple state ballots, hiring spies and infiltrators to sabotage us, and even withholding public funds we qualified for months ago.

Democrats ABSOLUTELY cheat and change the rules to maintain their grip on power.


MICHELLE OBAMA: “We don’t cheat others to get ahead. We don’t get to change the rules so we always win”

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1826097896745320449/vid/avc1/816x720/GpHbqvR_3ldunUic.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1826316762394362188



The need for change has never been more urgent, and the possibility of change has never been so close. We're done being thrown under the bus by politicians and the elites that own them.

As Frederick Douglass said: power concedes nothing without a demand. We are that demand.

[Video, link below]


Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1825568579837894656/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/tc1QBirUpsfwj3pI.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1825572465000804627



If you vote for genocide, you are consenting to it and you are enabling it. Don’t let them talk you out of your humanity.

Thank you to Abandon Biden - now Abandon Harris - for showing how we can use our voices and our votes to demand an end to genocide!


Jill Stein, Green Party presidential candidate for the 2024 election, speaking at today’s ’Abandon Biden’ press conference in Chicago

[Video, link below]


Direct video link: https://video-ft.twimg.com/amplify_video/1825605022018629632/vid/avc1/1280x720/3DrY1r0g5Z4QmBF-.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1825676452697706912


I encourage others to join; it seems to be a less controversial person who made the community, so I look forward to many discussions in the future taking place in that community as well!



In Ukraine, we are fighting a proxy war which could have been avoided had our leaders had the good sense to talk with each other. They don't seem to do that now.

We need leaders who are peacemakers, not warmongers: http://jillstein2024.com


[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1821294967341400065/pu/vid/avc1/1080x1920/xxawFLd7LiVbkXm2.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1821295385220141271



This is the third presidential election in a row where the so-called Democratic Party has effectively denied voters any meaningful choice in the primaries.

In 2016, emails from DNC insiders revealed how the party used its influence to sabotage @BernieSanders. In 2020, it only took a few calls from party elites to make a field of centrists line up behind Biden. In 2024, several state parties refused to put any candidate other than Biden on the ballot. Now Biden has handed the nomination to a hand-picked successor - all without having to get a single voter involved.

@DNC elites have made an art of subverting their own primaries to deny voters a real choice.

[Image, description below]

["We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both." - Louis Brandeis]

[Jill Stein 2024 logo]



Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1821211830150426778



Join @DrJillStein and special guests for a VP announcement rally on Thursday, August 8th at 8pmET/5pmPT, and be among the first to meet Jill's Vice-Presidential running mate!

This is guaranteed to be an exciting, inspiring, and historic event, so don’t miss it: http://jillstein2024.com/vprally

[Poster with information about event]

Source: https://x.com/TeamJillStein/status/1820629874450518452



We demand @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris avert the impending Middle East war by ending Israel’s genocide in Gaza now.

The long-feared regional war is looming in the Middle East and could easily spin out of control into a wider conflict. The Biden-Harris administration is pouring gasoline on the fire by sending massive arms and troops to back Israel, whose aggressive actions have long been pushing for expanded war.

The Biden-Harris administration must stop this at once and fix the crisis at its source - by ceasing all weapons and support to Israel until it ends its genocide in Gaza and agrees to negotiate a settlement for Palestine and the region consistent with international law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice.

After Israel’s back to back assassinations in Beirut and Tehran last week, Iran has met with allies including Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Yemen and Iraqi militias to plan joint action against Israel and US bases in Iraq and Syria. By responding with warships, destroyers, fighter jets and potentially land-based missile defense and troops, the US is proposing to take direct part in the imminent war that could easily go nuclear.

Some Israeli leaders have already suggested using nuclear weapons. Such a war could trigger nuclear winter - a reduction in sunlight due to debris from nuclear explosions suspended in the upper atmosphere for years, which can cause global famine with the potential to end civilization as we know it. By funding and arming Israel, and refusing to rein in its rampage, the Biden-Harris administration is now putting Americans and the world in the crosshairs of Israel’s genocidal aggression.

The US must not be dragged into a disastrous regional war by an Israeli government seeking cover to continue its genocide in Gaza.

It’s long past time for the US to end the genocide in Gaza that it is enabling. The US is providing the vast majority of weapons being used by Israel in Gaza, as well as financial assistance, intelligence and diplomatic cover. By halting all support for Israel’s genocide, the US can make an emergency diplomatic appeal to Iran and allies to hold their fire.

By allowing Israel to determine US foreign policy in its most basic form - in matters of war and peace - the Biden-Harris administration has effectively handed the role of Commander in Chief to Bibi Netanyahu. This is an intolerable betrayal of the American people and it must come to an end.

We encourage all people of conscience to vehemently protest the US rush to war, call for an end to aid to Israel until it ends its genocide, and demand peacemakers rather than warmongers at all levels of government.

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1820543246973509916



Don’t buy the right wing narrative around the Venezuela elections (and by right wing I also mean the US)


This is so embarrassing. A senator of the right in Colombia - @MariaFdaCabal - makes a post to accuse the government of @NicolasMaduro of human rights violations and she accuses @petrogustavo of enabling the violations.

She adds in a video clip for evidence.

Well, the clip is from a @netflix show called Simón…..having been called out, she does not delete it.

This is the quality of the far right.


Petro vea este video. Esto es producto de lo que usted está permitiendo. Están torturando a los jóvenes que salieron a protestar contra el robo de Maduro en las elecciones.

¿Usted defensor de la paz y los derechos humanos?


Petro watch this video. This is a product of what you are allowing. They are torturing the young people who went out to protest against Maduro's theft in the elections.

Are you a defender of peace and human rights?

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1819327521130790912/vid/avc1/320x576/L5TqysiGy0XvvNTs.mp4

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1819388497863889189



The silence is deafening from @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris on Israel's massive escalation toward a wider war that could quickly mushroom into WWIII.

We demand the US immediately cut off aid to Israel, mandate a ceasefire, and arrest war criminal @netanyahu before he gets us all killed.


Two assasinations in 12 hours. Killing the political head of Hamas presumably kills the ceasefire process. Killing him in Iran is provocation. Killing the Hezbollah commander in Beirut is provocation.

The U.S. & Israel are plunging the region into a devastating war. At a loss for words to fully describe the horrors that are coming.

Update per @SanaSaeed:

Edit—Hezbollah has not confirmed the death of Fuad Shukr.

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1818703942907244694


Edit: added direct link to video


Our military-industrial complex thrives on the profits of war. Defense contractors influence our foreign policy through relentless lobbying and generous campaign contributions, pushing us from one conflict into the next.

This cycle of profit-driven warfare must end.

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1819055638606970880/pu/vid/avc1/1080x1920/Ha5f45w3u4frVHqG.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1819055730252783733


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18127993

Edit: removed LIVE information in title, added video length and Timestamp information 01:32 start time, "&t=92"

Journalism and Analysis from an Anti-imperialist Perspective

Economist Michael Hudson (follow at https://michael-hudson.com/) and Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein (https://www.jillstein2024.com/) join the program for a special livestream on the US elections and geopolitics! This stream will dive into the breaking news of Israel expanding its war footing into Lebanon, and answer deepest questions of war and peace in the world today. We provide analysis as well as what needs to be done to stop the bankers' wars from taking us to an unthinkable scenario for humanity.


#Israel #hezbollah #nato


Edit: fixed explicit notice


We are funding a torturous regime and it’s quite in line with our own history so really no surprise

But our AIPAC funded government is going to double down, provoke conflict with Iran, and saber rattle to Venezuela

Iran? Venezuela? Couldn’t be about oil could it?

We keep seeing this story, but so many people who saw the emperor had no clothes 20 years ago 🇮🇶 refuse to believe it now

Nothing has fundamentally changed


“I’ve been shocked by electricity through my anus”

“I’ve been shocked by electricity on my testicles”

Horrific testimony by a Palestinian detainee about how he was treated in Sde Teiman concentration camp.

This is what israelis were protesting for, to be able to do this.

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1819224518163873792/vid/avc1/1080x1920/zuVk_-wb7WJm8sAj.mp4

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1819227682229702938

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