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I want to help in any way I can, but I don't have any skills aside from video games


I know it has something to do with imports and exports


I had posted this question today here:

Also on NATOpedia, there’s some criticism regarding misappropriation of the medicine wheel symbol by the non-Indigenous people. I wonder if anyone here is more well read on the topic to explain about the misappropriation and what a potential Indigenous flag of Turtle Island would like and how it would be better representative of the Native Americans, if it is even possible without distorting their traditions by combining them.

Perhaps when revolution comes and ~~we give~~ the Indigenous people and Blacks have self-determination, maybe they would prefer to be represented as several separate nations/states.

(Edited poor phrasing regarding self-determination)

I am wondering if anyone here, especially if they are Indigenous in America, has more information regarding how the Medicine Wheel has been misappropriated by non-Indigenous and if there is a correct version to use or if using a symbol to represent all Indigenous people of North America is an act of erasure and oversimplification of multiple Indigenous cultures. Do the native peoples want to strive for Pan-Indianism? And if so, what does Pan-Indianism mean to the native peoples and what do they want (and/or not want) from being unified?

I hope I made my questions clear. Please let me know if I should clarify anything.


I read the entire book Joe wrote but I'm not sure I'm fully understanding it


Hey sorry if this is wrong forum, but I live in the USA and want to leave because it's too violent, what country should I move to?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm sure this was discussed before but I still want to ask.

If you remember a while back there was a tweet from blinken about ussr and babyn yar. If you don't remember, he asserts that "Ussr buried the atrocity and says ukraine is suffering now".

Anyway afterwards there was a deluge of discussion all around about how disgusting the tweet was but also some people were loud about how he is actually right. And also refer to some wikipedia citation.

So I will list the points I saw at the time:

  • Soviets downplayed holocaust and never mentioned jews being singled out in babyn yar.
  • That broadly only mentioning as soviet citizens dying in atrocities done by fascists and refusal to acknowledge roma people.
  • That originally the extraordinary commision mainly downplayed babyn yar.

This brings me to the actual stuff I want to talk. Mainly there is a narrative at least that only liberalization made it possible for the victims of holocaust heard in post ussr. And that the soviets were very antisemitic and downplayed romani or other oppressed people by branding them as counter revolutionary.

What are your thoughts on this? On the narrative that liberalisation made the victims of holocaust heard and before that Ussr was only trivializing holocaust by mentioning them as soviet citizens.


First of all, I'm sorry if my question could be easily answered by finding the right source. Overall I'd say I read very little theory written by contemporary comrades, and that's something I need to fix once I have the time.


How have they maintained their ideological purity so well, even after reform and opening up? How come the CPSU let figures like Khruschev slip in through the cracks?


Was reading some biographies of American/British communists during the Cold War, a couple of them were in fraternities in college. I find it somewhat amusing that Greek life is supposed to be evil. But that didn't seem to stop them from being Tankie. I saw some fraternities flying the Palestinian flag outside their houses when I visited Columbia University New York, strange and funny. Lemmygrad, as ML, are you guys involved in Greek life or similar student organizations? Why/why not?


Dear comrades,

As we all know there are two soviet eras pre and post death of Stalin. We all know Khrushchev basically did a coupe detat, by killing all Stalinists and also by starting the anti Stalin propaganda. We know he was the cause of the Soviet Sino split.

But what exactly caused the split? What policies did he push that were reformist or capitalist in nature ? How exactly did he fuck up? I know the results, but I lack in knowledge of the causes.


Do you think that you can help bring about the revolution or do you just want a minor less risky role? What kind of role can you participate on and die with a smile in your death bed when you think about how you lived your life?



Today's wage-labourer is tomorrow's independent peasant or artisan, working for himself. He vanishes from the labour market - but not into the workhouse.


A study of roughly 10,000 settlers who left Bristol from 1654-85 shows that less than 15% were proletarian

many English farmers and artisans couldn't face the prospect of being forced down into the position of wage-labor.

Is it the difference of time periods? I just noticed now that the time period Sakai is talking would be a pretty early period of colonization, wouldn't it? So it may be that by Marx's time of writing (late 1860s-early 70s?) it was proletarians headed to America and had been in recent historical memory?


Hey there. I was listening to a podcast and someone said this, how do we know this for sure, are there any primary sources indicating such, please send them here thank you


Russian speaking lemmygrad users - could you recommend a communist anti-imperialist community on runet?


The same with Mao, in terms of balancing good and bad policies, of their OWN time.


Dunking on the US like it's the 20th century in this removed, is this the work of The Spectre of Big Gommunism????

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I support the CPC.

Heard this accusation recently:

China takes part in imperialist plunder by outsourcing all labour intensive tasks to poorer countries to exploit cheap labour, and only the final assembly is done in China anymore.

What is our party line on that?

Edit: thank you all for the answers! I'm far from being an economist and don't feel confident enough to immediately demand sources something might well be a common knowledge.

I was now given this source:

In particular:

more than half of China’s export value in 2005 corresponds to that of imported inputs that are merely assembled in China.

only thirty four percent of the value of China’s processing exports in 2005 was domestic content, while the other two thirds corresponded to the value of the imported inputs.

in the high-tech category, it consistently amounts to approximately 90 percent of total high-tech exports


The more I look into this stuff, the more confused I get.


Who would run the US empire until the new President is elected and sworn in?


I'm like Jon Snow regarding this issue:

"ayy dun wan it"

h a l p


cross-posted from:

For instance, did it go OK to wear sunglasses indoors; or did the eye contact avoidance disappear when using the sign language, only to reappear when using a spoken language; things like that.

Crossposting because I didn't get any responses the first time.


cross-posted from:

Can anyone give me the lowdown on these folks? I like that they're a Marxist-Leninist org, in theory.

What's their vibe, what's the leadership like, local chapters etc.


Some explanations regarding myself:

I am happily married. My first relationship I had with 15 till I got 18. We got in contact through a role playing group online and just liked each other. 2011 I bought my first smartphone and after I got 18 few months later, I met my actual wife through a mutual friend. So I I never thought "I need to find someone so badly omg omg" or whatever, it just happened.

Tbh I somehow think and thought that this is the normal way. My parents, grandparents met the the same way. My cousin got his fiance also the same way and and and. Same goes for known Bolsheviks, their children liked each other and got together.

Few years ago I realised Reddit exist and looked for programming and bird groups. But I also found people talking about meeting people and dating.

First thing: Dating apps and this swiping stuff. It is pretty sus and I can't imagine this works. It is like looking for a new car. Humans are not cars. I saw screenshots, where people mention their political views, what they like or not like. This has to be some joke, I don't know. Not everyone is good in describing themself.

Second: People talked about is: height. I saw some screenshots from people complaining about this. I thought to myself, that this is probably some weird US shit again, buuuut now I hear about this here too.

This isn't real isn't? Or at least not that common? Something about, that you have to be at least 6 freedom units tall, or 7,8,9 idk. However 5 with something is to small and than you have stupid ass people called incels, which wants to kill women or perform plastic surgery on themself.

I mean, being small is annoying because there are spots I can't reach easily. Wife is smaller than me, she has to ask me. A female friend we have is over 180cm tall and she is lucky to be easy reach anything. On the other hand: Do you know how upper arm circumference over 40cm looks on someone who is 174cm tall? Absolute great. When you are 190cm tall, its more meh. But srsly, this all are minor things. It has the same relevance like if you like apples or pears more.

For myself it looks like I am experiencing a new kind of thinking or culture whatever. This is a western thing probably idk.

Bebel wrote a great book called Woman and Socialism. It shows great the genesis and development of marriage, partnership and what capitalism did to it. So many things absolutely still are valid and apply. The things I see here I of course a consequence of capitalism:

The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil [...]

But still wtf is this development at all. I never heard something about height, jawlines, whatever when my peers were dating or had a boyfriend, girlfriend. What happend?

Tap for spoilerSuch apps are a data privacy nightmare. 100% they are collecting data and selling it.


Can anyone translate this? I think it's Ottoman Turkish, I could be wrong

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