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founded 1 year ago

The weird creature that steals her poop has now stolen part of her door (she was struggling to fit through it after her last meal)

The audacity!


Doge approved from the grave.


The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah was issued with a legal order by the German government banning him from giving this speech via Zoom to the Palestine Conference in Exile, organized by supporters of Palestinian rights in Germany on 25-26 July 2024. The order threatened Abunimah with fines and up to one year in prison for participating in the conference. He did so anyway.

#TheElectronicIntifada #TheElectronicIntifadaPodcast


Steam store page

Demo on Itch.io

Note the youtube video implies this should release in early access soon.


In the context menu on a given post, would it be possible to add an option to block that community (or user) directly?

As it stands now, I'd have to go to that community and then block it from there, unless I'm missing something.


There are already well-known platforms like marxists.org that have a comprehensive collection of the works of various Marxists, but they have yet to include prominent figures like Xi Jinping. As this is a community on China, this post will focus primarily on the works of Chinese Communists from official Chinese websites. Note that available Chinese resources are more comprehensive than English resources.

English resources

  • Qiushi Journal (http://en.qstheory.cn) - English Edition of 求是杂志, a CPC Central Committee Bimonthly. Please note that this website does not support HTTPS!
  • National People's Congress (http://en.npc.gov.cn.cdurl.cn/) - English version of 中国人大网. Please note that this website does not support HTTPS!
  • Theory China (https://en.theorychina.org.cn) - English version of 理论中国网, website by the History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央党史和文献研究院)
    • The section titled "Leaders' Works" includes: selected works of Mao Zedong 毛泽东, Zhou Enlai 周恩来, Liu Shaoqi 刘少奇, Zhu De 朱德, Deng Xiaoping 邓小平, Chen Yun 陈云, Jiang Zemin 江泽民. Only includes a few of the works by Hu Jintao 胡锦涛 and Xi Jinping 习近平.
    • The books are read through a browser ebook reader interface. Text can be selected and copied by first clicking on the "T" icon at the bottom-right corner for "Select Text" (on mobile, you have to tap on the circle with three dots first), then selecting the passage desired and clicking on the "Copy" button that appears near the cursor.

Chinese resources

  • 学习强国 (https://www.xuexi.cn) - website by 中共中央宣传部 (Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee), in the section titled "学习理论":
    • 学习全书: Includes most if not all the works of 马恩 (Marx and Engels), 列宁 Lenin, 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin, 胡锦涛 Hu Jintao, 习近平 Xi Jinping.
    • 新时代 新经典: Comprehensive list of works by 习近平 Xi Jinping, including works published pre-2012 before he became 总书记 (General Secretary).
  • 中央党史和文献研究院网 (https://www.dswxyjy.org.cn/) - website of History and Literature Research Institute of the CPC Central Committee
    • The section titled "成果总库" includes the works of more Chinese Communists than those in 学习全书 above, but some books still require Adobe Flash Player to be viewed.
  • 宣讲家网 (http://www.71.cn/) - website by 中共北京市委宣传部 (Publicity Department of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee)
    • The section titled "经典文献" includes the works of 马恩 (Marx and Engels), 列宁 Lenin, 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 周恩来 Zhou Enlai, 刘少奇 Liu Shaoqi, 朱德 Zhu De, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 陈云 Chen Yun, 任弼时 Ren Bishi, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin

Chinese Audiobooks

  • 共产党员网 (https://www.12371.cn/) - website by 中央组织部 (Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee)
    • The sections titled "思想理论" and "理论学习有声书" contains audiobooks for the works of 毛泽东 Mao Zedong, 邓小平 Deng Xiaoping, 江泽民 Jiang Zemin, 胡锦涛 Hu Jintao, 习近平 Xi Jinping
submitted 20 minutes ago* (last edited 17 minutes ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to check if my Lenovo T480 is afftected by the recent PKFail, but have no idea how to extract the bios firmware for validation. Can someone detail the steps? Thanks.



Rafah | Rafah’s water reservoir blown up

Israeli soldier from the combat engineering corps sharing footage on his personal account blowing Rafah’s water reservoir in Tel Sultan neighborhood “in honor of Shabbat” as he describes it.

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1816965070460452864/vid/avc1/720x1122/m-5KqCo90A58tX2d.mp4

Source: https://x.com/ytirawi/status/1816965332952555683


Is This NEW ZOO GAME ANY GOOD? (Zoo Simulator) [1 hour let's play] by Kanzalone


Like this is hitting me real hard. I can feel the sadness and the fight. They're good boys and and don't deserve what's coming down. They have some good religion. I'd like to be like these men. We fight for the ones we love.


Strands #146
“Bedtime story”


New Analysis Reveals Growing Crisis for the National Vulnerability DatabaseA growing backlog at the National Institute of Standards and Technology National Vulnerability Database could surge to above 30,000 unanalyzed security flaws by the end of the year if the agency fails to significantly ramp up its processing rates, according to a new analysis released Friday.



The deep ocean, a vast thermal reservoir, absorbs excess heat under greenhouse warming, which ultimately regulates the Earth’s surface climate. Even if CO2 emissions are successfully reduced, the stored heat will gradually be released, resulting in a particular pattern of ocean warming. Here, we show that deep ocean warming will lead to El Niño-like ocean warming and resultant increased precipitation in the tropical eastern Pacific with southward shift of the intertropical convergence zone. Consequently, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation shifts eastward, intensifying Eastern Pacific El Niño events. In particular, the deep ocean warming could increase convective extreme El Niño events by 40 to 80% relative to the current climate. Our findings suggest that anthropogenic greenhouse warming will have a prolonged impact on El Niño variability through delayed deep ocean warming, even if CO2 stabilization is achieved.

this is canon (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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