
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

If you put it that way

[–] [email protected] 48 points 5 hours ago (8 children)

The value proposition is just heavily skewed towards video games. Some games cost less than a single visit to the cinema and provide heaps more entertainment. Sure, it's different entertainment and the social aspect of going to the cinema is a factor too, but I'm not much into cinemas myself, so I know where my money goes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Ok, I've got a decklist now: https://swudb.com/deck/sLQpmaaoHLryy

I tried making a couple of changes to the base deck I received initially. The idea is that I have a couple good units that bridge the transition from early to mid-game via Reputable Hunter and Hunter of the Haxion Brood (former is effectively a 2-drop with Jabba's ability). Then move on to 4-drops that can contest the board well, leading to my heavy-hitting "7"-drops (Rancor is effectively a 7-drop with Jabba), with Dryden being part of the whole capture shtick. I wanted to play 3 copies of Dryden but decided to cut one copy because my deck is very top-heavy and Dryden by himself doesn't do all too much overall.

I want to add two more copies of Shoot First to trade favourably with early units, didn't like Ma Klounkee too much even though, on paper, it seems like pretty good removal being able to play an Ambush unit again. I cut Frozen in Carbonite in favour of Strike True because Strike True is actual removal instead of just a combat remover (that doesn't even get rid of Sentinel - was quite relevant a couple times for me). Relentless Pursuit and Take Captive mainly synergise with Dryden and Relentless Pursuit specifically allows for better trades with my bounty hunters. Overwhelming Barrage is by far my best removal spell. Never had a situation where I was not happy to have a copy in hand. I used to run the 2 Asteroid Sanctuary and 2 No Good to Me Dead and did like both but decided to get rid of them because a simple exhaust doesn't cut it, I think.

Cards I am still unsure about:

  • 4-Lom + Zuckuss: 4-Lom is usually pretty ok with his Ambush. Zuckuss, even though very stat-efficient, didn't provide too much value, I feel like. Obviously, the combination of the two can be amazing and their costs allow for a smooth curve, but I cut a copy of both. Thinking about adding a copy or two of Bossk instead because of his triggered ability that seems pretty strong for just a single energy more.

  • Space units: Currently only running five of them and found that once an opponent plays more space-focused decks, I struggle quite a bit. I do have a number of removal cards, but I don't have much to contest space. The couple space units I do run are pretty good, I think, as TIE can buff pretty much anything in my deck and the Defender's shield is also pretty good. Should I run more and different ones too?

  • Bazine Netal: It's good disruption but very bad in terms of stats. One copy might be cool but then that would dillute my pool of good units to play on curve. Maybe a side-board card?

  • Waylay: Seems like a pretty decent tempo card that could cost my opponent another action at least and another turn at best. But it costs 3 and is not strictly a removal spell like Strike True.

  • Strike True: It's pretty strong with my 7-drops in that I can also get rid of leaders (pretty much the only removal that does that in my deck), but it relies on a unit on board. Not sure.

  • Toro Calican: Used to be in the deck but didn't like him too much. Usually didn't feel too impactful compared to my other 3-drops. Maybe I'm wrong though.

These are my thoughts for now. I'm very curious to hear what you think. :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago

It's actually a separate company - a joint venture I think - not related to DRK. It's octopharma + TMD (Gesellschaft für transfusionsmedizinische Dienste mbH), apparently, so probably a private company. The other place I can donate at in my city is the local Uniklinikum (it's like a hospital that's closely linked our university where med students can work). Both provide a monetary compensation for the donation.

Yea, the US is kinda fucked, ngl

[–] [email protected] 7 points 14 hours ago

That's the worst thing. At this point, they shouldn't even be allowed to even ask that

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Holy shit, 120$ per week? Now I definitely feel like I'm being ripped off 🐧 I thought we were having it good with 25€ per donation plus the odd additional promotions.

It used to be like that for me too - extra money to spend on leisure time. Mostly video games, in my case. Nowadays, I can't go that regularly, sadly, because my new apprenticeship is full-time and doesn't leave too much time to go donate plasma. But 120 sounds amazing

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago

I've been there myself too. I didn't necessarily have to donate plasma twice a week for a couple months since I could have asked my parents for money, but I'm very reluctant when it comes to asking for money and want to do things independently, on my own as far as possible. So yea, while between jobs, I was reliant on this steady source of income to be able to afford rent. It sucks but that's reality. And yea, I quite agree that this is an underlying systematic failure of the government and not necessarily a fault of the blood bank

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I've made a post. Check my post history :)


I've had a little of a debate with a commenter recently where they've argued that "donating" (selling, in their words, because you can get money for it) your blood plasma is a scam because it's for-profit and you're being exploited.

Now, I only have my German lense to look at this, but I've been under the impression that donating blood, plasma, thrombocytes, bone marrow, whatever, is a good thing because you can help an individual in need. I get that, in the case of blood plasma, the companies paying people for their donations must make some kind of profit off that, else they wouldn't be able to afford paying around 25€ per donation. But I'm not sure if I'd call that a scam. People are all-around, usually, too selfish and self-centered to do things out of the goodness of their hearts, so offering some form of compensation seems like a good idea to me.

In the past, I've had my local hospital call me asking for a blood donation, for example, because of an upcoming surgery of a hospitalised kid that shares my blood group. I got money for that too.

What are your guys' thoughts on the matter? Should it be on donation-basis only and cut out all incentives - monetary or otherwise? Is it fine to get some form of compensation for the donation?

Very curious to see what you think

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

The thing is, the monetary incentive is necessary because there are not enough people donating - plasma, blood, whatever. So if that's what's needed to get people to donate (or whatever else word you want to use), then that's fine in my books. Both sides get something.

I get the idea of wanting it to be on donation-basis only, but people don't donate for free as often as when they do *get money. Because society is inherently selfish and doesn't care for the needs of others.

Again, the service the companies provide is directly beneficial to society. Yes, big pharma is a thing and medicine should be free. But what's not how things work. So what's the problem?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Unnecessarily loaded comment. Plasma is used in creating drugs that help people. So you help people. How's it bad?

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry if this is a repost


Recently got into the game with a deck that a buddy if mine built for me: Jabba Yellow. The basic idea is that I play as many capture cards as I can to control the board with a mid-rangey mix of units, and then steal them using Dryden Vos and overrun my opponent with card quality. Additionally, I play 3 copies of Maul since it's just a really good card and 3 copies of Rancor.

Now, I've only tried the deck a handful of times and have been somewhat pleased with its performance. However, after I've added two more copies of Dryden Vos to complete the playset, I'm afraid that I might not have enough ramp (or none actually) that would support the high-energy-cost-leaning curve of my deck. I used to run 3 copies of Resupply but cut them all because I felt like they were dead draws whenever I did draw them. Ordered a playset of Technician as ramp but, again, I'm wary that it might be too little ramp.

Should I run both 3 Resupply as well as 3 Technician? It feels to me like Resupply is just a dead draw most of the time since I'm not developing my board state and don't have anything to contest it with.

Ty :)

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First off, sorry if this is the wrong to community to post to - I'll move it somewhere else should it not fit the community.

My best friend quite often is a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, I feel like. Discussing politics, veganism, the problems with using Amazon, what have you, with him is nigh impossible because he insists on his opinion and won't budge. I feel like he just feels superior to other people, or at least to me, in a way that he just won't change his mind, doesn't hear other sides, and argues for the sake of arguing.

Now, in a recent discussion, I asked him if he knew why images aren't displayed properly in my Firefox-fork browser (Mull). He gave an answer and asked why I would use a custom browser instead of Firefox itself to which I responded that it's more privacy-focused and that I didn't like Mozilla's implementation of AI in their browser.

Long story short, it devolved into a lengthy discussion about AI, how the fear of AI is based on ignorance and a lack of knowledge, that it's fine that AI is used for creative projects because in most cases it's an assisting tool that aids creativity, doesn't steal jobs etc. essentially that it's just a tool to be used like a hammer would be.

What pisses me off the most about all this is that he subtly implies that I don't know enough about the subject to have an opinion on it and that I don't have any sources to prove my points so they're essentially void.

How do I deal with this? Whatever facts I name he just shrugs off with "counter"-arguments. I've sent him articles that he doesn't accept as sources. This has been going on for a couple hours now and I don't know what to tell him. Do you guys have sources I could shove in his face? Any other facts I should throw his way?

Thank you in advance

Edit: A thing to add: I wasn't trying to convince him that AI itself is bad - there are useful usages of AI that I won't ignore. What I was concerned about is the way AI is used in any and all products nowadays that don't need AI to function at all, like some AI-powered light bulbs or whatever; that creative jobs and arts are actively harmed by people scraping data and art from artists to create derivative "art"; that it's used to influence politics (Trump, Gaza). These things. The way AI is used in its unmonitored way is just dangerous, I feel like


I've created the community very recently, so there isn't a lot of content on there yet. I'd love for you guys to join in and add some life to it, though!

Discussions of the game, memes, news, and anything else pertaining to the game is a fit there.


Lies of P

[email protected]



Recently finally gotten around to playing Lies of P, and I've been enjoying my time a lot - I'd probably put it right between Sekiro and Bloodborne for my favourite Soulslikes. The boss fights have been pretty cool throughout the playthrough. However, the last few bosses, especially Laxasia and Simon, have been kicking my teeth in, so I used a summon to kill both easily.

Now, when people complain about players not playing "the right way" - aka bashing your head in for 10 days straight, using melee only, no summons, magic, cheese, whatever - I'm the first to say that it doesn't matter how people play the game as long as they enjoy it and that they don't have to prove they're "more" of a gamer than someone who did adhere to these self-imposed rules.

After finishing these two fights (I'm at the Nameless Puppet now🫠), however, I kind of feel like I've robbed myself of a "worthy" victory because it was soo much easier with the summons than without them. Like, 30+ tries without and basically first try with a summon. It kind of took away the whole challenge and doesn't feel like I've actually beaten them.

Ultimately, thinking that I've spent so much time learning their patterns and trying to kill them "the proper way", it doesn't feel as bad since I had grown frustrated quite a bit by the end, so I just wanted an easy out. Still nagging on my mind.

What are y'all thoughts on this subject? Is it warranted that I feel like I robbed myself of a proper victory? Should I just get over it? Anything similar happen to you?


Edit: Just remembered that I used summons quite a lot more often than initially thought. I used a summon for both Rabbit Gang fights as well as the Puppet King and the Green Swamp Monster too.

The Rabbit Gang fight felt quite cool like that, especially the first one, since it felt like a real brawl of two equal parties. I consistently got to phase 2 of both Puppet King and Swamp Monster easily but always ended up dying quickly, so the summons took the edge off quite a bit.

Edit 2: Beat Nameless Puppet, probably got a bad ending with Gepetto dying and calling me a useless puppet. But idgaf - I beat that fucker 😎


I've enjoyed listening to drum n bass and related music genres my whole life and have recently started obsessing over it a lot. The Amen Break is just so versatile and used across so many different genres

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Never would have thought it'd make such a huge difference. The "smoking" experience is different and actually a lot more pleasant. The high was also a little different: it still hit hard, but it took a little to get there. There was an initial learning curve of using this thing (Dynavap B), but after that hurdle, it was smooth sailing from there.

Thank you guys for the recommendation!


A couple of months ago, I wiped Windows off my old laptop and installed Kubuntu instead. Now, I was thinking of dual booting Windows additionally for a certain game (definitely not League of Legends, for sure not) and will need to buy a new key. Am I fine getting a copy of Windows 10 despite Microsoft's discontinuation, or should I get a Windows 11 key? I have a different laptop I use as a daily driver (11, Surface Go 3), so this would exclusively be for the game that shan't be named.

Sorry if this post isn't fit for this community - I'll delete it if it isn't.

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